As tensions in Nevada escalated over the weekend and various groups handled the conflict differently, Glenn planted his flag – declaring violence does not solve anything and a peaceful approach is necessary. Glenn’s own audience considered this stance somewhat controversial. But on radio this morning, Glenn offered some historical context for his position, looking at various points over the last several years in which he has discussed the importance of peace and the symbiotic relationship between rights and responsibilities. “It is not a coward that is peaceful,” Glenn said as he asked his audience to consider which path they choose: One of violence or one of peace with God.
Below is a rough transcript of the monologue:
For the last week, I have been really struggling with something. I shouldn't say struggling with something. I have been struggling with something really since 8/28 when we all stood together and I felt a prompting: You are standing in the wrong place, and that led to our move away from Fox.
But there was something else I have not spoken about, nor will I, because it is personally one of the more frightening things I have ever felt, and it is one of the strongest and most long-running personal promptings of mine, and it is something I have avoided at every turn. In just about the last two months, I have been arguing with God – because I kind of have that kind of relationship with him – that's not even possible. Won't happen. And on Saturday, I woke up and I feel that yes, my son, it is happening. And I know what I have to do, and I know where I stand.
This morning, I got up and I saw some more news, and more news reports, and more people in America that are standing up now and crying for revolution, insurrection, and a call to arms. I will tell you I believe in the Second Amendment, and I will defend myself. I believe in the rights that we have, but I will tell you what I believe more than in my rights, I believe in the responsibilities that we have to God. And God does not call anyone to anger. God does not call anyone to vengeance ever, ever, ever. And until I hear God say to me: You make your own choice. Yes, pack it up. Let's go. Let's start guns a blazing. I don't think he'll ever say that to me but to each his own.
There are a lot of people – the vast, vast minority of this audience – but it is always the vocal section of the audience that gets the attention. And right now, if you go to my Facebook page, you will see these people everywhere. And they are the people that are full of anger and rage. I believe, justifiably so. I believe many of the same things they do about what's happening to our country. I just don't agree with their direction. And the common theme seems to be: ‘I'm shocked at Glenn Beck. I always knew he was a fraud.’ No, you aren't really a fan. You tear off your mask by saying that because I have talked about Martin Luther King and prayer and peace since I was at CNN. That is who I am at the core. And if you think I am something else, then I don't know how you missed it.
But I want to remind you what it felt like when we went to Washington together, when we went to Restoring Honor. Do you remember that feeling? The reason why that feeling was there was because there was no bitterness, there was no anger, and there was no guile. A lot of people got off the plane, bus, train, and they might have had that. That's why I said: Do not bring any signs. Most people won't remember this, but it is why we played hymns. We played hymns the two hours before that event started on that mall, and I did it intentionally. I hand-selected every song that was played, and most people won't even remember it. But we played hymns. And the reason why I did this is because we had to invite the spirit of peace. And that's why you felt what you felt when we went to Washington.
I'm going to read something that I wrote before we went to Israel, and I want you to listen carefully to it because I am planting my flag here, and I want you to decide today. If you are somebody that says, ‘I'm for violence.’ ‘I am angry, and I'm not going to take it. ‘I'm going to act on that anger,’ then I want you to go to my Facebook page and unfriend me. I want you to go to my newsletter page, and I want you to unsubscribe. I want you to go to TheBlaze TV, and I want you to cancel your subscription today. I don't want you to inflict this message of love. I don't want to inflict this on anyone, but I want you to make a clear choice today. I said once that there are more of us than them, that we surround them, that we had to stand for principles, we had to stand for virtues. Anger is not a virtue. Rage is not a virtue. Not any virtues that I want.
As the Declaration of Independence clearly states:
When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
But with those rights come responsibilities. In order to continually experience life, liberty and happiness as promised, nature’s God demands obedience to His law to protect those rights. This is where we have fallen short and therefore, in order not to lose the blessings of freedom, the people of the world must turn from the sole focus on rights, and recognize the inherent and required responsibilities that we have.
Among the responsibilities to which we must adhere to maintain our God given rights are honor, courage and vigilance. Over time, we believe that these basic human responsibilities have been trampled, and replaced with degradation, fear and apathy.
But when a long train of abuses of the people and conscience by the media and by other segments of society, pursuing the same path of reducing them to ridicule, scorn and even sub-human status, it is their right, it is their DUTY, to peacefully, but vehemently take a stand. Men want to be king, and the more we concentrate on our rights and the more we are told not to worry about our responsibilities, the more we lose our rights.
Just as physics shows for every action there’s an equal and opposite reaction, the time has come to declare that at least for the western world human rights are generally accepted and moving in the right direction however a new movement is required a movement of human responsibility. The media, politicians, and large institutions both academic and political have been lying to us, and we must demand the truth be told. With that demand comes the responsibility that we tell the truth first to ourselves. Too many of us delegate our responsibility to the media, and too many believe there is no personal responsibility at all.
