Glenn talks a lot about how he doesn't always know what God's plan is, but that he often finds himself in prayer and moved to do certain things - even if he doesn't know why. For over five years, he has focused on delivering news and opinion that can't be found on any other network, while also uniting and energizing libertarians and conservatives through live events and inspirational programming on TV. But most loyal viewers have heard Glenn say that a few days after Restoring Honor in 2010, he told his wife Tania that he was "standing in the wrong place".
While Glenn has been ringing the bell and sharing the news that the mainstream media refuses to tell, he also knows it's time to expand into films, music, and other projects so that he can impact the culture and reach people who have never heard the message because they aren't tuned into the news of the day. That effort, the need to keep the people who are awake focused and energized while also expanding the choir, was the focus of Wednesday's monologue.
Below is a transcript of Wednesday's monologue:
This is the network that you are building, and you are building quite a building. You really are. What you are building is going to have vast ramifications, and it’s good. I will tell you, some days I am so sick of talking about this President and the people in his administration. They’re overwhelming the system, we got it.
He’s got so many lies out there, there’s not enough time in a 24-hour day to cover all of them, and honestly even if I could cover all of them, I don’t want to spend the rest of my life doing this. Do you? I mean, don’t you just want to – all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, among these rights life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I want to pursue the things that make me happy. How about you?
I just feel like we’re preaching to the choir, and we’ve been here for a while. And the choir is sick of it. I got it, I got it. We need some more choir. That’s what we need. We built this network, we built this network to cover the stories that no one else covers, to ask the questions that no one else asks, things like the president enrollment claims that he gave in his ridiculous speech yesterday, we had 7.1. No, he didn’t. No, he did not. Paying, the number is between 2 million and as low as 800,000. Where is the press?
Or how about this one, Mr. President, is it true you hired a socialist in the Consumer Protection Bureau? Really, a socialist? Despite the stark realities of socialism in Venezuela where they’re actually now on the streets, they’re facing food rationing, they’re being issued ID cards to track their grocery purchases. You can go and get your groceries, sure. You can’t go into a grocery store for another eight days. That’s socialism.
I get it. Do you get it? You think this guy is not a socialist? I know who he is. You know who he is. The problems persist, and somebody has to tell the truth. That’s why we call one of our main shows For the Record, because somebody has to say for the record, this is the truth. And we’ll continue to tell it here at TheBlaze. My job as I see it is multifaceted, but the longest one, the one I got off the stage in 8/28, and I went on vacation. And I said to my wife we’re standing in the wrong place.
I knew I was supposed to build something, and I was supposed to build a network and draw a crowd to get people to know there is a place for truth. The truth can be heard. You can network with other people. We’ve done that. I found out last night we now finished the month with 35 million unique visitors last month. You can play page view game all you want, but this is 35, that’s 10% of the U.S. population now last month visited TheBlaze. Those are not repeat, 35 million unique users.
That makes TheBlaze the 43rd largest website in the country. That’s ahead of news sites like, I remember CNN, when I was at CNN, they were telling me that was bigger than the actual network. TheBlaze is now bigger than It’s bigger than, bigger than NBC News. It’s incredible. It’s absolutely incredible.
I’m going to fill you in because if you speak it into existence, it happens. I gave a goal to my staff of 41 million Americans read TheBlaze every month. That was my year end goal, 41 million. I will tell you that by election day, not this year, by the election, I want 75 million. So you know, that is so unheard of, that number. That would put us in the top 10 websites in the entire country, and in the top 10, Google, Facebook. That’s who you’re playing ball with.
We’ve got to get into 75 million, my real goal honestly, 100 million, dream big. My job is to expand the footprint for the truth and not to get bogged down. And I got so angry this morning when I hear all this stuff, I’m like I got it. And I know you feel the same way. But as soon as you start to feel the anger, they’ve got you. Those in power, that’s what they want.
