You may recall President Obama referred to ISIS as a “jayvee team” earlier this year, but that hasn’t stopped his administration from labeling the radical terrorist group “sophisticated.” During a press conference on Thursday, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said the United States “must prepare for everything” because ISIS is “beyond anything we have seen.”
While ISIS continues to threaten the U.S. and the western way of life, at least one Iraq War vet has had enough. In the aftermath of the beheading of American journalist James Foley, Marine veteran Nick Powers authored a scathing critique of the terrorist organization. The post originally appeared on the Warfighter Foundation’s website.
Read the post in its entirety below (paragraph breaks added):
“As I sit here constantly hearing and watching you execute innocent men, women and children in the Middle East I chuckle. Why do I chuckle you may ask? Well let me explain something to you cowardice fools who think you are so tough behind all your propaganda videos. You are scaring a population that doesn’t know how to fight, you’re bullying the weak.
You say Islam is the religion of peace, but since when does terrorizing the innocent and beheading men, women and children constitute peace? WTF? But keep in mind, what did Saddam’s troops do when we came rolling into town? They surrendered, twice… So all your empty threats of coming to America and raising your flag over the White House amuse me more than any of you sick, sadistic bastards could ever imagine or comprehend.
In 2012 there was about 21.2 million veterans in the United States. Do you understand what that means? Let me break it down for you. That means there are literally millions of disgruntled, dysfunctional, pissed off veterans who have been dealing with years of abuse from their government stabbing them in the backs and having to watch their friends die because you Islamic extremist idiots can’t seem to act like normal human beings and stop terrorism and the violence.
It’s one thing to take over an Islamic state, but if my memory serves me correctly, I’m pretty sure we plowed through Fallujah in 4 days. Better yet, it took us about month to control your entire country. At this point, with 13+ years of war under our belts, how long do you think it would take us to do it all over again? I’ll let you draw your own conclusions on that one. Do you really think you stand a chance on US soil? Do you really think it would be smart to poke that bear? Remember, never bite the hand that feeds you.
Remember we are armed to the teeth in the US and I can promise you this… the Geneva Conventions will not apply to you. You attack us and there will be no mercy. We will bring the righteous hand of God down upon you and crush you. The ball is in your court now ISIS. We are more than ready to arrange your so called “meeting” with your 72 virgins and send you to your “prophet” Mohamed.”
– Nick Powers
“It does make you feel good,” Jeffy said on radio this morning. “It does make you want to say the pledge of allegiance.”
Powers appeared on Fox News’ Fox and Friends Friday to further discuss his now viral post. In his opinion, the only way to defeat ISIS will be with boots on the ground.
“God bless you, Nick Powers,” Pat concluded. “[ISIS] loves to threaten. They love to do these videos. They love to tell us that, you know, they're coming for us. It's nice when somebody responds.
Listen to today’s radio show below: