Last week, Glenn and his family headed south of the border for a week on the beach in Mexico. Staying at a friend’s home in the resort city of Puerto Vallarta, Glenn could not help but notice the abject poverty that existed in a major metropolis not all that far from the U.S. border. On radio this morning, Glenn explained that he returned to the United States fearful he had just witnessed our country’s future. The thing that has always made America different, the thing that has always made America great is our Constitution. But if we continue further down the road we are on, the U.S. will be no different than any other failed socialist country in the world.
I spent my vacation in Mexico, and I haven't been to Mexico in I don't know how long. I think it's been at least 10 years... But my wife planned a 50th birthday party for me, so we went down to a friend who had a vacation place down there… It was an eye-opening experience. Mexico has changed.
I was down to Puerto Vallarta. The situation there is nothing short of tragic. It's really truly amazing the abject poverty. It is mind-boggling. I talked to the guy who was driving us from the airport, and we had quite a conversation between the two of us. He made $12 a day… We looked at the buildings and, not kidding you, the machine gun turrets on top of some of the buildings, the shanties that were around and the people begging in the middle of the street. Going from car to car…
But I couldn't help but think: Southern California is just right up the coast. It's not very far at all. What happens at the border? What is the difference between our two countries? And it is certainly not the people. I asked the driver… what's going on here and not in the United States or vice versa. What's the difference between that border? He thought for a while. And I was shocked. He said: Resources. You know, [the U.S. has] oil and good land. It's our good land and it's our oil? Really… The growing season mostly tropical Mexico is nearly year-round. Are they really hampered by a lack of resources or is there something else at play here?
The answer, of course, is something I've been thinking about all week… It's not our oil resources. We have been greatly blessed with those things. But there are many nations who have great natural resources. So what is it? What is it that sets us apart? You know the answer. I know the answer. It's the Constitution of the United States. That's what it is. That's what spread this throughout the world: The Constitution.
Now, I was going to the WalMart about three days in, and I happened to talk to another driver. And I said, ‘What is it about your country versus our country?’ He said, ‘Our country, our government, keeps you down. Our government doesn't allow you to be able to be who you are.’ He said this to me as we were driving by a vegetable stand that the government owns. And forces all of the farmers to sell all of their vegetables at this particular government-owned vegetable stand. They don't allow you to be who you are… Everybody in Mexico experiences income inequality, yet they're a socialized country. And everybody seems to be doing equally bad except for those few, the tiniest fraction of elitists… Same can be said for the Soviet Union before it collapsed, China before their capitalism hybrid, North Korea, Cuba, and every other socialist equality preaching nation.
Socialists in America today always, always point to Finland and Sweden or Norway. Well, that's where socialism is working, right? Is it? Is it really? Do they have the freedom that we enjoy? Do they have the lifestyle that we enjoy? In Norway, for example, the average monthly income is just over $7,000. Well, that's fantastic. Until you look at their taxes. Their take home pay is just over $3,300. $7,000, their take home pay is $3,300. So the average Norwegian pays 53% in income tax. But wait, there's more. Norwegians also have the privilege of routinely paying between $9 and $10 a gallon for gas. Oh, and there's a 14% VAT tax on food. Cars are nearly unobtainably expensive, so at least that makes the gas tax a little best relevant. Housing is so ridiculously expensive and so is entertainment. But I mean, really, who cares? I mean they're spreading the wealth out, right? II mean somebody has to pay for all of the service that Norway offers. And it is those services paid for on the backs of every Norwegian that the U.N. Development Program loves so much, that they continually list Norway as the number one place in the world to live…
When I went over these stats with my kids yesterday as we were getting ready to leave Mexico. And I told them a little bit about Norway. And my son-in-law said, ‘Why would anybody work? What's the incentive?’ And I said, ‘Work is one thing. But why risk anything? Why risk? Why roll the dice? Why even think about inventing something, making a better toothbrush, doing anything?’ There is no substitute for the foundation laid by our Founders. Yet from inside our own borders, we hear a constraint refrain of income inequality and collectivism, which is just another word for socialism. Income equal. Equal outcomes for all. Just another way to promote communism and communism is just socialism on steroids.
All Americans should fight against socialism and communism with all their might. It is soul crushing. It is economy busting. It is freedom robbing. Socialistic, communistic ideology. Quite honestly, it is the greatest enemy to mankind. It is the greatest evil we face in the world today, and somebody has to start saying it because somehow or another in our own country it has been laundered. It has been white washed. It has been sugarcoated…
Today's American progressives, who are no more or less than communists with patience… That's the progressive movement: Communists with patience. They can't allow the American people to know their true designs of what they really have in mind for our nation. If the American people ever came to understanding of where progressives well want to take us, they would see them as an enemy to the Constitution of the United States, which they are…
But if they can keep you focused on what they can do for you with somebody else's tax dollars, they can keep you distracted from the truth that they're pursuing… Has there ever been in world history a socialist or communist nation that provided more freedom than was provided by our Founding Fathers… We have to ask ourselves, what did God intend for this country? Should we even ask that question? What is it that He intended? How is it that our neighbor across the border can be in such darkness? Is it really just our resources? How can we get it back to what He intended? Maybe the only way to do that is to actually read what he says about it. And then whether you like it or not, do those things and stand against those who are desperately trying to tear us down… We will become more like the rest of the world. You want to know what the rest of the world looks like? Take a gander at Mexico.