On radio today, Glenn dedicated the full show to comprehensive coverage of the midterm elections. You probably won't get another show between now and Tuesday as dedicated to politics as this one. One of the candidates that impressed Glenn the most was Clint Didier, candidate for the House of Representatives in Washington's 4th Congressional District.
Below is a rush transcript of the segment
GLENN: We have Clint on the phone with us now. Hello, Clint. How are you, sir?
DIDIER: I'm doing very good, Mr. Beck, and I did meet you down at Freedom Works in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.
GLENN: Oh, my gosh. Yes, we did. Yes, we did. Sorry about that.
DIDIER: That's okay.
GLENN: So Clint, you are a dream come true on all of the things --
DIDIER: Well, I'm just an American. And I can see where this country is headed. And I've got four children. I got five grandchildren. And I've lived the American dream. I've got to play in the NFL. Three Super Bowls. And it was all when Ronald Reagan was the president. And this country was united. We had our first black quarterback by the name of Doug Williams, and I caught a pass from him in Super Bowl XXII. And since then we've been on a slippery slope going downhill. And since then, we've lost our moral compass. We've lost our direction. Nobody is looking at the Constitution anymore for direction. And I want to restore pride back to America. I want to get this country, I want to be part of the equation of getting it back on track for our kids and our grandkids, grandchildren and every generation to come to live their dream.
GLENN: How would you expect to get the Department of Education and Energy eliminated?
DIDIER: Well, let's look at how these were all brought into play. That was Jimmy Carter's era. The Department of Education, everybody thinks has been around a long time.
It was brought into play when Jimmy Carter was president. And when it was brought into play, we ranked third in the world. Today we rank 36th in the world. We're losing ground, because we're not teaching the core principles of education anymore. We're now in this Common Core that I'm absolutely set against. I want to give this back to the states. You see, when Joe Gibbs brought in eight tight ends to take my job every year, he told us, the players, that competition brings out the best in everyone. And so if we had 50 different educational systems, with the core principles of course teaching history and arithmetic and English, what used to be taught, then that will bring out the best, the cream will rise to the top. And people will go to the educational systems that are successful and the rest will follow. And it's as easy as that. It's creating a competition so that it can build this educational system back to where it once was.
GLENN: Tell me about a abolishing the Federal Reserve.
DIDIER: It's not even part of our government. This Federal Reserve was created by the men that went out to Jekyll Island and they thought up this grand scheme. It's not even part of our government. And yet we allow them to print the money and they're devaluing our currency.
GLENN: I think we owe them --
(overlapping speakers).
GLENN: I think we owe them almost $5 trillion now. They've just inflated the money into -- so how are you going to get out of that?
DIDIER: Well, you were there that day. David Swaggert from -- he reported that the new report out, the new study, is with the unfunded liabilities of social security, Medicare, Medicaid and our debt were $205 trillion in the hole. How are we going to get out of that? We're going to have on unshackle our industries and let them run again. And this is one of the reasons I'm running for this position is because as a farmer here in eastern Washington -- my wife and I, we farm a thousand acres with two of my sons and daughter. And we are under attack.
They have determined a White Bluffs bladderpod as an endangered species. And they are using that as a means to take away our water as they're doing it all across America.
The EPA was created December 2nd, 1970, by Richard Nixon with an "R" by his name. This agency doesn't even have the authority over the American people because it wasn't created through the powers of our government. It was supposed to be created through the legislature, and we're allowing a lot of these agencies to create the harm to America when they don't even have the jurisdiction to do it.
So we have to rein them in and how do I propose to do that? By cutting their funds. And if we don't, then we are going to be a nation that will not pass down freedom to our children.
GLENN: How are your poll numbers?
DIDIER: Very good. We're in eastern Washington here, although we do have the west siders. The grandfather of the establishment party, Slade Gorton will be here. He just paid for a hit ad on me and it's pretty ugly. They got -- it's got me speaking to the Second Amendment rally and as you well know, I'm telling people to get ready. As Joe Gibbs always told us, get ready for the worst possible predicament you can imagine. And that way you'll never be surprised. So if you get your food put in place, if you get a portable ham radio and get it in a box and get it somewhere the EMP or a Solar flare and our governments warn us of a Solar flare. Fox News the other day, if you get that put away, you have that -- you have that confidence, the poise that if something does happen, you're ready for it. As we see so many times across America when people aren't ready, is when the anxiety and the panic takes place and then it's too late.
