Being born in the state where “everything is bigger” doesn’t automatically give someone an extra-big heart. But one Texas small business owner is proving her heart is as big as the Texas sky. The evidence, interestingly enough, is in her salsa.
Realizing one summer that her garden was producing more tomatoes than her family could eat, Brenda Craig’s first idea was to share them with her friends and neighbors. When the harvest produced more tomatoes than she could possibly give away, Brenda and her husband started roasting them on their backyard grill and canning them to create a unique, new type of salsa.
“People began requesting jars,” Brenda said.
With true entrepreneurial spirit, Brenda kept making the salsa, entering it in contests and selling it at events. The smoky roasted flavor was a huge hit with everyone who tasted it and demand quickly increased, leading Brenda to start her business, Texas Brew Salsa.
As her business grew, so did Brenda’s desire to help others in need. Brenda remembered:
A family known to my church was sick and her children had to temporarily live with someone else which bringing the total number of children in the home to around nine, I believe. Finances were stretched and there was great need. This gave my company the divine opportunity to help provide for their needs.
Brenda didn’t stop there. With the growth of her business, she continued donating a portion of her earnings to support and care for widows and orphans in her community.
“I certainly believe my company is here not only to provide for my family but to make life more enjoyable for others,” Brenda said. “Whether it be by providing quality condiments or by helping to provide the basic needs created by life’s challenges when they occur.”
When asked what inspires her most, Brenda answered, “My customers, who constantly send me comments, create recipes and most of all become my friends in so many encouraging ways.”
Not surprisingly, Brenda has successfully made a lot of friends, who love her as a person as much as they enjoy her salsa. What started as an overabundance of tomatoes in her garden has given her the opportunity to not only start a business, but to open up her heart and help people in need.
“I have more new relationships than I ever imagined which have opened and are still opening more doors of opportunity to be creative and to give back to my community,” Brenda said.
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