Somewhere, someone thought a really good way to promote Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Presidential campaign would be to create a country song about how wonderful Hillary Clinton is and spread it around the internet. It is infinitely more horrible than anything you could possibly imagine. Brace yourself and listen to it along with Glenn’s reaction!
GLENN: Welcome to the program. We have — stop the music, because the real piece of music here for you. This came in yesterday. And Tania and I — I played it for Tania without — without telling her what it was, and she looked up at me halfway through and she laughed and she said, is this you guys?
GLENN: And I said, no, honey, this is not us doing a parody. This is serious, a new song for the Hillary campaign. Listen to this.
GLENN: By the way, when I hear country music —
PAT: You think Hillary immediately.
GLENN: I think of Hillary Clinton immediately.
(music playing)
GLENN: This is so bad.
PAT: Yeah.
GLENN: Stop.
PAT: Yeah.
GLENN: Stop. Let's put our boots on. Guys, let's put our boots on and bash this glass ceiling.
JEFFY: Yeah.
GLENN: This is —
PAT: Wait, you're bashing in a glass ceiling with your boots?
GLENN: Yeah.
PAT: So —
GLENN: Don't think about it. They spray painted 2016 on glass. So it's guys, let's bash this glass ceiling for women.
JEFFY: Yeah.
PAT: It's time to elect a woman.
GLENN: Oh, my gosh.
PAT: In the 21st —
GLENN: What's amazing is how — how bogus this whole thing is. We were looking — what the world is striving for, they're starving for anything that is authentic. They are so sick of all of the make-believe bull crap. You can see it a million miles away. This shows you how out of touch the people in the Clinton campaign are. They are — even if Hillary said I didn't have anything to do with this song. The people who are behind Hillary, that they would think that you could pull this off. It is so far out of — out of their comfort zone. Does anybody think — remember when Hillary did that speech, and she's like, well, I just here because I'm tired. You're like, what was that?
PAT: Yeah.
GLENN: They just think they can wear any mask and it will be okay. And people will buy it. Is.
JEFFY: So is this entitled cowgirl kankles or —
GLENN: Stop it. Go ahead.
PAT: She's a living wife? Is she — you never see her and Bill together. Where do you get? And through it all she's a living wife. I never seen a couple more in love than Bill and Hill. What are you talking about?
PAT: Where does that come from?
GLENN: Unbelievable. She fights for country and family. Like she fought for the — like she fought for the families of the Benghazi victims?
PAT: Yeah.
GLENN: Like that — is that how she was fighting?
PAT: This is so bad.
GLENN: It's hysterical.
PAT: Oh, man.
GLENN: It's hysterical.
JEFFY: Is this on the charts yet?
PAT: Or if you drive a truck or not, because I know that has to be in one of them country songs. Trying to emulate —
GLENN: It's so bad. Whether you live in a red or blue state, it's 2016, let's get to the polls.
GLENN: It's awful.
GLENN: There's some what, honchos —
PAT: There's hard —
GLENN: Hard choices.
PAT: That need to be made.
GLENN: Buy her book by the same name.
GLENN: Oh, my gosh. And there's hard choices to be made.
PAT: Oh.
GLENN: Wait, stop. We need a leader who's tough and gritty.
PAT: Gritty.
GLENN: Not gritty, ready.
PAT: I thought it was ready.
GLENN: Because her deal is ready. We need a leader that's tough and ready.
PAT: Ready.
GLENN: That's my final decision.
GLENN: Stop. There was a great comment on the Facebook page last night. You have to read my Facebook comments on this. They are so funny. The Facebook comments came in. They were all observations like, notice whenever he says that she's — through it all she's a loving wife, they had to go back and find the pictures from like 1964.
PAT: You can't find them even together anymore.
GLENN: No, you have to go back to the Yale pictures.
JEFFY: They were just photographed in the Hamptons together not long ago, right?
PAT: Like a year ago on vacation?
JEFFY: Yeah.
PAT: Walking about the beach —
GLENN: Let's be honest. They're in their 60s.
JEFFY: I thought they looked okay. Hillary didn't cover up the kankles like he should have.
GLENN: Is to have.
GLENN: You have, I have to hand it to Hillary and any woman who will age gracefully in today's world. You know, stop trying with a plastic surgery and stop trying to look like you're 20 years old.
JEFFY: Joe Biden job Joe Biden.
GLENN: Joe Biden. He's honestly —
JEFFY: Nancy Pelosi.
GLENN: He's starting to look Asian. His skin is pulled back so much his eyes are starting to look Asian. Stop it. That's creeping me out. How vain do you have to be? Let's give Hillary some credit. She's not trying to act like she's 40 years old. She's in her 60s. Good for her. I met Steve Forbes' wife. We were having dinner and Steve Forbes' wife was sitting next to me. When you think of really, really rich, really, really rich people, and their wife, what do you expect their wife too long like?
PAT: Plastic.
GLENN: His wife looked like — like I remember — and I don't mean this to be rude, but she's an older lady now. She's in her 70s. She looked like my grandmother. And I love that. She wasn't trying to hide her gray hair. She hadn't had plastic surgery. She was a normal human being. And I have so much respect for her. I mean, I loved that. And you have to hand it to Hillary. She's not trying to make herself look, you know, younger.
PAT: No, but if she did, I think she'd be — there would be some notice of that and it would probably be embarrassing for her. There might be some ulterior motive not to do anything or she just may not want to. I don't know.
GLENN: Maybe she's comfortable in her own skin.
PAT: She might, yeah. She might be. She'd get some flack from the right if —
GLENN: She would but she wouldn't get it from the left.
PAT: Not at all.
GLENN: Nobody is saying a word about Joe Biden.
GLENN: That would be a joke. That should be a big joke everywhere.
JEFFY: Nobody said a word about Pelosi forever, right?
GLENN: Right. If — if — you know, you're doing a comedy show, you start to notice the things like Joe Biden eyes going — he has not a wrinkle in his face now. He's completely Botoxed out and his eyes are positively pulled back. You start to make fun of that. But nobody is saying anything about it. It just shows how in touch — take us out on the Hillary song.
PAT: Aah — yeah. Hillary.
PAT: She let four Americans die in Benghazi without lifting a finger. So did the entire administration. We need four more years of this. It's time to stand up for this woman who's so in love with the man who keeps cheating on her.
JEFFY: Can I get an amen.
GLENN: And if you don't like her, let's vote for Jeb.
GLENN: Bush or Hillary.
PAT: So awful.
GLENN: We should do a country song — we should do an R and B song for Jeb.
PAT: That would be —
GLENN: Because when I think of Jeb Bush, I think R and B. When I think of Hillary, I think of country music. When I think of Jeff Jeb, I think of R and B.
PAT: Let's do that. That let's do that. That would be fun.
GLENN: Whoo. Is that bad?
PAT: They're on to something there.