When we are consumed by their corruption, their dysfunction, their lies, it empowers them because it hardens our hearts. It makes you go no way out, nothing left to do, just give up, close up, close in, turn in, grab your family. You need a way out. You and I both want to be more than just the fan that points to the problem and cheers for our side, and when somebody gets it wrong we say yeah, well, we told you. We don’t want to be I told you.
I don’t care about Washington, but we have to solve the problem so you and I can get and do what we’re supposed to do. Now, a big part of that solution is staying informed. I get it. I get it. But a bigger part is getting involved. This is why I told you take the 40-day and 40-night challenge. This is before 8/28, a few months before because I could feel something big happening, and I knew it. And I said we’ve got to be bigger people.
And the last line in the Declaration of Independence is with firm reliance on the protection of divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor. And I said I want you to really live that last line. I want you to know what every word really means to you, and I want you to get down on your knees and ask a few questions.
There are four steps that I asked you to do. And millions of Americans did it. And if you’ve already done it, do it again. If you’ve done it over and over again, if you know all of this, I want you to get this book. This book, I think, is changing my life, I really do. I have been praying differently, in fact, we’ve been praying around this building. There’s a group of us that walk every afternoon at the end of our day, and we pray around this building.
And I found out early this morning that somebody else has been praying around this building that works for me, and I didn’t have any idea. He happened to be here early, early, early this morning, and somebody said to him what are you doing? He says I just feel like I should pray around this building. He didn’t know that we were praying around this building, and I felt compelled to pray around this building.
Then I read this book, and then I’m like oh crap, I really have to pray around this building. He didn’t read this book. He’d never talked to me. He didn’t know we were even doing it. He said to me just about an hour ago when I talked to him, “I felt like in prayer that I was supposed to do that. We’re supposed to do that, Glenn.” I don’t know what God is doing, I really don’t. I have no idea. You don’t know how many times I’m in this position going, “I don’t get it, it won’t work, I don’t know what you’re doing.” And every time, he says you don’t have to, just do it.
Whatever he’s doing does not revolve around me or revolve around this. It revolves around him, and we all have a part in it. This is one little piece. My piece is one little piece, and I think it will all make sense in the end. I think we’re all going to stand back and go holy cow, but being a part of it is going to change your life. It will refocus you on everything that really matters. And once you do that, once you do your part, whatever it is, you’re going to change the lives of others all around you.
And at the same time, if we can continue to grow the footprint, the size of the choir, a ripple effect across the whole world, millions of people. Five years ago, think of this, I was on stage in Washington, D.C. for that, and you were there. And we were so worried about our country. I’m just as worried as I was then. But we were begging people, I know, because I took your phone calls, begging people rise up, please, anyone, rise up and serve, isn’t there anyone with some integrity and some brains that will serve?
We were looking for the next George Washington. It’s happening. It’s happening. Mark it, declare it, it’s happening. Rand Paul, Mike Lee, Ted Cruz, the candidates that are sprouting up all across the country, people like Ben Sasse. That guy’s a good guy, Matt Bevin, unbelievable, Greg Brannon, hello?
And there’s more, and if they don’t happen to be in your district or your state, support them because those are the guys that were called. They heard the call because of you and millions of others just like you that took a stand in life and said you know what, this is what we need in this country. And they heard the call, and now they’re there. Now’s not the time to retreat or say I’m tired. Now’s the time to double down.
Saturday, I’m going to FreePAC. I am really tired, I’m tired of traveling. I was on the plane on Sunday, and I said I can’t take travel anymore. I’d much rather be with my family at home, and I know you feel the same way. We are not different. I love my children, and I love my family. And I’ve never, ever been in this position in my whole life where I’ve wanted to spend time with all of my children and my wife more than I do right now.
But we’ve got to stay in the game because we are close. These elections this fall really matter. So we’ve got to buckle down, work hard, get into the ground game, promote from within, and increase the ranks of the choir. ObamaCare is going to collapse on its own weight, and before things get better, understand, it’s going to get much, much worse.
On Sunday, there was an economist, his name is Martin Armstrong, he posted an article about civil unrest. He warned governments to wake up. He said wake up, “for we are on the brink of a major convergence between both the cycle of civil unrest, civil war & revolution an international war.” He said he’s never seen anything like this. The cycle has not been like this, there’s a cycle to war, he said it’s not been like this since the 1700s.
