TheBlaze's Billy Hallowell recently published an article stating that Satanists have won the right to place a “grossly offensive” holiday display next to a Nativity scene inside Florida’s state capitol in Tallahassee. The display is said to feature "an angel falling into burning flames, Bible verses and a 'Happy Holidays' message." This morning on radio Glenn weighed in on the debate and shared his opinion on the separation of church vs. state.
GLENN: So I talked to one of the guys up in New York today and they said, I'm on my way to my — I'm on my way to my daughter's Kwanzaa party. And I said, what?
PAT: What?
GLENN: Yeah. The school is having their Kwanzaa party today. I said, get out of New York City. Get out of New York City.
PAT: I think you've said that before.
GLENN: Yeah.
PAT: Yeah.
GLENN: I have.
PAT: The Kwanzaa party, good.
GLENN: You got that going for you.
PAT: Did you also see —
GLENN: In Florida?
PAT: Yeah, the Florida thing is agonizing, because we have to now all of a sudden — we have to treat everything equally. And that's not the constitutional — that's not constitutional. Nobody — there's nothing in the Constitution that says every religion is equal. This just isn't.
GLENN: Hang on a second. All they are saying is they wanted to put a diorama of an angel falling in hell with a banner that says, happy holidays from the Satanic Temple. That's all they're saying.
PAT: Is that too much to ask?
GLENN: The state of Florida said yes, you can but the satanic nativity scene up in the Capitol —
PAT: This is.
GLENN: I have news for you. Destruction is coming our way.
PAT: That is what we're going to do for sure. You can't treat it as an equal because it's not. It's not. Satanism is not equal to Christianity, Judaism, Islam. It's not — Satanism — and how many people practice it in America? Five. 666? I don't know. It's — you don't — the Constitution says that the government shouldn't get involved in religion. That's what it says. And it — Congress should not pass a law regarding how you worship. When you put up a nativity scene at the state Capitol, that's not Congress enacting any law. And when Satanists come to you and say, well, we want equal time, you tell them tough. You're not getting it.
GLENN: Why, Pat?
PAT: Because you don't deserve it.
GLENN: No, here's the thing. It is the definition of evil.
PAT: Yeah.
GLENN: Satan is the definition — he's the chief elf of the evil kingdom.
PAT: You don't give equal time to it.
GLENN: No. You don't — you call it what it is. Evil. You are the definition of evil. And when you show me what good the satanists have done, you let me know. But I'm going to judge them by the fruits of their labors. And if you really are a Satan worshiper, by definition you are drinking blood — you are sacrificing things to the dark lord. I mean do, we need to watch an episode of "Star Wars" again to see that doesn't work out well?
PAT: Or Harry Potter?
GLENN: Any of them.
PAT: Any of those —
GLENN: Any of them.
PAT: Show you the road that that leads to.
GLENN: "The Godfather" will show that you. Evil, bad.
PAT: But —
GLENN: I don't know, do they know this? That in "The Exorcist,"" the girl with the pea soup —
PAT: Vomits?
GLENN: She was the bad — that was the bad character in that movie?
PAT: Her head spun all the way around.
GLENN: That was satan that was doing that.
PAT: Yeah. That was not a good — that wasn't happy time.
GLENN: No, it wasn't. You know what? I have to tell you, if I were was — if I had were in the state Capitol, I would refuse to go into it. If this is what this Capitol has become, to where this Capitol will not say no toe welcoming satan — "no" to welcoming satan into its doors, I have no place here. You can meet me and I will vote outside on the lawn. But I will not enter a building that houses satan and welcomes satan into its front door.
PAT: That's how lost we are, though. I mean —
GLENN: I bet you there's not a single person — in the south, in the — the south is — I expect this from Massachusetts. Like satan, we were out drinking the other night, he was a great cat. In the south. Where are your baptists. Where are the preachers. In the south. I open the door to the Capitol and I want to talk about riots in the streets. There should be peaceful congregations that are gathering together and going as a congregation —
PAT: I've not heard a peep out of anybody, though.
