'The Interview' is a comedy film depicting two regular guys who are approached by the U.S. government and asked to assassinate the North Korean president. Hackers posted a threat, stating a “9/11” style attack would happen on theaters who screened the film. What message does this act of cowardice send to the enemies of the U.S.?
Watch the full segment below:
"I want to talk to you about a story we were joking about because we didn't think Sony would collapse on itself. And this is a disturbing, really disturbing story that I think most Americans have not thought through yet. What happened with Sony yesterday. Sony has been hacked in by, apparently, North Korea. That's who they say did this. I'm not sure if it was North Korea. I'd like to see the evidence of that this is North Korea. But they are saying that this is operatives for North Korea because of a movie called 'The Interview', which is supposed to come out on Christmas Day," Glenn explained.
"Because the hackers said, if you carry this movie, if you, as a theater play this movie, you too will come under threat. And so the movie theaters started to fold and say, we're not going to -- we're not going to show this. This is an act of terror. This is an act of industrial espionage."
As a result of the threats, Sony has cancelled 'The Interview' and Steve Carrell's planned 'Gregory The Nuisance'.
"Let's just say this was North Korea, and it was only about that movie. Well, now you've taught people like Russia, who I believe we are in a very Cold War and about to be a hot war with Russia. You have Russia collapsing. Russia wanting to defeat the United States of America on their way down. And you have Putin who already, the White House has said earlier this year, they were watching in real time the Russians hack in to J.P. Morgan Chase. Remember that? They were watching at the White House in real time Russians hack into J.P. Morgan Chase. There's been no ramifications that we know of for that."
"Now that has happened with Sony. If you want to shut down the United States of America hack into the power grid. You want to shut down the United States of America, hack into our largest corporations and expose them."
Glenn said everyone should learn from Sony and clean out their own life, as much of the embarrassment from executives has come from private emails being made public.
"I'm begging you, you have something that is wrong with your company. Something is wrong in your life. Fix it. Get it out. Burn out that cancer. Because it's going to be burned out for you. All corporations. And the United States government won't do jack to protect you," Glenn said.