Did you know Americans spend 23 hours a week on social networks? That's almost a full day absorbing all the stupidity that's posted on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Pinstagram, Facetrest. There's only one conclusion as to why we tolerate this behavior. Americans must be masochists. And those who want their pain alleviated-write to me. When you see something stupid on social networks-send it to Stu and he'll get Anti-Social.
Today, we look at the gun debate. And if there's anything Americans can agree on, it's that we don't want to get our advice on guns from A) an English talent show host or b) a pop star who puts whipped cream on her boobs.
Let's start off with Katy's tweet. She was reacting to a recent shooting at a mall.
Of course, gun control advocate Piers Morgan had an answer for Katy
Did it work? No? Weird.
Afterwards Piers invited Katy Perry on his show and it doesn't seem like Katy actually responded. That's like high school when you're talking to a pretty girl about something you miraculously have in common and then you say ‘Hey, let's hang out and talk about it some more’ and she says ‘Noooo.’ That's been Piers' entire life.
Look we all know that Piers is an anti-gun fanatic. And Katy Perry routinely finds out that thinking is hard, but her motivations are good. She doesn't like tragedy like I don't like tragedy. Hey, we have something in common, Katy, maybe we should go out.
The point is, people like Katy and Piers tell us all the time that we have to do "something" about guns before another shooting happens. The specific shooting they're talking about is the shooting in Maryland that happened a couple weeks ago that left 3 people dead, including the shooter. The shooter, a 19-year-old man, killed two mall employees and himself. Extremely sad and tragic - but what do we do?
Here are the facts. The shooter purchased the gun legally from a gun shop in Rockville, MS. You may notice I said "legally" and didn't say "gun show”. He legally purchased the gun even though Maryland passed sweeping new restrictions on gun ownership, including a ban on new purchases of assault weapons and a 10-round limit on magazines just last year. The shooter hadn't previously owned a gun before and had no criminal record. Friends and family regarded the shooter as a nice, quiet young man. He had no issue with mental illness.
One other thing, there are no elected officials in the entire United States who are proposing a ban to the gun that he used. In fact, lots of people are telling you to buy that gun - a shotgun. Why does Vice President Joe Biden heart shotguns so much? Maybe because shotguns provide safety to many families and are involved in less deaths per year than clubs and hammers, swimming pools, and falling out of bed deaths
But even if you want to ban every single gun on the planet you still have to deal with this: at the crime scene police found and disabled "two crude devices that appeared to be an attempt at making explosives using firework.” The bottom line is this guy had made his mind up to hurt as many people as he could. Ban the gun, he would have used the bomb. Yet if you follow the wrong person on Twitter you're going to believe we're in the midst of a mass shooting epidemic that can only be stopped by the iron fists of the government. And news sources back this stuff up.
There are 300 million guns in America. While 10 extra shootings isn't exactly a big percentage, it's still ten too many. There are other issues with this report, but even if it's true that more shootings are happening at schools, it's important to ask why.
If you look at this chart, you can clearly see that there is no upward trend in mass shootings for the past 35 years. In fact the high point for mass shootings in America was actually 1929.
So there's no increase in mass shootings, but news outlets tell us there is an increase in shootings at schools. Why is that? Could it be that those mass shooters have decided to pick their targets more carefully? Could it be because schools are gun free zones and that whackos think they can do considerably more damage at these places?
Let me propose something crazy for a second. If you want real "change" as Katy put it, maybe we stop telling the world we're unarmed at all times.
I'm not saying you have to arm teachers, I'm not even saying you have to have armed security. Let's take baby steps. Let's just make it mildly confusing for the murderers. How about not alerting predators in advance that there is no danger on the premises? Our goal here is to keep the kids safe, right? What do we do when we want to keep our homes safe? Maybe you buy a gun. And if you really love the second amendment you might even put this sign on your lawn.
You might get an alarm system for your home, or if you have a dog you might want to put a “Beware of dog” sign on your lawn. You're telling the world with these signs to that there's a reason not to come inside.
But why would anyone in their right mind put up one like this?
You might as well be saying "Come on in!"
It makes about as much sense as putting up a sign that say this:
Or this:
You'd never put any of these signs up, because doing so would be completely insane. It's like rolling out a red carpet for anyone trying to do you harm. That's exactly what a "gun free zone" is.
So let's start with a little tiny baby steps. Even if you want to keep your school as a gun free zone, stop telling people it's a gun free zone. Instead try something like this:
Or this?
Or maybe even this:
So to review:
1) Gun free zones for kids = danger free zones for criminals
2) “Doing something" is never a good idea unless you know what that something is.
3) Piers Morgan's IQ is smaller than Katy Perry's bra size.