One of the big stories this week was a video clip of an Obamacare architect who made some startling admissions about Obama’s controversial health care bill. The video was actually from over a year ago but only recently surfaced -- today on radio Glenn spoke with the person who uncovered the video and didn’t quit until the public saw it.
Below is a rush transcript of this segment:
GLENN: I want to tell you about the power of one. How one person can make a difference. One person who is motivated to get up and just say, wait a minute. Wait a minute. I want to figure this out. I want to tell you about a story? Philadelphia, who said I thought you said I could keep my health insurance. I thought you said if I liked my health insurance, I could keep my health insurance. Now, my health insurance has been canceled. I want to find out how this whole thing happened. So he started for looking for all the architects of Obamacare. He started to read everything he could about them. And finding all the speeches. Anything where any of these guys had ever -- had ever given a speech. And he started listening to them. And then he started to notice, wait a minute this guy didn't say much, but, boy, this guy did. This guy is calling the American people stupid. This guy has all kinds of stuff. He's not hiding at all. And he's one of the main architects. I want to introduce you to the guy who found Gruber, the reason why we know that this administration is lying is because of a guy just like you. Who said I've had enough. And he dedicated some time to go and find the truth. This is why net neutrality is really being pushed. They've got to controlled the internet because they can't control the press.
If the press is free and is you. You're not going to the White House correspondence dinner. Rich Weinstein is not going to the White House correspondence dinner. And once you lose control of the press, once you lose control of the narrative, you lose. Let bring Rich Weinstein in. He's from Philadelphia. Rich, what do you do for a living.
RICH: I'm an investment advisory.
GLENN: And tell me your story on how you found these Gruber videos.
RICH: You kind of described it. About this time last year, I lost my -- you know, as I've said before, the president kind of speaks with qualifiers a lot. When he said, if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period. There's no qualifiers in that statement. So I thought, well, the ACA is not going to impact me because I like my plan, I'll keep it, period. Then exactly this time this year, we got the notice. Our plan is not ACA compliant.
GLENN: That's because you had a junk plan, this is the argument.
RICH: That's an awesome argument except for the fact -- I don't want to throw too much out there about myself. When I say it, don't think I'm trying to be cocky or anything.
I'm an investment advisor, I have an accounting degree, I have an MBA, I have an insurance license. My wife is an MBA. I'm qualified to figure out what kind of insurance I have. What else can you tell me that I had a junk plan? I laughed like you did. And I'm like, wait a minute. Do you know my situation better than I know my situation? I'm qualified.
So it's kind of funny actually.
GLENN: So then you went to see and you started looking, and you looked at all of the architects. And on some of the architects, you didn't find anything.
RICH: Right. There's Dr. Cutler, the first guy I looked at. Pretty interesting. Talked a lot about cost control. He really didn't say anything or do anything politically. There's kind of one thing politically he did, but it didn't really grab my eye that much.
Once I got through with him, I started looking at Dr. Gruber. And I went through all his stuff. And it took -- I just found an email -- by the way, yesterday I called in here. I was talking to Pat and Stu because I had sent you guys a video that I thought was important.
So it kind of sparked me. I look back at some of the emails I sent out. And I sent emails to a lot of people in the media saying, hey, look, I got stuff here. And that goes back to December of last year. Even I had forgotten it was that long. December -- early December of 2013.
RICH: I was sending emails, Facebook messages, whatever, to whoever in the media seemed interested in the law. And nobody --
GLENN: I will tell you, Rich, I just heard this morning from Stu and Pat that you had sent this, and I'm going to do an investigation. But I will tell you that I believe that our secret servant agent that Stu gave it to was on the phone at the time that you jumped our fence. So I'm not exactly sure what happened there.
RICH: If anybody out there can get somebody from the 5 to contact me, I will make them laugh hysterically. I guarantee it. They will laugh, guaranteed.
STU: At this point, we're ready to take any of your videos. You've obviously proven yourself as someone who can find some good stuff.
PAT: In fact, you mentioned you sent your stuff to keep Malinak. We have since had him killed. We lost him.
GLENN: He was, I don't remember -- I -- what?
PAT: We just shot him in the head.
GLENN: We killed him. And we told him, if he likes that bullet, he can keep that bullet.
RICH: Period.
PAT: So far he's kept it.
GLENN: So, Rich, now Nancy Pelosi is saying, she's never heard of this guy. She's never heard of Gruber. But we've got another video from you that shows that Gruber was -- said, I wrote this specific part of the bill, where she said he didn't write any of that. I didn't even know about him.
PAT: And she's been talking about him.
GLENN: Right. She's been quoting him.
RICH: The video I -- that I sent today actually was the same video that I sent -- the same video that's going to be included in the court case that goes back to July. You guys had that. So when I sent it back with Keith -- Keith is actually still alive because someone is emailing me under his name. I said, look, it's actually in plain sight. It's this same video from this noblest conference. You have it. It's all in plain sight. You just have to look. You have it already.
GLENN: Let me ask you this --
RICH: I didn't send you guys anything new. You guys already had it.
GLENN: We're loading the gun for a second bullet to Keith's head.
STU: We just replace Keith. We rotate them in. When we kill one, we just put another one in with the same name.
PAT: Saves time legally that way.
