The media suddenly wants to know did a California middle school take it too far with their sex education class? Honest-to-goodness, that’s what I heard, did they take it too far? Did they cross the line? I know, it’s a super-tough question. The school used a series of posters on the myths of contraception. I can’t even show it.
Supposedly it’s an attempt at humor in the classroom, but it is so vile and so disgusting, especially the other one. This one is so, I mean, porn stars would be repulsed. Jeffy would be repulsed. I’m not even going to try to explain at what this is. It is that offensive, and this was seen by middle schoolers. And it is, it’s beyond reprehensible. And if you really want to know, these are up on, but I want to warn you that you’ll never unsee these pictures, definitely never unsee them. But the answer is once you see them, oh yeah, absolutely, uh huh, yeah over the line, so far over the line it’s like I can’t even see…there was a line here someday?
We are so messed up right now, up is down, and down is up. Right is wrong, and wrong is right. If you just turn around right now, the entire country, our society, is going this direction. If you just turned around and went 180 degrees in the opposite direction, you would have a very good shot of being exactly right. The school can’t even decide this themselves. They want parents to know they’re going to review those materials. They’re going to get to the bottom of it. Let me translate, because I’m a recovering alcoholic, so I spoke bull crap for a long time. Let me translate bull crap to English for you. They don’t care. They’re hoping that everybody will lose interest, and they can stop pretending to care.
If I showed you the graphic sexual content, and I went into a middle school, I will tell you that I would most likely be charged with a crime. People would want my mug shot put up on a website warning everybody child abuser, dirt bag lives right here, warning, dirt bag, don’t let this guy in. But teachers, teachers, good teachers, people that we know, are remaining silent because the school board says it’s okay, and they’re using it for educational purposes. Right, it makes total sense, doesn’t it?
I am so sick of the account of - did you see the Diane Sawyer interview with Hillary Clinton last night where they’re like, you know, so you had some responsibility? Hillary Clinton says no, not me. No, I had no responsibility on Benghazi. I’m so sick of the accountability, the lack of accountability from people who are taking our tax dollars to keep us safe or to educate our children, and now they’re well, we’re looking into it. No, they’re not. No, they’re not. They’re not. You know it, and I know it, they’re not. They’re just wearing you down and trying to get you to shhh, quiet. Don’t.
If the government didn’t have a monopoly on education, if parents weren’t trapped and essentially forced to send their kids to public schools, maybe, just maybe, the school would have something to worry about, but they don’t. They don’t. Maybe they’d wake up one day, and they’d go where is everybody? Oh yeah, we meant to tell you, all the parents took their kids to the school down the street because they’re not trying to teach propaganda or show, you know, sick pictures to the children, you know, to turn all the children into sexual deviants or whatever.
Maybe we should stop the sex talk and stop the liberal indoctrination. What do you think? A little competition would be nice, a little choice, and that is exactly why the Republicans and the Democrats are against it. Conform, conform, conform, conform – don’t. We have a system now because of the lack of choice, it breeds incredible arrogance. In the face of the obvious wrong, they’ll say we’re going to look into it. What is there to review? What is there?
It’s child abuse. Fire somebody. I want the names of the people who looked at that and went yeah, that’s pretty good. It was approved by the school board, and then it was taught by the teachers. Are the teachers so worn down now that whatever’s handed to them they just go yeah, and then we’re going to round up all the Jewish kids? I mean, are they that worn down? No teacher said, “Hey, you know, this is really sick”?
I will tell you something, that picture that we didn’t show here, that picture, I wouldn’t even show it to my wife. But if my wife was the educator, if my wife was the teacher, she would have gone to the principal or to the school board or anybody else and said, “What the hell are you thinking?”
Now, they’re saying that this “was not the work of a teacher, but was produced by Mountain Empire Family Medicine.” Oh, okay, so the doctors said it was okay, all right. So they’re okay with sexual material being taught to middle school children as long as it’s done by, you know, medical practitioners. Or is it that they are completely incompetent, and at any moment they could start teaching oh, I don’t know, Debbie Does Dallas, XXXX-rated porn? Eleven-year-olds, they wouldn’t know the difference – hey, movie day. Which one is it?
