Could this man could be more dangerous than Woodrow Wilson?

It's hard to think there could be a man more dangerous than Woodrow Wilson. After all, Wilson is attached to the root of the progressivism infecting modern American politics. But after doing some digging, Glenn found a figure whose influence could have an equally greater - and imminently more destructive - effect on the Western way of life. Glenn wants views to learn this information and share it with friends, which is why we are making the transcripts of Tuesday's monologues available on

Below is a transcript of tonight's show


The series is called The Root, and it is designed to go beyond the reactionary surface information that you’re going to get from mainstream media and actually go to the root of the problem, and this is episode two of three episodes. Tomorrow night we close it off, and it focuses on the coming red storm and the implications of Russia’s dangerous international escalations that no one is addressing. What are the real reasons behind what’s happening in the world? More importantly, what does it mean for the future, not just of Russia or Europe, but America as well?

Last night, in episode number one, in episode number one, we showed you Russia’s deep historical roots and how Putin is following in the footsteps of Ivan the Great and others who have successfully used nationalism to unite Russians and in turn increase power and control in their region. Vladimir Putin understands Russia’s past and is tapping into something deeply ingrained in the Russian people’s DNA, and that is the Russian Orthodox Church.

This episode will provide an up-close-and-personal look at what Putin has planned for Russia and more importantly, the people he is using to get it done. In episode one you saw the history. Now, we will show you the roadmap, and it all begins with the architect whose plan is already unfolding before your very eyes. His influential voice is the foundation of Russia’s policies and actions. His views are beyond radical, beyond understanding, some of them, beyond dangerous, and openly fascistic. They are closely patterned after another certain notorious fascist leader that we have seen in the 20th century.

You may have wondered, why is Russia suddenly overtly anti-gay? What’s happening? Just recently, they deemed transgendered people and others with sexual disorders as unfit to drive. You can’t get a driver’s license. They also declared gay propaganda illegal. Teachers are now being systematically outed and then fired as anti-gay activist groups claim it is a crime to allow gays to teach children, because it won’t give kids the ability to respect the family and the Russian tradition.

I want you to know, I’m a conservative, and I find it deeply perplexing and disturbing that we are the source on this. Everyone should be very well aware of what is going on in the former Soviet Union. This is not about a gay agenda. This is about human beings, and it always starts with the Jews and the gays, and it has begun.

You may have wondered if you pay attention to the news, why is Russia, the former communist state, standing with the neo-Nazis in Greece and in Germany and in French, the extreme European right, these groups in France, just after the shooting in France, that are pushing xenophobic, outright anti-Islamic hatred…not hey, we’ve got to all live together, but hatred for anyone or anything that is Islamic?

Seeing the history and then seeing the motive, suddenly things are going to start to become clear to you and disturbing. The fundamental transformation of Russia is on, from a relatively nonideological, corrupt, soft authoritarian nation into a regressive, ideological, outright dictatorship, that fast. This episode reveals the political platform to accomplish that transformation, but for perspective, let’s go back now to 1991.

The Soviet Union, their economy had come to a screeching halt. Everything was about to change. The people were psychologically demoralized. Their country had fallen apart. It looked increasingly like the Soviet Union was going to collapse. Could you imagine what it would feel like with our country collapsing? How would you feel?

Mikhail Gorbachev, their leader, proposed reforms, but the 16 republics in the Soviet Union didn’t want reforms. They wanted independence from the Soviet Union. It’s unlike the United States of America. They were separate countries with their separate identities. They were forced into that pact. They wanted freedom.

Well, Gorbachev came up with an agreement and set a deadline to sign it. It was clear what would happen if it was adopted. The old Soviet Union would be finished. The old guard, hardline Communists desperately wanted to keep the Soviet Union together. The Communists decided maybe it’s time to change our uniforms. It’s time to go from a Communist to a Social Democrat. Maybe it’s time to act.

Meeting in secret KGB safe houses, they hatched a plan. It was August 1991. Hardliners attempted to overthrow Gorbachev in a coup. It lasted two days. Then it completely fell apart.


