Washington Free Beacon has been putting together some incredible video smash cuts coming out of Tuesday's election, and this might be their best yet. For years, Glenn has been telling the audience that the truth burns through all the lies that politicians in D.C. like to tell to the American people. In the midterm elections, many progressive candidates tried to obscure the truth and in some cases they flat out lied, but the American people saw through it. Glenn played the evidence on radio this morning.
While the truth did come out in many cases, the media could be doing more when it comes to the president.
"If the media decided to say, enough is enough, I mean, we would have a different country. This president's approval ratings would be in the 20s within a month if they just started to tell the truth," Glenn said.
"Just tell the truth. This is what you said, this is what you did not with is this what you're currently doing. This is what the Constitution says, this is what you said in your oath, this is what you're doing."
"If they did that from day one, what would his approval rating be today?" Stu asked.
"He wouldn't be president. He would have been impeached years ago."