Glenn is not the only member of TheBlaze team who is looking to highlight up-and-coming talent in the conservative movement. Doc Thompson, host of The Morning Blaze with Doc Thompson on TheBlaze Radio Network, and his producer Skip LaCombe have been scouring the country looking for key races that could really have an impact this November.
Doc and Skip introduced Glenn to strong candidates like Matt Bevin in Kentucky and Greg Bannon in North Carolina. And as guest hosts of the Glenn Beck Radio Program this morning, Doc and Skip broke down their #Blazin8 – the eight candidates they believe can make the biggest impact.
“We decided leading up to the midterm elections we're going to use the term ‘Blazin8.’ And what I want is the eight good candidates that can get elected – not just by what the polls say – but based on them being good enough…the Ted Cruz and Mike Lee types,” Doc explained. “And if you could manage to pull off, by some miracle, all eight of them… the sum would be greater than the parts [and] they would be able to turn things around. I've got my eight.”
Doc laid out his top eight candidates and explained why they provide the best opportunity to change the status quo:
1. Greg Brannon, North Carolina
The first one I will give you is a guy who is going to get elected. Unless something happens, he is going to get elected. You heard him on the Glenn Beck Program. I was so happy that I met him along with Skip months ago. Glenn got him on. The guys love him: Greg Brannon, North Carolina. Dr. Greg Brannon is the guy, and he is likely going to get elected. He's a OB/GYN. He's rock solid. First of all, he's likely to win the primary… And he will defeat Sen. Kay Hagan (D-NC). What you get there is a Republican who takes out a Democrat and someone who is not just a Republican but a solid one, a Mike Lee Ted Cruz type.
2. Tom Cotton, Arkansas
Second, this is going to come to no shock to anybody. Tom Cotton out of [Arkansas]. He's on my Blazin8 list. He has a very good shot of taking out Sen. Mark Pryor (D-AR). Once you get there he’s a solid conservative who's going to vote the right way then you take out a Democrat who's been an extremist.
3. Sam Clovis, Iowa
The next one is the first person we interviewed when we were looking for non-establishment candidates. Sam Clovis from Iowa… Sam Clovis is going to be a rock star from Iowa. He's running for the seat being vacated by Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA). There's no reason for Tom Harkin to be representing Iowa for so long. Iowans don't believe what Tom Harkin believes in, but he continues to get elected because incumbents get elected. You put somebody like Sam Clovis in there, you really turn things around. You replace Tom Harkin, who has done the most despicable things… with his votes.
4. Shak Hill, Virginia
One more senator that is off the chart a little bit. I'm admitting his election is going to be more difficult. But it's really important for two reasons. And that is Shak Hill from Virginia. Shak Hill is running in the primary against Ed Gillespie. Remember that name? Worked for George W. Bush; is a lobbyist now. Is that really somebody you want to go to the Senate, to represent you in the commonwealth of Virginia? Somebody who worked for George W. Bush? Did you not get enough of that guy? He was an adviser and you want him to represent you? Check out Shak Hill.
Defeat him in the primary and consider Shak Hill because you know who they'll go against in the fall? In the general? Senator Mark Warner (D-VA). Mark Warner who has one of the richest members of Congress. That wouldn't dissuade me from voting for somebody. But when they're one of the richest members of Congress and telling you that you should give up more of your tax dollars in Congress to fund more food stamps for people who won't work, I find that little a bit more conflicting. You will see Mark Warner, that dirt bag, use this in his campaign because this is what the Democrats are going to use throughout the summer: Income inequality. Do you know who has an income inequality? Me and Mark Warner. The guy is worth $300 million and he's telling me about income inequality? Fine, make your money, Mark Warner. Get rich. Fine. But how about leaving me alone so I can as well.
5. Lee Bright, South Carolina
Going up against Senator Lindsay Graham (R-SC) in South Carolina, Lee Bright. Consider Lee Bright, please… It doesn't give you another Republican. It gives you a Republican upgrade. See, the first four were all people that will defeat Democrats. The next four are all people that would defeat progressive Republicans. Consider Lee Bright out of South Carolina to defeat Lindsay Graham.
6. Matt Bevin, Kentucky
Matt Bevin to take out Mitch McConnell. You've heard him on Glenn Beck’s show. You know about Matt Bevin. He also would be a substantial upgrade. Trust me, the Lindsay Grahams and the Mitch McConnells aren't any better than the Tom Harkins. They're not. They're not any better than the Mark Pryors. They're not any better than the Mark Warners. So Matt Bevin and Lee Bright. Kentucky and South Carolina for upgrades.
7. Chris McDaniel, Mississippi
Out of Mississippi, Chris McDaniel to defeat Senator Thad Cochran (R-MS). He's been there 400 years. Track his voting record over the years and you will see it's gotten progressively worse. Defeat Thad in Cochran in the primary. Put Chris McDaniel there. Both Chris McDaniel and Matt Bevin are in a similar situation. They will likely lose to the Democrat in the fall. Even though their states want conservative people. People are so sick of them. If you don't get Chris McDaniel or Matt Bevin in through the primary and have them win and go against the Democrat, you may be lost anyway.
8. Dave Brat, Virginia
Finally, the lone member of the House of Representatives that you must take out: Eric Cantor. He is in leadership, and as I told Glenn, if you think John Boehner is bad, when Eric Cantor gets in, you will pray for the days of John Boehner. You will beg to have John Boehner back. Eric Cantor has one of the worst records in Congress when you actually know about him… You must defeat Eric Cantor one way or another… Dave Brat is an economics professor at Old Dominion University.
My #Blazin8@DrGregBrannon-NC
— Doc Thompson (@DocThompsonShow) March 13, 2014
“The candidates I've laid out, if people know about them, will likely get elected,” Doc concluded. “So vet them if you like them. Tell people about them. And then we can turn this thing around. Use that hashtag: #Blazin8. And tell me yours.”