Oklahoma is one step closer to repealing Common Core. On Friday, the Oklahoma legislature voted in overwhelming fashion to support legislation that would repeal the math and reading standards. According to Fox23.com, the House voted 71-18 to reject the Common Core standards. The Senate then passed the bill 31-10 and sent it to Gov. Mary Fallin (R). Fallin is expected to sign the bill.
“This is the most complete removal of Common Core from any state of adoption in the nation,” Glenn said on radio this morning. “The bill repeals Common Core from state law.”
The New York Times has even reported on the unlikely allies who have coalesced around the fight to repeal Common Core:
With tensions running high over issues surrounding academic benchmarks, standardized testing and performance evaluations for educators, unlikely coalitions of teachers, lawmakers and parents from the left and right are increasingly banding together to push back against what they see as onerous changes in education policy. Some have Tea Party Republicans and teachers unions on the same side.
In Oklahoma, teachers unions gave strong support to a bill, sponsored by Republicans, that would overturn a law requiring third graders to be held back simply on the basis of the results of one standardized test. (Last week, that coalition helped the Legislature overturn Gov. Mary Fallin’s veto.)
“No one else has done it like Oklahoma has. And this is a huge, huge win,” Glenn concluded. “The New York Times is saying: It's bringing together strange bedfellows. The left and the right are both calling for the repeal of Common Core. You're about to win just keep going.”
Front page image courtesy of the AP