Dan Rather: The Kremlin coup is over, the failed coup makers in disgrace and apparently on the run. Mikhail Gorbachev is back in charge, back as president, but not yet back in Moscow. His troubles and those of the Soviet Union are far from over.

Okay, the failed coup had done severe damage. It caused enough disruption that just four months after the coup attempt, Gorbachev was on television. He was addressing the nation. It was Christmas Day 1991.


Gorbachev: Due to the situation with the formation of the Commonwealth of Independent Governments, I must end my duty as President of the USSR.

The Soviet flag was taken down from the Kremlin and replaced with the new flag of the Russian Federation. The Soviet Union had officially dissolved. We all cheered, but put yourself in the place of the Russian people. Russians, all of a sudden their national pride was gone.

At the height of its power, the Soviet Union had reestablished the Russian empire. It had influence all across Eurasia. It was huge, 12 different time zones, all the way to East Berlin, and then overnight it was over. They lost it, a crushing defeat for the soul of the country. The old Byzantine era line was still the de facto border, but the Warsaw Pact of 1955 which had provided the Russians with a long reach into Western Europe had also come to an end that year.

Under the Warsaw Pact, if any of the countries in the red were attacked by an outside force, those countries were obligated—Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Czechoslovakia—they had to defend that state militarily. The unified military would be commanded by the Soviet Union. Russian influence was fading really fast because those countries were lost.


In 1991, the once glorious empire had been fractured into seemingly a million pieces. Now, here’s what people really don’t understand that you need to understand. If you look at the old Soviet empire, it was something along the lines of this. All of these states didn’t want to be a part of it. None of these states wanted—here’s Russia, the old Russia line. All of these states were forced into the Soviet Union.

Again, it’s not like the United States. They were forced to be a part of this. So when the Soviet Union fell apart, all these people cheered, but there was a problem, because when Russia forced them…you remember, they were starving people to death. They took over these countries by force. They executed. They shipped people out into Siberia, but they also did something else, they took Russians and reassigned them and said you’re now living here, you’re living here, you’re living here, and so they planted Russians all the way through all of these countries.

So, now what happened? These foreign nationalists that were part of Russia originally, they loved the mother country, Russia. They then moved here and planted, and their families grew up here, but they were Mother Russia people. They now found themselves behind foreign borders. They were no longer in Russia. The language changed. The schools changed. The military changed. Everything changes.

We will show you later in this episode how these ethnic Russians became pawns, but their spiritual and cultural heart of the nation was Kiev, Kiev in the Ukraine and Crimea, and it was now separated by this line on the map—the Ukraine, all of this, really important. This, we told you in episode one, this is the spiritual center. Those people longed for the glory of restoring the Russian empire and claiming the mantle of the third Rome.

It was crushing to lose all of this, especially to a KGB colonel called Vladimir Putin. In his 2005 annual state of the union address, Russian President Vladimir Putin said, and I quote, “The collapse of the Soviet Union was a major geopolitical disaster of the century. As for the Russian nation, it became a genuine drama. Tens of millions of our co-citizens and compatriots found themselves outside Russian territory.” This will play a huge role. These people that the Soviets planted in here are outside. He views this as a major catastrophe that the USSR dissolved, so he wants to be the one to restore it or at least a modern version of it.

When Putin came to power in 2000, he inherited a crippled economy and a nation that lacked direction. In the first eight years of his reign, the Russian GDP grew by over 70%. Can you imagine a president comes in, and everything 70% growth? Individual Russian wages tripled. This made him mighty popular, but there was something missing, influence. They were no longer the Soviet Union.

Putin was so laser focused on the economy for so many years, attention to politics and posturing on the international stage had been an afterthought. He realizes because of Gorbachev, Gorbachev himself now admits if he would’ve spent more time and more money addressing the bread lines instead of weapons, things probably would have turned out differently for him.


We look at Gorbachev as a hero…not so much over there, because that was the end of the Empire.