Political correctness has polluted our language and clouds our every discussion. What was once accepted as good and right, is now considered bad and evil, and that which was bad and evil is now presented to the world as good and decent. Opposing thoughts or opinions are referred to as crazy, insane, non-factual and utterly without merit. Furthermore, we are told, they should not even be heard.Now, the time has come to take a stand by exhibiting the traits – honor, courage and vigilance.
What is honor? It is being honest in all of our dealings. It is showing loyalty and fairness, and being a beacon of integrity in all our beliefs and actions. It is showing respect for others. Ruth honored Naomi when she told her that she would not leave her. That she would go wherever Naomi went, that she would live where Naomi lived and die where Naomi died. Her God would be Naomi’s God.
Courage is the ability to face danger, criticism or scorn – not without fear, but while overcoming fear to deal with that which comes our way. When no one else in the Kingdom wanted to face the mighty giant, Goliath, young David was willing. David must have felt fear at the sight of his foe, but overcame it, and courageously vanquished his enemy.
Vigilance is being watchful for all forms of treachery and tyranny, lies and deceit. The person in the watchtower, waiting all night, suddenly sounding the alarm that the enemy is coming. The careful observer of the markets and economies who proclaims to the world, all is not well, there is trouble ahead and the outspoken critic of the powerful, going against societies’ grain, warning that all is not as we’re being told. These are the vigilant.
We implore all people to stand with these characteristics – honor, courage and vigilance. To that end, we must restore honor in our own lives. Seek after the truth. Declare right now, that no longer will we simply accept what is told us by the media or anyone else. The media has the responsibility to tell the truth, we have the responsibility to learn it.
Stand with courage, even if it means the end of our jobs, the end of our positions in life…or even the end of our very lives. We must have the courage to be peaceful, while recognizing the courage to defend and respond to threats and/or attacks when necessary. Turn the other cheek when possible. We must be vigilant. We must think the unthinkable. The holocaust occurred because no one could imagine it, but evil never sleeps, and neither must we. As Edmund Burke said, “all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” We must DO something. Stand watch. Speak up. Become involved.
Thus, we the people do hereby declare not only our rights, but do now establish this bill of responsibilities.
1. Because I have the right to choose, I recognize that I am accountable to God and have the responsibility to keep the 10 commandments in my own life.
2. Because I have the right to worship as I choose, I have the responsibility to honor the right of others to worship as they see fit.
3. Because I have freedom of speech, I have the responsibility to defend the speech of others, even if I strongly disagree with what they’re saying.
4. Because I have the right to pursue happiness, I have the responsibility to show humility and express gratitude for all the blessings I enjoy and the rights I’ve been given.
5. Because I have the right to honest and good government I will seek out honest and just representatives when possible. If I cannot find one then I accept the responsibility to take that place.
6. Because I have the God given right to liberty, I have the personal responsibility to have the courage to defend others to be secure in their persons, lives and property.
7. Because I have the right to equal justice, I will stand for those who are wrongly accused or unjustly blamed.
8. Because I have the right to knowledge, I will be accountable for myself and my children’s education…to live our lives in such a way that insures the continuation of truth.
9. Because I have the right to pursue my dreams and keep the fruits of my labor, I have the responsibility to feed, protect and shelter my family, the less fortunate, the fatherless, the old and infirm.
10. Because I have a right to the truth, I will not bear false witness nor will I stand idly by as others do.
Unconditionally, while maintaining my responsibility to compassionately yet fiercely stand against those things that decay the natural rights of all men. And for the support of this declaration, and with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence we mutually pledge to each other our lives, fortunes and sacred honor.
I wrote that before we went to Israel. I didn't know why I went to Israel. I still don't know. I just know that I listened and obeyed. I do believe we are entering dangerous times. They are the times that have been foretold. They are the times that I have, on a different scale, seen coming as well. I believe what has been et in motion now is new and different and will tear us apart.
As I was getting ready for work today, I made my choice again, and I am happy and proud to say it wasn't even a choice. It may be very unpopular and in the end. I may be alone, and that is absolutely fine with me. I am willing to lose everything I have. I am willing to lose my voice. I am willing to lose my life. I am not willing to lose might have soul, and I am not willing to lose my relationship with God. And he is very clear: Love one another.
We will post this message on Facebook. If you feel the same way I do, I ask you to spread this message. I ask you to pray for our country. I ask you to pray for our neighbors, our fellow human beings. I ask you to please, please humble yourself and know what it is you believe and know which path you choose: One of violence or one of peace with God.
I have made my choice. If you see this message on my Facebook page, and you like it, spread it to a friend. Give it to a friend. Challenge them to do the same. If you disagree with what I have just said, please unlike me. Please. We are just under 3 million friends or whatever they are called on Facebook. Unlike me. I do not need you nor ask for your support. I ask for you to decide who you are and choose your path. As for me and my family, we choose to be peaceful and we choose to follow God.