House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) tends to fly under the radar, but it is important to remember he is essentially the heir apparent of Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH). Rep. Cantor is up for reelection this year in Virginia’s 7th congressional district, and TheBlaze Radio’s Doc Thompson joined Glenn on radio this morning to share some information that should ensure “there’s no way [Cantor] wins reelection.” What does Rep. Cantor, insider trading, and George Soros have in common?
Last night, Doc teased on Twitter that he would be exposing the truth about Rep. Cantor Monday morning at 7am ET on The Morning Blaze with Doc Thompson:
w/23 years in elected office, you had a good run @EricCantor But its over. I'm exposing you at 7a(et!)#CantorExposed— Doc Thompson (@DocThompsonShow) March 30, 2014
This morning, Doc made good on that promise.
“First of all, I used to live in Eric Cantor's district so I'm familiar with him. And Eric is, trust me, familiar with me,” Doc explained. “And Eric has been a problem for a long time. But there's three main things going.”
He proceeded to explain the three pieces of the puzzle:
1. Going against the will of Virginians
“His district is stacked Republican. I mean they have protected him… Eric Cantor is, number one… playing shenanigans when it comes to the Republican Party and trying to slate these people for positions within the Republican Party in the different districts,” Doc explained. “They say, ‘Okay, who here is Republican? We're going to go ahead and put these people in these party chairs.’ And they do have this fail-safe that in case some crazy Democrats try to, you know, stack the deck… Last Monday night in Henrico County, which is part of Eric's district west of Richmond, the people said, ‘No, we're going to have any of this stuff.’ And they flooded the place and it kind of went the other way. Number one, he's playing those political games.”
2. Support of congressional insider trading
Most people may not be familiar with Rep. Cantor’s involvement in the controversial STOCK Act.
“Most people had no idea that congressmen, their staff, and their families could go ahead and trade on [nonpublic] information. You find out a company is going to do get a big deal with the Pentagon, hey, you go buy the stock. Most people had no idea that was going on,” Doc said. “So when it broke a couple of years… both Republicans and Democrats said, ‘Our people are ticked at this. We got to do something. This is going to be bad for us.’ The President signs it into law. But Eric manipulated [the STOCK Act] so the House version… left family members able to still do this. And then when asked about it, he was like, ‘Oh, you know, we were juggling around some of the different things and that one just kind of fell out.’”
3. A connection to George Soros reported John Boehner, Eric Cantor, Kevin McCarthy, and 25 other members of Congress were flying to Amelia Island to collaborate with The Republican Main Street Partnership’s offshoot “Main Street Advocacy” – a group dedicated to defeating conservatives in Congress.
“This is really odd. The Main Street PAC that was started by… Steve LaTourette,” Doc explained. “And their stated goal is to go after the TEA Party and take these people down.”
The goal of Mainstreet Partnership is to “bolster our incumbents who are under attack from the far right, and ensure that we hold on to seats represented by pragmatic Republicans that we would otherwise loose if there was an ultra-conservative in the general runoff.” According to RedState, the group has received money from left leaning unions, George Soros back organizations, and a major Democrat contributor.
“It looks like [John Boehner] has dropped out,” Doc said. “It remains to be seen if the others will attend.”
Doc’s primary goal is to bring this information to the forefront to ensure Virginia voters and the American people understand who Rep. Cantor really is.
“The biggest problem is people don't know this stuff,” Doc concluded. “If people want the full story [go to] You can hear the podcast where all the information is laid out.”
Listen to Monday's podcast of The Morning Blaze with Doc Thompson HERE.