Putin didn’t want to make the same mistake, so as a result, Russia faded into the background and eventually off the international stage. NATO influence advanced further eastward. We started saying yes, you know what, Georgia, Poland, we’ll put missiles in here. Ukraine, yes, we’ll protect you. The United States and Western Europe practically ignored Russia on the world stage, and we know this to be true, because when presidential candidate Mitt Romney said the biggest geopolitical foe to the world is Russia, the world laughed.

Enter phase two. Putin needed a geopolitical and a foreign policy, one that would return Russia and the Russian empire to its previous glory. Well, they had a policy under development. It’s been there for a long time, and it was put into effect in 2008, and Putin has been following it like a playbook ever since.

I believe the architect of Russia’s geopolitical strategy is this man, the most frightening man we have come across in all of the years that I have been doing this show. His name is Aleksandr Dugin. Most Americans have never heard of this man, but he is an advisor for the Kremlin. He is the thinking man behind the kill-large-animals-with-my-bare-hands dictator of a guy.

If he were a lone crazy man talking to himself between naps under bridges, he’d be harmless, but his policy ideas had the fast track to the Kremlin and all of the universities in the former Soviet Union, and because of that, his ideas are truly terrifying, because they are now in play, not just for the people of Russia, but for all of civilization. You will see him. You will meet him, and I will show you the roadmap he has laid out for Putin to restore the Soviet Union or something worse to its rightful, and he would say divine glory, next.


All right, the world is in real danger. Behind me is a piano that was sitting in the main square of Kiev. This was a piano that the Ukrainians came, long live the Ukraine, and they played this at night. What were they fighting? They were fighting their president selling out to Putin and selling out and making it Russia.


That is coming, and I want you to know that the canary in the coal mine is always the Jew. Whenever there’s persecution, rise in Marxism, rise in anti-Semitism, you will see the inhumanity to man and collective spirit take hold, and it becomes truly dangerous. As you will see in the next few minutes, it’s not just the Jews. Homosexuals are in dire trouble, real trouble because of who I’m going to introduce you to.

To get an idea of the Russian pride and their traditional belief that Russia is the divine heir to the throne of Rome, all you really have to do is take a guided tour to the Kremlin. It is a massive fortress. They describe it as the Russian version of Times Square, Pennsylvania Avenue, and the Washington Mall all rolled up into one—so many things to see.

It’s the official residence of the Russian Federation President, the Kremlin Palace. The Armory Museum is there. All of the Cold War happened here, but they rush you through all of those government buildings in just a few minutes, and then you’ll spend hours on the second part of the tour, and it takes you here, and then it takes you here, and then it takes you here, Orthodox Church, one right after another, church after church after church after church. During the Olympic Games, NBC took a tour of the churches of the Kremlin.

Really, really important, Ivan the Terrible did this. The Russian Orthodox revival in full swing now…this is not Billy Graham tent revival. This is revival that more resembles the Nazi church propaganda. Nazi imagery was glorified in the German church. In fact, within just a few months, Hitler had taken off any picture of Christ and put his picture on the altars of the churches. The same kind of focus is happening in Russia.

It’s slightly different. Russia itself is at the center. Let me give you a quote, “The meaning of Russia is that through the Russian people will be realized the last thought of God, the thought of the End of the World. Death is the way to immortality. Love will begin when the world ends. We must long for it, like true Christians.” Does any of this sound familiar?

“We are uprooting the accursed Tree of Knowledge. With it will perish the Universe.” This sounds very much like jihadists. These are the words of a guy I need to introduce you to called Aleksandr Dugin, somebody who’s known to have great influence on Russian politics. He has been referred to as the brain behind many of Putin’s policies, and I want to introduce him now to you. Watch.

Dugin believes that Russia is a supreme society, and America is standing in the way. He also believes chaos is in fact divine. In fact, Dugin’s political symbol, when we looked at it originally, my first question was what the heck is that? What does that even mean? We did our homework. It is the eight-pointed star. It is an ancient pagan magic symbol for chaos.

This type of philosophy might sound familiar. I just wrote these down in the break—purify the world with fire, die to be able to live, the world starts once it’s all torn down and burned down, chaos, a superior race. That could either be the Nazis or Iran and the 12ers from Islam. In Iran, the 12ers believe it is their job to create chaos to hasten the return of their savior.

