Comedian Adam Carolla is known to stir the pot a bit with his non-politically correct speak, and his recent interview with the left-leaning was no exception. Carolla spoke candidly about race and homosexuality as he questioned the legitimacy of discrimination claims and slammed the political correctness police. On radio this morning, Glenn commended Carolla’s candidness.
In the article entitled “Adam Carolla: The gay mafia is real,” Salon writer Daniel D’Addario asked Carolla is he feels “any obligation to help underrepresented comics climb the ladder?”
“You’re presuming I got lifted up the ladder. I don’t feel the need to lift anyone up. If they’re funny, I’ll give them a shot. If they’re not, I won’t. But I don’t have quotas to fill,” Carolla shot back. “I’m fine with the notion that there are genders and races that lean more to comedy — where are the Asian comedians? Maybe there just aren’t any! For that matter, where are all the Jewish roofers? What are female comedians doing about the lack of Jewish roofers? I demand answers!”
When it comes to the topic of racial “privilege” and “systemic disadvantages built into the system,” Carolla was even more decisive.
“How did Asians pass white people? They got lucky? Someone should look into that, perhaps,” he said. “I would go ahead and say: The Asians beat the rigged system and did better than white people. You don’t think that’d be something to look into? Do you think we decided to rig the system against certain ethnicities?”
“That’s the world, that’s how it’s always been. That’s why people try to get rich,” he continued. “As far as the left goes, for people that don’t seem to care much about money, that’s all they talk about — who has this and who doesn’t. It’s weird to say you don’t need it but also obsess about it. I try not to think about who I’m helping along or who I’m holding back. I just go to work with whoever I work with.”
Read the entire Salon article HERE.
Glenn widely agreed with Carolla’s sentiments – especially in regards to work ethic and race. More importantly, however, Glenn appreciated Carolla’s honesty.
“I just kind Adam Carolla really refreshing,” Glenn said. “You know why he has over a million downloads all the time on his podcast – because he doesn't care... He cares about what he does. He's a good businessman. He's wicked, wicked smart… But he also knows the only thing that is really truly unique in America is somebody who actually says what it is, doesn't care, is not afraid, and can state it as well as he can state it.”
Furthermore, as Pat and Stu explained, Carolla believes in America and the American people. At another time in history, Stu believes someone like Carolla would have been snuffed out, but with the outlets and resources technology provides, Carolla is able to reach a tremendous amount of people without much restriction.
“This goes to your optimism, which is hard to find sometimes on days like today… Adam Carolla would have a tough time existing at any other point in our history,” Stu said. “Here's a guy who wants to just say whatever the hell he wants and be successful. How would he do that in another time? In another time, he'd be shut down by political pressures. He'd be targeted by the government. And he's probably still will be targeted by the government… [But] He can do whatever the hell he wants and you can't stop him.”
“He's been successful because he's been able to build a structure using technology that it doesn't matter what you think about him,” Pat added.
Ultimately, it is that very ability to avoid the traditional gatekeepers and reach a large audience that Glenn is most optimistic about.
“This is why I'm saying: If you put correct principles together along with the latest technology, there's no stopping man's freedom. This is no longer about America. This is about the freedom of all mankind all around the world,” Glenn said. “Quite honestly, I'm not attached to America so much so. I do believe that we are unique. But we're unique because we've understood the principles of freedom and where real freedom comes from.”
“Why don't we talk about the principles – that's what [Carolla is] saying,” he concluded. “He's talking about the principles behind, you know, this nonsense of political correctness. I think it's refreshing, and I applaud him.”