When it comes to small business, Ronald Reagan said it best when he referred to small business owners as “the forgotten heroes of America.”
These heroes have a permanent home in The Marketplace by TheBlaze.
Meet Robert and Brenda Snizek, two patriots who wanted to teach their children to appreciate the freedoms they enjoy. They decided to turn Constitutional lessons into a game that’s not just educational—it’s hilarious!
Through We The People Fight Tyranny Game, the Snizek family is creating a generation of youth unafraid to defend liberty.
Next, meet Jeanine Gantt, who learned work ethic from her entrepreneurial mother. With two sons of her own (her best helpers), Jeanine makes amazing soaps, scrubs, lotions and body washes that you just can’t find on the supermarket shelves.
Jeanine’s hard work is paying off—she’s passing priceless lessons onto her sons and building our nation.
Keep these heroes from being forgotten. Learn more about the small business shop owners at The Marketplace by TheBlaze today.