If you look at the End Times philosophy of the 12ers, you will see that it is the reverse of our Book of Revelation. Putin’s Russia supports regimes, the Iranian regime, Syria, Hamas, and Dugin’s views and policy ideals are closely aligned. As they are closely examined, the more clear Russia’s actions become and why they are standing with far-right European xenophobes, neo-Nazis, and the 12ers in Iran.


Why are they standing with anti-gay organizations? Well, let’s listen to Dugin. When asked about gay rights groups fighting alongside neo-Nazis, he said, “We find…very often that the Homosexual-Lobby and the ultranationalist and neo-Nazi groups are allies. Also, the Homosexual lobby has very extremist ideas about how to deform, re-educate and influence the society. We shouldn’t forget this. The gay and lesbian lobby is not less dangerous for any society than neo-Nazis.”

Gays are equally as dangerous as the Nazis, says the Fascist. Welcome to the new Russia, and it won’t stay contained in Russia. They are using these far right groups in Germany, in Greece, and now in France in a proxy cultural battle against neighbors it seeks to diminish. Do you remember when Putin moved into Georgia, Ukraine, and Crimea? When he moved in there, what happened?


Just after one year after Putin became president of the Russian Federation in 2000, Aleksandr Dugin founded the Eurasia party. Basically what they believe is that America is the prime enemy. Dugin preaches, and I quote, listen to this, “What man is, is derived not from himself as an individual, but from politics. It is politics that defines the man. It is the political system that gives us our shape.”

A popular German historian once said similar things in the late 1800s and pioneered decades of German racism. The end result would be Nazi Germany, so when the color revolutions started to spring up all over the former Soviet Union, all of these countries, when it started to spring up in the early 2000s, it’s no surprise that Dugin blamed who? Us, America.

Putin echoed Dugin’s views. “We see tragic consequences of the wave of so-called ‘color revolutions,’ the turmoil in the countries that have undergone the irresponsible experiments of covert and sometimes blatant interference in their lives. We take this as a lesson and a warning, and we must do everything necessary to ensure this never happens in Russia.”

Do you remember in 2008 when Russia invaded Georgia? They invaded Georgia, and what happened? They said that they were protecting all of these Russian people, the ethnic Russians. Remember, I told you earlier they had moved them in from the former Soviet Union to Russianize all of these? And so Putin goes in, and he says hey, I’m just trying to do it—he just did it with Ukraine—I’m just trying to help those ethnic Russians.

When he did this in Georgia, who did Putin blame? The West. Watch.


Vladimir Putin: I’ve told you that if the facts are confirmed that U.S. citizens were present in the combat zone that it means only one thing, that they could be there only on the direct instruction of their leadership, and if this is so, then it means that American citizens are in the combat zone performing their duties, and they can only do that following a direct order from their leaders and not on their own initiative.

Of course, it’s very clear that it was Russia who was responsible. Later, Dugin would go and visit Georgia and say, “Our troops will occupy the Georgian capital, Tbilisi, the entire country, and perhaps even Ukraine and the Crimean Peninsula, which is historically part of Russia anyway.” Flash forward now to 2014.


I want to warn you, right now there are hotspots in France and in Germany. He has just annexed this area. He is pushing this direction. I am warning you, Dugin’s playbook has been unleashed. The neo-Nazis here, the far-right Fascists here, and what do they all have in common? What are they all looking to do? This goes all over everything that we ever told you about the coming insurrection. They are all looking for chaos, which is strange, because his friend down here is looking for chaos as well.

We would expect to see more from Dugin in the future. I would urge you to pay attention to him. The problem Putin faces now is he has awakened extremists, and he has made them promises. They feel that Putin hasn’t gone far enough. How far will they go if they feel they’ve been betrayed?

Dugin is already starting to talk about betrayal. Who wins in that? Would an assassination in Russia add to chaos, and would that be a bad thing for someone like Dugin?

Who is Ryan Wesley Routh, Trump's second would-be Assassin?