GLENN: Rich, how do you feel as a guy who doesn't do this for a living -- I mean, imagine, America, see, this is the thing. He sent this to us. He sent this to other people. He couldn't get us or anybody else to pick this story up. But he just kept doing it.
And through the power of persistence, the power of the individual, and the power of the internet, he could not only make this case, but eventually set the world on fire. This is why you have to control the internet. This is why you have to shut people down.
A, how do you feel about being just a regular guy, who has been working and been frustrate, but now all of a sudden America is talking about this?
RICH: Well, I've had this secret for like a year. And, you know, I tell my friends and my neighbors, and I had this habit of doing like the fire -- like I have it all inside me and you'll hear a year's worth of knowledge or information I've gathered in 45 seconds. And their eyes glaze over.
So it's coming -- like, there's still a lot of stuff that's coming out. And it's coming, and it's coming, and it's coming. And I'm not trying to -- I'm almost like a librarian at this point, where when they see a guy write an article, and I say, yes, they're getting there. And then I'll contact them and say, you need to see this. This will help you.
So I'm acting like a librarian because people need to see it. It's coming together. And, for me, it's really kind of relieving because it's a secret -- maybe not a secret, but it's stuff people should have been seeing for a long time. And I can finally it get out there. I just want people to think.
GLENN: Unfortunately, I feel the same way about the caliphate. Unfortunately, it's too late now on the caliphate.
By the way, did you them the other prediction that just came true yesterday?
I had said, when they started talking about ISIL, I said, the only thing hear that will happen is it will cause the fall of Assad and that's why we're in it. Yesterday, a story came out, I think it was from the pentagon that said, the real -- the real target here, the real fortunately that is happening is the fall of Assad.
So I understand how frustrating it is, Rich, when you can't get somebody to listen and then you start to see it happen. Unfortunately, a lot of things are just not going away. Now, they're talked about, maybe we should cut the funding on some of this and comprise here and here. You're never going to repeal this whole thing I don't think because of the progressives on both sides. Rich, what is coming next? What is the one thing that you would say, America, you need to know this, what is it?
RICH: I think the most important thing for now is -- again, I don't want to do the fire hose thing, but this Cadillac tax is really, really important. Because the way they describe the law was, 80 percent of the country gets their insurance from the government or from their company, and 20 percent get it from, you know, the individual market like I do. So we need to fix that individual market and leave the other 80 percent alone.
That's out there on video a bunch of times. Dr. Gruber made pie charts, and they're out there on the web.
You can't say that and talk about the Cadillac tax in the same breath. They're conflicting thoughts. Because the Cadillac tax, people think is just for the high-end insurance plans, but the way Dr. Gruber describes it on video, within a certain period of time, I don't know if he said 10 or 20 years, it's going to hit everybody, and it's targeted at the employer sponsored insurance.
So when he says, we're not going to touch the employer's sponsored insurance. That's a conflicting thought.
PAT: The ultimate goal is single-payer. They want to eliminate the insurance companies.
RICH: Maybe. I don't want to go there.
But in this thought, the goal was to get at the tax break people get for employer-sponsored insurance. That was the goal. That's what that whole carry thing was about. That's what that whole carry quote is about. They want to get rid of that tax break. $250 billion per year of lost revenue to the treasury, according to -- that's the stat. That's what they've been trying to get rid of.
Even John McCain, you know, because of the video you kind of wiggle your way through a little bit. John McCain, I think, had the same idea in his plan in 2008. He told people about that thing. But they're doing it in a more covert manner, and the way it's structured as per what the videos say, it's structured so you're giving insurance to your guy and the premiums go up, it's structured so that your guy is mad, not you, but at the, quote, unquote, evil insurance companies. It's out there. It's all out there.
PAT: Yeah, we played that from what you said earlier.
STU: Glenn, this goes back to what you've said so many times. Watching the other hand. They pass something. These rich people they're spending too much. They can't get a full tax break for all that. The plan down the line as Gruber outlines is 20 years down the road and we've now removed a tax break that would politically impossible to just --
GLENN: I love the quote from him in one of the videos where he said the president is very smart. He knew you can't get that passed the American people. So how do we break this up and put it in progressive pieces so we can get by? Then Gruber is, again, the American people are stupid.
Rich, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for doing this. Thank you for being an involved American and a persistent American and not giving up.
RICH: Anybody can do this. If you have something on your mind, go figure it out. I'm nobody special. Anybody can figure this out if they have something in their mind. It's probably out there in plain sight.
GLENN: Thanks, Rich. Appreciate it. God bless. You know what he is. Remember when we said, this is when we first started really going online with Twitter and everything else. And I said watchdogs. Bark if you're a watchdog. I said, because we cannot -- we're not experts in everything. We don't know. And this is the swim lanes that I've been talking about for a long time.
This is -- experts get people who are passionate about things, and they will do it because as reporters or journalists or even news agencies, we can't do all of it, but there will be a few people who are really, really dead indicated for personal reasons, and they'll know this one, thin, narrow lane. And they'll go in and they'll root it all out. That's the way this is going to work.
That's the way this new media works. It is no longer about some journalist. It's about a whole collection of people that you may only have one strike in your entire life, but it's because you know that. You've been there. You've seen that. Or you're motivated because something happened in your life and you'll go out and find it. Again, this goes back to, why does there have to be net neutrality? Because you have to shut people like Rich down.