TheBlaze’s national security editor Buck Sexton filled in for Glenn on radio this morning, and he opened the program with a bold hypothesis: There are some very unsettling similarities between a ‘Putinacracy’ and ‘Obamaism.’
As the crisis in Ukraine has unfolded, the conservation surrounding the conflict has essentially boiled down to a stare down between President Obama and Russian President Putin. But when you actually look at the actions of the two leaders, there aren’t nearly as many differences as you might suspect.
“This is an instance of Obamaism versus… Putinacracy – ruled by Putin. Now, you will notice that when many people talk about this, they seem to think there's a huge gap… between the politics over there and what we're seeing here at home… Yes, there is no equivalency,” Buck explained. “But if you want to break this down into statism, if you want to look at autocracy… [there] are some very unsettling similarities between a Putinacracy and Obamaism.”
Buck offers a “deep dive” into the striking similarities in the clip below:
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