Warning: This story contains graphic images
It is important to know what kind of monsters the world is dealing with. We must tell one another the truth. But one can never even find the truth without someone giving you the facts first. One of the most important facts in the news today comes from a photo of a young boy proudly holding severed head, tweeted by terrorist and ISIS member Khaled Sharrouf.
The photo was tweeted out with words "Thats my boy!"
Image via The Australian
When Glenn first saw this photo, he sent it around in an email to members of his staff with a note explaining why it was so important to keep sharing these images even though they are disturbing.
He wrote:
I believe it is important to know what kind of monsters the world is giving a pass to. Forget the talk of Islamic extremists. This is an age of barbarians. This is psychotic Islam. No ifs, ands, or buts. If you do not believe Israel, and the entire Judeo-Christian western world, is facing evil click on the link. Pass it to a friend and pray for Gods mercy. Pray for those families who are afraid of real monsters coming to get them tonight. Pray that He will guide us in what we can do. Ratcheting up the hate and war is not an answer, but neither is continuing to turn a blind eye.We must tell one another the truth. But one can never even find the truth without someone giving you the facts first. Here is the beginning of the trail of facts on ISIS.
On radio, Glenn went into further detail on the importance of facts, truth, and preparing for what comes next.
"My job, as I see it, I search for truth," Glenn said. "That's different from searching for facts. The facts have to be put into place first. That's why we built The Blaze. We built The Blaze as a place that can gather the facts."
"They are involving children now in the beheadings. They are involving children in Iraq on killing and burying people alive. When do we tell our kids this?"
"And if you remember, when I was saying this then in 2006, I was talking principally about Iran and saying you cannot let them get into a position to where they are strong enough to cobble together a caliphate, strong enough to have or be on the edge of nuclear weapons. You can't let it happen. The time is now to squeeze them. The time is over to squeeze them. We don't have the power to squeeze them," Glenn explained. "If we get into a global war now, we will lose everything."
Glenn encouraged people to tune into his TV show Monday at 5pm ET for more on this story and what they need to be preparing for in the very near future.
"The one gift that I do have is to see over the horizon. You notice, while everyone else is freaking out about whatever it is today, I am warning you about what is coming tomorrow. I ask this audience, I beg this audience to do the hard thing, do not freak out about what is happening today. Heed my warning of what is coming tomorrow and correct that, because this is the last hurdle. If we face -- if we don't listen to this last warning, if this exit is missed, we are done. So please, please heed the warning of what comes."