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For the second time in two months, Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt.

Fortunately, this time the former president walked away from the incident unharmed, as did everyone else involved. Is anyone surprised that as the election cycle heats up and Democrats and the mainstream media have increased their false and hateful rhetoric against Trump, another assassination attempt should be made against him?

The second would-be assassin, Ryan Wesley Routh, was allegedly deeply affected by the rhetoric and propaganda regurgitated by the media and evidently decided to take matters into his own hands. Delving into the turbulent past of Ryan Routh reveals a violent and unstable man with many radical beliefs and an impressionable mind. How Routh apparently managed to avoid any FBI/terrorist watchlists is just one of the mysteries surrounding the second attempted assassination of President Trump.

Here's what we know about Ryan Wesley Routh so far:

The assassination attempt

Photo of Routh's Sniper Nest

Joe Raedle / Staff | Getty Images

At approximately 1:30 p.m. on Sunday, September, 15th, the Secret Service opened fire on a concealed gunman who was hidden in some bushes along the perimeter of Trump’s golf club in West Palm Beach, Florida. The gunman was in a makeshift sniper's nest on the outside of the perimeter chain-link fence only a couple hundred yards from where Trump was golfing. He had been camping there for over 12 hours. After being fired on, the gunman ran back to his car and was quickly apprehended by the police, where he was identified as Ryan Wesley Routh.

After Routh's arrest, investigators discovered the sniper's nest built within the perimeter fence. Routh had hung two backpacks with bullet-proof ceramic plates inside on the fence with a narrow gap between them for his rifle to poke through. It is clear that Routh had come prepared for a shoot-out and had possibly taken notes from the last would-be Trump assassin, who was taken out by counter-snipers before he could finish his task.

His background

Routh at a pro-Ukraine rally Kyiv, Ukraine

Global Images Ukraine / Contributor | Getty Images

Routh is a long-time supporter of the Democrat party and a vehement Trump hater. He has written a multitude of deranged social media posts that express his loathing of the Republican nominee and parrot the rhetoric spewed by the mainstream media. Last year, Routh wrote a book urging Iran to assassinate President Trump for the "tremendous blunder” of leaving the Iran nuclear deal.

Routh is an outspoken advocate for the Ukrainian cause, and many of his social media posts are centered around this interest. He even made a trip to Ukraine with the bizarre mission of recruiting former Afghanistan troopers to fight for the Ukrainian cause. He returned home after six months without accomplishing his goal.

Shortly after the shoot-out, Ryan Routh's son, Oran Routh,, gave some personal information about his father. He claimed that he had no prior knowledge of the planned assassination attempt, and in fact, he had grown distant from his father after a falling-out. Oran did admit to sharing his father's "reasonable" hatred of Trump and claimed that his father was a peaceful, hard-working man. He also claimed that, as far as he knew, his father had only a few speeding tickets on his criminal record and had never even owned a firearm. This claim was quite contrary to reality.

Ryan Wesley Routh has quite the criminal record, which culminated in an arrest in 2002 when he fled the police during a traffic stop and barricaded himself in his roofing business with a machine gun. Routh was later convicted of possessing a weapon of mass destruction, but managed to dodge the 20-plus years in prison typically associated with charges of that nature.

His goals

Anadolu / Contributor | Getty Images

While Routh's exact motives are still unknown, we can infer some things from his background.

It is clear that Routh has an extreme hatred of President Trump that has been brewing for many years, as expressed by his social media posts and deranged book. Routh is also not immune to extreme ideologies, as demonstrated by his strange Ukrainian escapade, and he is clearly no stranger to violence, as evidenced by his criminal record.

There is also the matter of his weapon of mass destruction conviction, along with many other crimes. How did he manage to avoid the lengthy prison sentence typical of convictions of such magnitude?

One thing is clear: Routh is clearly a disturbed individual who has been exposed to the onslaught of anti-Trump propaganda that has portrayed him as an embodiment of evil and an existential threat to the country and the world.

Presidential debate recap: The good, the bad and the ugly

Bloomberg / Contributor | Getty Images

The second presidential debate was many things--some good, some bad, but one thing was made clear: this election is far from over.

