A Democratic Alabama state representative is under fire for a racially charged challenge he made last month that has backfired big time. TheBlaze reported that during a legislative session discussion on abortion rights, Rep. Alvin Holmes speculated his Republican counterparts would be in favor of abortion if black men impregnated their daughters. Rep. Alvins then offered to pay $100,000 cash to anyone who could show him a “bunch of whites” who have adopted black children in Alabama.
Well, the representative is now being asked to put his money where his mouth is after a Facebook group entitled Faces of Families in Alabama began posting photos of multi-racial families in the state. The Facebook page has already garnered more than 7,000 ‘likes,’ and on Wednesday, the group gathered on the steps of the State House to demonstrate just how many multi-racial, adoptive families reside in Alabama.
On radio this morning, Pat and Stu couldn’t help but address the “intellectual dishonesty” of people like Holmes who refuse to see the merit of anyone’s opinion beyond their own.
“These people have no integrity. They have no honesty. They're… intellectually dishonest. They don't care about life,” Pat said of Holmes. “They don't understand the fact that some people have principles, and you stand on those principles… They really believe that abortion is killing a baby. I mean, how is it that you don't understand that? And how is it in a you don't… see, like Stu's point, how many black children would have been born if more people were pro-life?”
As Stu explained, the Constitution applies to all Americans – regardless of race, creed, gender, etc. – and any sane individual would agree that it applies equally to everyone.
“I want black people to live under the Constitution that I live under. I want it to be applied to all of us equally. That's what I want,” Stu concluded. “This is essentially MSNBC's entire programming schedule. [It] operates under this one assumption, which: Someone who is a Republican, a conservative, a libertarian, everything they say is based on one thing: Race.”