Over the weekend, Glenn spoke at a GOP fundraiser in Texas where he heavily criticized the national Republican party for turing away from the uniting principles of freedom and limited government. During the speech, he used several historical items to help illustrate his point, including items from heroes like Marcus Luttrell, Sam Brown, and the fallen Chris Kyle. He brought those items back to Dallas Monday night, where he used them to discuss heroism and freedom for the TV audience.
The below is based off a transcript of Glenn's monologue from Monday's show
Now, the news always seems to zero in on the bickering and the fighting, and there is a time to focus in on that and turn the tables over, but it shouldn’t be all the time. I don’t know about you, but last night I’m watching the Super Bowl, and I actually felt good. When’s the last time you watched a mass event, and you felt good afterwards? Been a very long time because usually there’s some political thing or there’s some, you know, sexual thing, or whatever.
This time I really felt like it was great because it was uniting, and that’s what we should be looking for. What unites us? This last weekend, I went, and I spoke to the GOP here in Texas. And I think everybody in the room liked it, except for really the, you know, traditional GOP people. They didn’t like it all that much, the establishment. But it was a good group of people, and they know the GOP is in trouble because the GOP is just not offering any real fixes to the problems.
They are like every party. This is their job, get people elected, and they’re about self-preservation and scoring points. And Karl Rove, his fundraising is now down 98% as Crossroads. Think of that, you want to talk about an unmitigated disaster, down 98% in fundraising. So what has he done? He’s started a new thing, what is it, Kentuckians for Real Solutions or something like that?
And so he’s taken his name off of it, and he’s raising funds hoping that people don’t know it’s Karl Rove behind it. And he is taking on Matt Bevin and instead trying to get Mitch McConnell reelected. I mean, if you don’t need more on Mitch McConnell on why he shouldn’t be elected, because Karl Rove is behind it. Maybe that should be it.
There’s lots of things that unite us, but none of them happen with the political people. They happen with real people. And the things that unite us are true. They’re not just things that make us feel good, but they are things that are good. And you see it from heroes, and I want to show you a couple of things.
Last week we had Sam Brown on. He is running for Congress in Texas. This is his pack. And you can see how it is burned, and I can’t imagine being on fire. And he said within 30 seconds he was crying out for his God and his mother. What makes a man recover from this without bitterness? What makes a man say I still want to serve my country after this?
This is the pack from Marcus Luttrell. I want to show you this. This is the pack from Marcus Luttrell and what he was wearing. You know, we’ve seen the movie, but this is the real uniform that actually was with him. I want to show you these pants. As you can see, his pants are all cut up and not in good shape.
What most people don’t realize is that when Marcus was, you know, falling down the hill, the movie doesn’t show this because Marcus is too, I think, too modest, but he was lying on the Republic of Texas. He was lying down in those pants with this and this helmet, and he crawled for eight miles. He took his knife, and he drew a line up at his head. And he was pretty much paralyzed from the shoulders down.
So he took his knife, and he drew a line in the sand, and then he crawled across that line. And he thought when my feet cross that line, I’ll draw another line because I’m getting out of here. He did that for eight solid miles. What makes a man do that?
And then there’s this. This weekend is a very special anniversary. Joe Namath had one of these on yesterday. This is something that Taya Kyle gave me to remember her husband, Chris Kyle, who died a year ago, the greatest American sniper, the one the president still hasn’t even recognized. But this was his helmet. This was his tripod for his gun, and these were his magazines, still with the rounds in it. What makes a man do that?
That, that. Now, these two men had this instead of the American flag. Why? Well, if I may show you one more piece of history. This is an amazing letter. This is from Davy Crockett. When I have shown this before in Texas, it gets audible gasps. People are like oh my gosh. I mean, it practically has to travel around in a Brinks truck. But it’s not the actual letter.
This is so amazing because Davy Crockett was an American that I think felt an awful lot like the way people today feel, and it explains what’s at the base of Chris Kyle’s helmet. I don’t know if you can see it, but it is the Texas flag. It explains why Marcus Luttrell had that, and it’s not hubris by any stretch of the imagination. It really comes from that letter from Davy Crockett.
In that letter, Davy Crockett wrote, I’ve almost given up the ship as lost. Do you feel like that? Because I do. I’ve almost given up. Several times I’ve almost just went you know what, it’s just lost. He says I’ve gone so far to declare that if the President, Martin Van Buren, is elected, I am going to leave the United States because I’ll never live under his kingdom. See, some things never really change.