GLENN: It's crazy. It's absolutely crazy.
PAT: That's how effective they've been in twisting this thing and what our values really with.
GLENN: Here's the thing. Here's the thing. George Washington received a letter from Aaron Burr. 2:00 in the morning Aaron Burr has a bullet in his head. He's in battle.
It's the battle of Stoney Point. Aaron Burr gets — not Aaron Burr. Mad Anthony Wayne. He has a bullet in his head. He's in battle. They shoot him. They pull him off the battlefield. He wins the night. Surge yon says we have to take the bullet out of your head. He says give me a piece of paper and pencil first. He writes a letter to George Washington, 2:00 a.m. It says, Dear General — your men behaved like men who were determined to be free. General Wayne. We are not acting like men determined to be free. We don't even know what it means to be free. They chose to be free. They declared themselves free. Let's see, what are we? Are we going to be slaves to the king or free? Raise your hand if you want to be free. You know what that means, right? Yes. But you're choosing that, right? Yes, I am. It's not enough just to choose and say it. We have to declare it. So we will write down this piece of paper a decoration of our independence, that we're going to be free, that that's what we are. Damn the consequences. We are determined to be free. We were born free. We were given freedom. We didn't earn this freedom. None of us even chose our freedom. We just were given freedom. That's why we don't value it. We have to choose our freedom. Then we have to declare, I am a free man. I will remain a free man. And that means free of debt. Free of debt. Free of things that tie you down and make you do things you don't want to do. Oh.
PAT: Yeah.
GLENN: Behave like a man determined to be free. And if you just let that slippery slope go, I guarantee, shackles will be around your legs. You can't do it. Cast off the shackles. Cast off anybody who is — is coaxing you into that slippery slope. Cast it off. Determined to be free. Choose it, declare it, live it.
PAT: And what freedom means in this religious context with the satanists, they can practice that if they want to. They're free to do that. What they're not free to — to go ahead and display what they — their evil at a state Capitol. You don't have that freedom. You don't have that right. We don't have to let you do that.
GLENN: Christianity has earned the right not in the Dark Ages. But in this country they have earned the right to be at the table. And I have news for you. I have a problem with a lot of Christians. A lot of Christians. And I might talk about one today. But I have a problem with a lot of Christians. And they've made a lot of mistakes. We all have. All of us. We've all made mistakes. But for the most part, the reason why America is the most charitable nation in the history of the world is because we're Christians. We're Judeo-Christian people. We worship the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. And because of that, because we actually live it, not because we go to church, but because we live it and we are determined to serve Him and we declare it. We're not declaring it anymore. We're Christians and you're being told not to declare it. Your children are being told that — think of just the damage on this. They can't say Christmas. That instinctively teaches them that there's something wrong with Christianity. There's something wrong with God. If I can't talk about God, there's something wrong. I don't know what it is. No, we're not saying there's anything wrong with it. We just don't want you to bring the Bible to school. That teach them something is wrong with that. And that mommy and daddy if they believe it, society says mommy and daddy are crazy. So not only are we not declaring I will. You've got to start declaring. I made a promise to God last -- in the last 12 months. I promise you, I believe in miracles. You show them to me and I will declare them. I am not afraid of standing and saying, that was a miracle. And we have seen them, starting with the "Man In The Moon." I mean, there's one that — the 20,000 people saw. It hadn't rained in a hundred years on that weekend. It rains on that weekend and I mean rains. I mean, it pours. It pours rain. What happens? We get together, all of us, and we pray. 20,000 people. We pray. There's a double rainbow over the stage. It clears up. It was absolutely miraculous the way this thing happened. We had — we didn't even have a chance to have a rehearsal for the "Man In The Moon." Because it had rained all weekend. We picked that weekend because it hadn't rained in a hundred and some years. We joked and said, well, it's due for it.
PAT: This is — you know, it's in a desert where they get eight inches of precipitation a year.
GLENN: And I bet —
PAT: I bet they got it that weekend.
GLENN: I bet they got five to eight inches just that weekend.