If you were watching the debate with Glenn during the BlazeTV exclusive debate coverage, then you already know how the debate went: Kamala lied through her teeth and Trump faced a three-pronged attack from Harris and the two ABC moderators. This was not the debate performance we were hoping for, but it could have gone far worse. If you didn't get the chance to watch the debate or can't bring yourself to watch it again and are looking for a recap, we got you covered. Here are the good, the bad, and the ugly from the second presidential debate:

The Good

Bloomberg / Contributor | Getty Images

Let's start with what went well.

While there was certainly room for improvement, Trump's performance wasn't terrible, especially compared to his performance in other debates. He showed restraint, kept himself from being too brash, and maintained the name-calling to a minimum. In comparison, Kamala Harris was struggling to maintain her composure. Harris was visibly emotional and continued to make obnoxious facial expressions, which included several infuriating eye-rolls and patronizing smirks.

The Bad

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Despite all that, the debate could have gone much better...

While Trump was able to keep his cool during the debate, he was not able to stay on track. Kamala kept making inflammatory comments meant to derail Trump, and every time, he took the bait. Trump spent far too long defending his career and other extraneous issues instead of discussing issues relevant to the American people and revealing Kamala's failures as Vice President.

Trump's biggest blunder during the debate was his failure to prevent Kamala from leaving that debate looking like a credible option as president. Kamala was fairly unknown to the American people and had remained that way on purpose, giving only one interview after Biden stepped down from the campaign. This is because every time Kamala opens her mouth, she typically makes a fool of herself. Trump needed to give Kamala more time to stick her foot in her mouth and to press Kamala on the Biden administration's failures over the past four years. Instead, he took her bait and let her run down the clock, and by the end of the debate, she left looking far more competent than she actually is.

The Ugly

If anything, the debate reminded us that this election is far from over, and it's more important now than ever for Trump to win.

The most noteworthy occurrence of the debate was the blatantly obvious bias of the ABC debate moderators against Trump. Many people have described the debate as a "three vs. one dogpile," with the moderators actively participating in debating Trump. If you didn't believe that the media was in the back pocket of the Democrats before, it's hard to deny it now. Kamala stood on stage and lied repeatedly with impunity knowing that the moderators and the mainstream media at large would cover for her.

The stakes have never been higher. With so many forces arrayed against Trump, it's clear to see that the Left cannot afford to let Trump win this November. The shape of America as we know it is on the line. Kamala represents the final push by the globalist movement to take root and assimilate America into the growing global hivemind.

The election is far from over. This is our sign to stand up and fight for our nation and our values and save America.

Glenn: Illegal aliens could swing the 2024 election, and it spells trouble for Trump

ELIZABETH RUIZ / Stringer | Getty Images

Either Congress must pass the SAVE Act, or states must protect the integrity of their elections — especially the seven swing states that could shift the outcome of 2024 by a hair’s breadth.

Progressives rely on three main talking points about illegal aliens voting in our elections.

The first is one of cynical acceptance. They admit that illegal immigrants are already voting but argue that there is nothing we can do to stop it, suggesting that it’s just another factor we should expect in future elections. This position shows no respect for our electoral system or the rule of law and doesn’t warrant further attention.

This election will be very similar to 2020. It’s like football — a game of inches.

The second talking point targets the right. Progressives question why Republicans care, asking why they assume illegal immigrants voting would only benefit the other side. They suggest that some of these voters might also support the GOP.

On this point, the data says otherwise.

Across the board, immigrants vote overwhelmingly for Democrats, regardless of what state they’re in. The vast majority of migrants are coming up from South America, a region that is undergoing a current “left-wing” experiment by voting for far-left candidates practically across the board. Ninety-two percent of South America’s population favors the radical left, and they’re pouring over our border in record numbers — and, according to the data, they’re not changing their voting habits.

The third main talking point concedes that illegal immigrants are voting but not enough to make a significant dent in our elections — that their effect is minuscule.

That isn’t what the numbers show either.