Should be a little alarm bell that is ringing in everyone’s head, yeah, we’ll review it. You’ll review it? Good grief. Government agencies shut down restaurants for days if the temperature of the refrigerator is off by two degrees, but a school can stay open when it is peddling nasty pornographic material to kids, stuff that you and I would be on the front page of the paper for if we did. Parents should be yanking their kids out of this school, but they won’t. They won’t because we’re taught to conform.
Modern America, we instead argue. Well, what is appropriate content sexually for school? I’ll tell you what’s appropriate sexual content for school, nothing, nothing, zero, none of it. Who on earth thinks it’s a good idea for the government to be in charge of teaching kids when and how they should be using their genitalia? They can’t even figure out the bathroom situation. They’re going to teach my kids what’s right and wrong, really? Really?
They’re the ones who say this is a deadly weapon. Yeah, I’m going to listen to these people. Schools won’t even teach kids, are incapable of teaching people how to manage their personal finances, but they’re going to tell them how to master what’s down in their pants, really? Somehow their duty to instruct preteens on the proper way to do every possible form of sexual activity ever invented, gee, what could I do with this pen, teacher?
I mean, we used to joke, I’ll tell you what you can do with that pen. Now, I think that’s part of the instruction. Think how ridiculous this is that we’ve been told that we parents are not capable of teaching our own children about the roles that sex plays in life, when it’s appropriate, when it’s not appropriate to engage in it. We’re told to hand that task off to an expert from a government institution. What is wrong with us? We accept this. How did it happen? How did it happen?
Progressives, that’s it, progressives, taking control of your children little by little, getting them to conform and you to conform and getting you to be uncomfortable with standing up, I know, shh, don’t say anything, just leave it alone, don’t stand up – stand up. The sales pitch here was well, we needed medically accurate information. Really? Really? I want you to go to the website, and I want you to look at those nasty-ass pictures, and you tell me if that’s medically accurate.
Yeah, and we have to do that because well, kids are going to be kids. They’re going to have sex anyway, no matter how many times people tell them not to, so we have to make sure they do it safely. Good, then I’ll tell you what, let’s bring guns into the classroom, and let’s teach them how to use guns safely. What do you say? We’ll bring the NRA in. Let’s have them teach that because they’re going to do it anyway, right? That’s your theory, not mine, they’re going to do it anyway. Why are you trying to teach them this is wrong if they’re going to do it anyway? Can you answer that? No, no, nope.
Kids will be kids, and I hate that argument. We’re treating kids as if they’re just nothing more than stupid animals. They’re not. They’re unable to exercise any discernment, any self-control. Follow that logic, follow that logic, because if you do, it’s pointless to tell kids to abstain from sex because they’re going to just do it anyway.
Well, why bother to tell them about contraception really because why would we expect them to suddenly listen to that advice when they’re going to do it anyway? Why would we expect them to do anything? They’re going to do it anyway. It’s all a lie. It is a lie. You are capable of teaching this to your children. You are capable as a parent. Kids are capable of making decisions right now on what’s right and what’s wrong.
The government doesn’t even know itself what’s right and wrong anymore. They’re trying to figure it out as they go. You know what’s right and wrong. You’ve been trained to conform. Our kids have been trained to conform. We’ve all been trained we can’t figure it out on our own. It is your responsibility to educate your children, especially on matters of sex or anything else, but we’re trained to think it’s not our job.
The current school model serves to undermine the authority of the parent while elevating the teacher or the policeman or the politician or the nurse or anybody else, just not you. I ask you to strongly challenge the current system. Do not conform. Consider homeschooling if you can if there’s any way. It’s worth selling your car. It’s worth living in a smaller house. Do it. You can do it. But if you do, do not unplug from the school district. You’re still paying for that slop, and those kids are living around you.
We have a responsibility. Don’t let the education of your child begin and end at a government-run school. You will not recognize your kid after the indoctrination for 12 years. You train them up. You raise them up as the right way to go. It’s your job. It’s your right. It is your responsibility. I wasn’t there in the bedroom that night with you guys. You and your husband or your wife were. It’s your job. Mine, my kids. No one can ever take that away from us. We should never give that response away. That responsibility is a profound blessing to each of us.