A Texas school district is gaining national attention for a sign it posted outside one of its buildings informing parents, students, and visitors that teachers and administrators are armed and “may use whatever force is necessary” to protect students. On radio this morning, Mike Broomhead praised the district’s decision.
“Somebody explain to me how this is a bad thing,” Mike said. “I for one have been praying for this.”
According to KDAF-TV, the Argyle Independent School District voted in January to allow some teachers – or “marshals” – to carry firearms on school grounds under the state’s Protection of Texas Children Act. Argyle Superintendent Dr. Telena Wright said those who wish to carry are required to hold a handgun license and undergo a psychological evaluation and firearms/emergency response training.
Image source: Screen grab KDAF-TV
Parents seem to be on board with the district’s decision.
“I trust that the administrators of this school district will put my kid’s best interest at heart,” parent Lacey Fenoglio told KDAF. “I think if a tragedy does occur, lives can be saved by guns being in the right hands, and I think the teachers here might be able to stop something like that and life can be saved.”
Mike explained he has a shotgun and handgun in his home, and though he hopes to never have to shoot anyone, he is prepared for anything. He proceeded to over the “simplistic” analogy of the need for a fire extinguisher in every home and building.
“I also own fire extinguishers… You think I walk around hoping for a fire so I can use the fire extinguisher? That's stupid,” Mike explained. “You know when people buy fire extinguishers? When their kitchen catches on fire, and they can't put it out themselves… You know when people buy guns? After their homes have been broken into, after they've been robbed.”
As Mike explained, if a school caught on fire, someone would call the fire department while others attempt to put the fire out. He believes the same logic should be extended to guns in the event of a tragedy.
What if school catches on fire? Should we try to put it out, or should we call the fire department? Why not do both? Why not call the police and defend the students until the police get there,” he asked. “This is what's happening in America. This conversation about guns [is] you either care about children dying or you want to own guns. But it can't be both.”