Texas just audited its voter rolls and had to remove more than 1 million ineligible voters. The SAVE Act would mandate all states conduct such audits, but the left in Congress is currently trying to stop its passage. Dare I say that the left's pushback is because illegal immigration actually plays in Democrats' favor on Election Day?

Out of the 6,500 noncitizens removed from the voter rolls, nearly 2,000 had prior voting history, proving that illegal aliens are voting. But do the numbers matter, or are they “minuscule,” as the left claims? Let’s examine whether these illegal voting trends can make a dent in the states that matter the most on Election Day.

The corporate legacy media agree that Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin will swing the election in November. By Election Day, an estimated 8 million illegal aliens will be living in the United States. Can these 8 million illegal immigrants change the course of the 2024 election? Let’s look at the election data from each of these seven swing states:

These are the numbers being sold to us as “insignificant” and “not enough to make a difference.” Arizona and Georgia were won in 2020 by a razor-thin margin of approximately 10,000 votes, and they have the most illegal immigrants — besides North Carolina — of all the swing states.

This election will be very similar to 2020. It’s like football — a game of inches. The progressives are importing an electorate to extend their ground by feet, yards, and often miles.

This is why Democrats in Congress oppose the SAVE Act, why the Justice Department has ignored cases of illegal voting in the past, and why the corporate left-wing media is gaslighting the entire country on its significance. This is a power play, and the entire Western world is under the same assault.

If things stay the status quo, these numbers prove the very real possibility of an election swing by illegal immigrants, and it will not favor our side of the aisle. Congress must pass the SAVE Act. If it fails, states must step up to protect the integrity of their elections — especially the seven swing states that could shift the outcome of 2024 by a hair’s breadth.

Editor's Note: This article was originally published on

Hunter pleads GUILTY, but did he get a pass on these 3 GLARING crimes?

Anna Moneymaker / Staff | Getty Images

Last week, Hunter Biden made the shocking decision to suddenly plead guilty to all nine charges of tax-related crimes after claiming innocence since 2018.

Hunter first tried an "Alford plead" in which a defendant maintains their innocence while accepting the sentencing, typically due to the overwhelming evidence against them. Hunter's Alford plead was not accepted after the prosecutors objected to the suggestion, and Hunter quickly pleaded guilty.

Glenn could not believe just how disrespectful this situation was to the justice system and the American people. After years of lying about his innocence, which only served to deepen the divide in our country, Hunter decided to change his tune at the last minute and admit his guilt. Moreover, many expect Joe Biden will swoop in after the election and bail his son out with a presidential pardon.

This isn't the first time Hunter's crimes have turned out to be more than just a "right-wing conspiracy theory," and, odds are, it won't be the last. Here are three crimes Hunter may or may not be guilty of:

Gun charges: Found guilty

This June, Hunter Biden was found guilty of three federal gun charges, which could possibly land him up to 25 years in prison. Hunter purchased a revolver in 2018 while addicted to crack, and lied to the gun dealer about his addiction. While Hunter could face up to 25 years in prison, it's unlikely to be the case as first-time offenders rarely receive the maximum sentence. That's assuming Joe even lets it go that far.

Tax evasion: Plead guilty

Last week, Hunter changed his plea to "guilty" after years of pleading innocent to federal tax evasion charges. Since 2018, Delaware attorneys have been working on Hunter's case, and just before the trial was set to begin, Hunter changed his plea. According to the investigation, Hunter owed upwards of $1.4 million in federal taxes that he avoided by writing them off as fraudulent business deductions. Instead, Hunter spent this money on strippers, escorts, luxury cars, hotels, and, undoubtedly, crack.

Joe's involvement with Hunter's foreign dealings: Yet to be proven

Despite repeated claims against it, there is ample evidence supporting the theory Joe Biden was aware of Hunter's business dealings and even had a hand in them. This includes testimony from Devon Archer, one of Hunter's business partners, confirming Joe joined several business calls. Despite the mounting evidence Joe Biden was involved in Hunter's overseas business dealings and was using his influence to Hunter's benefit, the Bidens still maintain their innocence.