GLENN: If the president of the United States --
DIDIER: So I'm telling people -- go ahead.
GLENN: I was going to say, if the President of the United States were a responsible guy, he would be saying the same thing. He would be saying, don't panic. You just don't panic. There's no reason to panic, and you prepare for the worst. And hope for the best. But I mean, it was the United States government that buried cans and crackers and blankets and water underneath all of the federal buildings and state courthouses and county courthouses all across this nation during the Cold War. I mean, that's exactly what they did. We didn't have to use it, but it gave us peace of mind so we didn't have to panic.
DIDIER: And you see this grandfather Slade Gorton over here running the hit ad and then he also said that Clinton Didier said if we keep the weak alive, it only brings down the strong and he shows a woman holding a child which I was talking about business. When you keep propping up the businesses that aren't making it on their own, you're weakening a strong business.
PAT: That is despicable.
DIDIER: It is. And I encourage everyone to look at it, because this is what's going on. You see this establishment party realizes one thing F. a true newsroom conservative -- and Glenn, you lived here. You know about Washington state.
GLENN: I do.
DIDIER: I don't know if you remember Slade Gorton.
GLENN: I do.
DIDIER: Honestly, he doesn't have anything in his tenure that he can even speak of. He raised taxes and he voted no for the impeachment of Bill Clinton. He really -- his profile is just horrible as far as a Senator for the United States of America. And they know, if I win this, and I'm going to, it's going to change the landscape of the state of Washington. We're not only going to settle for being the fourth congressional member. We're going to also campaign and work hard to get other conservative -- conservative politicians or whatever -- I like to call statesmen -- elected in our state and going back to represent the federal government. We're going to turn the tide.
STU: Clint, do you feel bad in retrospect playing for a football team with such a mean name?
DIDIER: You know, I haven't met a Native American yet and I've got one working on my staff that is offended by that. Quite honestly, they're all taken by it because they're remembered.
GLENN: So we have Clint now on record saying that he's making Native Americans work for him. Notice that one.
DIDIER: That's right. And he does it on his own free will. He's a volunteer. But if it was so offensive, honestly, if that was so offensive to the American people, would we have them lining up and waiting in line to buy tickets and buying all the memorabilia from the Redskins?
GLENN: No. Makes me want to buy more.
DIDIER: Exactly.
GLENN: I'm going the game tonight. I might be rooting for the Redskins and it's in Dallas. And I'm from Dallas. So I mean, I just -- and you know, all the Dallas people will turn around and be like, guys, guys, guys, this is just -- it's just this anti-P.C. thing. And I might turn the whole crowd around. The whole crowd in Dallas may actually be cheering for the Redskins just because of the name. Clint --
DIDIER: You know, Glenn.
GLENN: Go ahead.
DIDIER: When I was down there in Jackson Hole, you had some great memorabilia there and you shared all of them with us and it was just powerful.
The one thing that sticks in my mind is the guy that was stuffing the papers down in the train. For those people at -- over in Germany. We just lost our neighbor of 55 years, his name was Chris Chrisman. He flew 71 missions in World War II. He was a hero in our neighborhood. We just lost him. I got to spend an afternoon Sunday watching a football game with him here about a month ago. But my mom went and interviewed him and the one thing that is -- I can't get out of my mind is, every mission he prayed. He prayed that he wouldn't drop bombs on the innocent people. He didn't pray for his own life. He prayed for the people, the innocent people. And people -- and we're being accused of being an evil nation? And that sticks in my mind, because these men that go to fight for our liberty and our freedom, they live with it for the rest of their lives and he took that to his death bed and I'd like to give a little homage to Chris Chrisman who just passed away. He was neighbor here for 55 years, a great man.
GLENN: Clint, I think we don't have to ask you how your soul is. I think you just answered it. God bless and you best of luck next week. Running for U.S. Congress in Washington's fourth district. Clint Didier.