And he said democracies, Democratic republics, you’re in trouble. It’s not just the Communist dictators because your people have sold you out too. You know it, you feel it. In fact, you know this song by heart. I mean, how many times have we sung the song that he was just singing? For years, for years – the protest, cascade, sweep the Middle East, destabilize Europe and the rest of the world to work together against Israel, against capitalism, and together overturn stability. That’s it.
And the time is here, and the time for us now to go outside the walls because the harvest in the field is white. It’s going to be tough, but it’s an opportunity to show people the truth and get new people on board. Last week, I went to Los Angeles. I was working on some projects because we’re going to go into the film business. I don’t know how, I don’t have the money, but we’re going into the film business. And so I went out to Los Angeles.
This is me on the Paramount set, and we were looking how they were building sets and how they use their space. And after this, I went to speak at the Friends of Abe in Hollywood. What an incredible room of talented people that was, I mean, mind boggling. There are so many in Hollywood that have reached out to me since. I’ve never done this before, I think there were, well, there were several hundred people there, and I just gave out my private e-mail address and said here, you guys can have my e-mail address.
And I can’t tell you how many people have reached out to me wanting to do something to impact the culture. And I don’t mean with me, per se. I mean, they’re doing it themselves. But that’s where we need to be, and I don’t mean in Hollywood. I mean where people actually live. The blown opportunity for Hollywood with Noah is staggering. I have a list on my desk, it is a mile long of projects, shows, television shows, news programs, films, stage, music, you name it, everything. It’s a mile long, and none of those things have anything to do with President Obama and his stupid fake healthcare numbers because that’s going to come crashing down. What comes after?
Don’t be anywhere near the crash site when it comes down. Don’t get bogged down in the mud. We have to lift ourselves and each other out and show them the light, and I don’t mean light in the PC sense. There is something huge at play here, and it’s bigger than the Republicans and the Democrats. It’s bigger than money. It’s bigger than jobs. It’s bigger than you. It’s bigger than me. And I know it’s true because look at how Hollywood is self-destructing on Noah, and meanwhile, there’s two God films out that are not coming through the Hollywood system.
One is God’s Not Dead, which is huge. I haven’t seen it yet, but I hear great things about it, and it’s gigantic. And the other one is Heaven is For Real. Heaven is For Real is a movie from Sony. I watched this last night. It’s great, and it’s about a kid, it’s from a bestseller. That kid doesn’t die on the table. He has his appendix burst, and he almost dies, but he sees heaven. And his dad believes him, wants to believe him, but isn’t sure because he’s a preacher, and what he’s saying isn’t quite right, isn’t quite lining up. And the kid has no business knowing this. You’re four, what are you talking about?
And I’m watching this movie, and it’s speaking to me in a whole different way because that movie is saying exactly what I heard my dad say as he died, his last words, things my father would never say. My father’s last words were, “Okay, I understand. I’m ready. Take me with you.” My dad wasn’t that guy. And as I’m watching this last night, I say to my kids, this is the same story.
Now, why is God telling that kid, why did that happen with my dad? I think it’s for you. I’m supposed to tell you there is a God, there is a heaven, there is a plan. He’s got it under control. Have you always had everything you’ve ever needed? Even in your worst times, have you had everything you needed? Yes. You will again, no matter what comes our way.
The truth is there is a plan. You have a purpose, and you’ve got to get to it. I don’t know what it is, but he’s going to help you carry out that purpose. Just do what he says. At the end of the day, if we just remember that the best farmer in the world is still at the mercy of God for weather and rain, not too much sun but some sun, not too much rain but some rain, the best fisherman in the world doesn’t control the seas. We are nothing when we stop doing the things he’s telling us to do. We’re nothing without him. But with him and with each other, we’re unstoppable.
Editor's Note: Glenn spoke more about the idea of expanding the choir in Wednesday's morning meeting.