With today's exclusive offer, you'll receive this 12-piece bundle of American-made books and educational materials that will empower you with knowledge to stand in firm solidarity with the nation of Israel.
Never before offered at The Marketplace by TheBlaze, these materials normally sell separately for a total of $205.55, but can be yours today for just $119.22—that’s 42% off!
The biggest Jewish holiday of the year, Yom Kippur, begins on Friday, October 3rd at sundown. There is no better time than now to show your support for Israel by educating yourself on this critically important place and people. Discover the connections, both ancient and modern, between Israel and America, and learn why America must remain Israel's greatest ally and protector.
Knowledge is power. Enrich your own understanding of Israel’s history and empower your friends and family to support Israel through these dynamic and engaging presentation materials and powerful pieces of literature you’re sure to enjoy.
Supplies are limited. Get your bundle today!
This bundle includes:
- A Game Changing Revelation, Volumes 1 & 2, by Stephen J. Spykerman
Discover the hidden ancestry of America and Great Britain. Find out which twelve major signs act as witnesses to the Hebrew ancestry of these two great nations. As you read, you’ll recognize the evidence of America’s national heritage and descent from ancient Israel and learn what this means for Americans today. Both uplifting and riveting from cover to cover, you’ll be encouraged and inspired as you read this powerfully enlightening series.
- The Covenant With Death, by Stephen J. Spykerman
Possibly considered one of the most politically incorrect books ever published, this book reveals a secret pact that binds the European Union with Islam and the Arab nations called “EURABIA.” Learn about the ultimate “Axis of Evil” whose common goal is the destruction of the English-speaking (Anglo-Saxon Jewish) world order. Uncover the ancient roots of this conflict stemming from Israel versus Assyria and Babylon. This timely “wake-up” call is a must-read for anyone with the courage to delve into an ancient conflict that continues to shape history today.
- Christians & Jews The Two Faces of Israel, by Stephen J. Spykerman
Designed to unveil the “mysteries of the kingdom,” this groundbreaking work will take you on a spellbinding journey with Yeshua Ha Mashiach, as He speaks in parables to the crowds—deliberately hiding the true meaning of His messages—except from those who are prepared to understand. Find out the amazing secrets hidden in the sub-text of the most well known Biblical parables.
- Blood Moon Tetrads: The Perfect Storm, by Tom Kerry
Is this the end of times? Is Armageddon coming? Is your neighbor, or for that matter, are you, going to be raptured away with the coming Blood Moon Tetrads as some have prophesied? Who can you believe? You need to know! This book will help aid you from being taken in by nonsensical speculation, allowing you to separate the fiction from the facts, the phony hype from the clear truths. Taking a common sense approach, the author expounds some of the most-asked questions related to deep religious subjects. With an easy-to-read style, this book will answer these questions and inspire you to seek answers to other important questions as well. After reading this book, you’ll walk away with a deeper grasp of prophetic events than you ever could have imagined.
- Who Are You America? Time to Lift Your Prophetic Veil, by Stephen J. Spykerman
This work contains an astounding prophetic message as it brings a vivid revelation of America’s ancient secret. In this book the author’s focus is America’s connection with Israel, both ancient and modern. Once you have feasted your eyes on the many eye-opening full color illustrations, you will be startled to discover that America’s true Hebrew ancestry has been hidden all along in plain sight! You’re sure to enjoy the revelatory examination given to every aspect of America's colorful heraldry—a truly eye-opening experience! After you read this book and study its illustrations, you’ll never be able to look at either the GREAT SEAL OF AMERICA or the PRESIDENTIAL SEAL in the same way again.
- Great Britain Her Calling and Hidden Ancestry, by Stephen J. Spykerman
Described by the author as “an urgent prophetic challenge for our nation” (of Britain), this booklet was presented to the British Parliament in December 2004, and was placed into the hands of every Member of the House of Lords, and every MP of the House of Commons. It was also presented to Her Majesty the Queen and the other senior members of the Royal Family, as well as to the Archbishop of Canterbury and all the Bishops and senior Clergymen in the Nation.
- DVD: God’s Covenants With America, by Timothy Ballard
Watch as bestselling author Tim Ballard delivers his most comprehensive presentation ever, covering the research that went into his two highly acclaimed books, The Covenant: America’s Sacred and Immutable Connection to Ancient Israel and The Covenant, Lincoln, and the War.
- DVD: The Rise of Evil, by Tom Kerry
Watch to find out what’s behind the abandonment of the values of American culture, which up until recently were the hallmark of this nation for some 200 years. In this compelling documentary Tom Kerry takes a hard 4,000-year look at the many ways America is like Ancient Israel and how we as a people who enjoy the blessings of a “promised land” also have obligations to remember.
- Poster: The Great Seal of America
High quality, full color, oversized (24”x36”) poster print of The Great Seal of America. Complete with detailed explanatory text, this poster shows the ancient Israelite (as opposed to Jewish) symbolism that is embedded in this iconic image. Ships in a protective, secure shipping tube.
- Poster: The Presidential Seal
High quality, full color, oversized (24”x36”) poster print of The Presidential Seal. Complete with detailed explanatory text, this poster shows the ancient Israelite (as opposed to Jewish) symbolism that is embedded in this iconic image. Ships in a protective, secure shipping tube.
- Video (URL): Spykerman Presentation at “Covenant America” Event
Watch Stephen J. Spykerman deliver the powerfully enlightening and inspiring presentation he gave at the 2013 “Covenant America” event in Kansas City, MO (where Glenn Beck was the keynote speaker).
- PowerPoint (URL): Spykerman PowerPoint Teacher’s Edition
Access to the enhanced version of the presentation Stephen J. Spykerman gave at the 2013 “Covenant America” event in Kansas City, MO (where Glenn Beck was the keynote speaker). This 56-slide PowerPoint includes all the narrative materials you need to share Spykerman’s presentation with your family, study group, Tea Party or congregation. The notes section of the slides includes over 70 minutes worth of speaking narrative.