During a full hour interview with rocker Andrew W.K., Glenn asked Andrew to do something a little different - play piano. But it wasn't just any piano, it was a piano recovered from the uprising in the Ukraine. Watch the video below and get more on the story:
Below is a transcript of the full segment:
Glenn: There’s two things, we’re just having a conversation off air. Would you just say about the audience what you just said a minute ago? I want you to hear this.
Andrew: I never expected to be given the opportunity to be here to engage with you, you, but everyone’s been so kind. It’s been really surprising. I didn’t have any expectation, but I did not expect the level of advanced feedback, support, people introducing me to other ideas that they thought I would like, and even my own friends and family and fans have responded well. I thought there would be a lot of backlash about me talking about these kind of ideas at all being a rock ‘n roller, very much into partying, but I’ve been very, very happy that people are also thinking about this too, of course.
Glenn: Now, we were just talking about prayer, and what I love about this show is yesterday we had James Dobson on. We have Andrew W.K. on today. And your idea of prayer, you said you didn’t add one thing in here for one reason or another, but you wish you, you kind of wish you would have in a way.
Andrew: Well, there’s only so much I can say in the column because I do try to keep it brief. I’m working on a book and would like to be able to write 100 pages about that. Because actually I got feedback. There were some people that said, “Andrew, you should’ve told him not to pray. That is wasting time. People that pray are asking for special treatment that think they’re better than other people. You know, you’re asking something else to fix your problems rather than taking responsibility.” And so those are things I had thought about addressing in the column but didn’t, so it was good to see people feeding back.
What I had to say to that is I used to think prayer was asking for stuff too. It’s not. It’s asking for the ability to do whatever you’re supposed to do. Now with me being a joy boy, I ask for the strength to be able to manifest joy to do that. I don’t ask for joy to be made for me; I ask to be empowered by the unknown, the world, God, whatever you want to call it, to do what I can do at my very best. I’m not asking someone to solve my problem; I’m asking for the strength to solve it myself. So by praying, you don’t necessarily remove responsibility; you actually find deeper power to fulfill those responsibilities on your own.
Glenn: We were talking about Viktor Frankl being able to man search for meaning. That’s what I pray for, being able to…hopefully none of us ever have to go through anything like that but to be able to get to the place to where you are so clear that you’re just like whatever happens, I’m okay, I’m okay, because they can’t rob me of the essence of who I am, and I’m just going to do what I’m supposed to do and have that ultimate faith in God, in the universe, whatever you want to call it. For me, it’s faith in God. I know what I know. That’s all I want.
Andrew: That’s like the soul, you can put someone in prison, you can beat someone, you can put them through hell, and yet their soul, especially when you’re as strong as this individual was, his soul stayed intact and in fact was perhaps made stronger. The ordeals, whenever you’re going through something, it’s nice to say not just what doesn’t kill me makes me stronger but that perhaps I was meant that I’m going to add more to the world through this challenge.
Glenn: Did you follow what happened in Ukraine with, you know, when they had the protests on the streets? They were fighting the Russians, and the guys, the protesters, just the twenty-something, the guys who look like you that were out on the streets, and they were just standing against, you know, the military, and they were just like we just want to be free, did you follow that?
Andrew: Was this more recently?
Glenn: No, just more recently. This is the last, what, two years ago or a year ago, Tiffany?
Andrew: Was this when they took over the house –
Glenn: Kiev.
Andrew: Yeah, okay, well, I was just reading about that again. So yes, somewhat, but what are these young men, they –
Glenn: Okay, so all they wanted was they just wanted to be aligned with the West. They didn’t want to go back to an old Soviet kind of empire. Come walk with me for a second. These guys build, they took cars, and they cut cars, hoods of trucks and cars. They were standing against the military.
Andrew: This is an actual bat?
Glenn: Yep, and this was just cut off of a –
Andrew: Oh, like a shield.
Glenn: Yeah, for a shield. Okay, this piano here was sitting in Kiev in the main square, this piano. It’s horribly out of tune. We haven’t had it tuned since it got here.
Andrew: That’s all right. You may leave it like that, you know? It was tuned by the event.
Glenn: You learned how to play when you were what, four?
Andrew: Yeah, around there.
Glenn: Do you mind playing something? Nothing appropriate has been played on this.
Andrew: No one’s played music on it?
Glenn: We’ve played music on it, but I don’t know if we…have we played anything really appropriate on it? I don’t think so.
Andrew: Appropriate, like?
Glenn: Something to you that speaks freedom, liberty.
Andrew: Okay.
Glenn: Whatever. Whew, that’s out of tune.
Andrew: It sounds like a honky-tonk piano.
Glenn: Yeah. Back in a second. Have you ever played a piano that out of tune before?
Andrew: Yes and missing a lot more keys. It’s amazing how intact it is.