He said I will not submit to his government. I will instead go to the wilds of Texas. I will consider that government a paradise to what this is. In fact, at this time, our republican government has almost dwindled into insignificancy. Our boasted land of liberty has almost bowed to the yoke of bondage. Our happy days of Republican principles…and what are Republican principles? I don’t mean the party. What are Republican principles?
This was before the Republican Party. Small government, Libertarianism, being free to be yourself, just doing the right thing. He’s talking about a president who has just expanded the government like crazy. He said our happy days of Republican principles are near an end when a few will transfer the many. This is the Van Buren principle. There are more slaves in New York and Pennsylvania than there are in Virginia and South Carolina, and they’re the meanest kind of slaves because these slaves volunteer to be slaves.
Is that not what we’re living now? So what are the principles? What are the uniting principles? What are the things that bring us all together? I will tell you, old, old dusty words that nobody even knows what they mean anymore, we hold these truths to be self-evident, meaning I can wake you up from a dead sleep. I can ask you hey, I’m the President of the United States, should I be able to kill you without trial? No. Okay, good, go back to sleep. Right?
We hold these truths to be self-evident. You can go and ask anybody anytime, uneducated or educated, they know it’s wrong to hold somebody against their will and make them a slave. They know. We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal. Okay, that means that you’re not born a king. You have to earn your way to king or whatever it is. You have to earn your way, earn your keep.
You’re not just born into it. Just because you’re a Kennedy doesn’t make you any different than me. Do we still believe that? And by the way, created, all men are created equal. Well, created means, kind of lends credence to the next line, and endowed by their Creator. Creator, even Richard Dawkins, the atheist, he says it wasn’t God. It’s certainly not God. It’s probably some alien life form. I’m not kidding you, this is really what he really says, some alien life form that created man and then seeded him here. That’s what he thinks we’ll find out.
Okay, well whatever, so there is something we can agree on, we were both created. You say by a super intelligent alien life form. I say it’s by God. Either way, we were created, and we were created and given some inalienable rights, meaning nobody can change them. Except for God or the alien, nobody can change these rights because we’re all born exactly the same. We all have an equal shot.
And among these life…you can’t kill me because you’re not my creator; liberty, you can’t arrest me. You can arrest me if I’ve done something wrong, but you better tell me what the charge is, and I have a right to a speedy trial with all my other fellow beings. And I get to be able to see the evidence, and if you take my child away from me, you can’t put a gag order on me. I should be able to say hey, this is wrong.
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, that’s why Davy Crockett said he was going to come down to Texas. That’s why I came down to Texas. Can you still be your own man or do you have to do it somebody else’s way? You know, we’re building radio studios down here in Texas or looking to build radio studios here, and we’re also probably going to move our facilities in New York City, still in New York City unfortunately but move them, and we were talking about the expense of it today.
Here in Texas, I don’t need any special kind of light switches or anything else, but in New York, I have to, if I move into a space, I have to upgrade the entire facility, and I have to have motion light switches in every office. Well, when I asked what is this all going to cost me at the end of the day, all of these regulations, you’re almost putting me out of business. Are you free to be able to do business? Are you free to pursue your happiness?
Yes, the Internet makes it easy. I can connect with anyone in the world until they start to regulate that. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and in support of this, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor. See, honor does play a role. Honor, it means that we have to be true with one another. We have to speak honestly and openly and treat one another with respect. That’s what honor means.
So to support this idea that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator, we have to have honor. There’s your fix. There’s your uniting principle. Forget about the Coke ad and are you a racist or not a racist, that’s it. And then coming to a place to where you say I don’t want anybody to feel sorry for me.
My wife last night, oh my gosh, she was talking to me during the Super Bowl. It got into the last quarter, and she was rooting for the Broncos in the last quarter because she felt bad for them. I mean, can’t the Seahawks just – I swear to you – can’t the Seahawks just let them score? I mean, just let them score one. I feel bad. They should have at least one touchdown.
I was like do you want me to call the president and see if we could just redistribute some of these points? What are you talking about? Earn it. Earn it. That’s what it’s all about, earn it. Do I feel bad for the Broncos? Not really. They were in the Super Bowl. How many teams didn’t make it to the Super Bowl? Do I wish they would’ve? Maybe, I mean, I think it was kind of cool, just the butt kicking, but maybe that’s because I’m from Seattle originally.
Find the things that unite us, and tonight we’re going to do just that.