Glenn's a big fan of the website Zerohedge, a finance website that goes into the deep (and scary) realities of the world's economic and political news. While looking at the site this morning, he came across a very disturbing article: Obama Declares War On "Extremism" – Are You An "Extremist"? The article details and cites 72 different things that you can get you slapped with an "extremist" label by someone involved in government - and some of it will absolutely shock you. Glenn went through the list on radio this morning.
Below is just a sample of the list Glenn read, the rest of which can be found HERE.
1. Those that talk about “individual liberties”
2. Those that advocate for states’ rights
3. Those that want “to make the world a better place”
4. “The colonists who sought to free themselves from British rule”
5. Those that are interested in “defeating the Communists”
8. Anyone that possesses an “intolerance toward other religions”
9. Those that “take action to fight against the exploitation of the environment and/or animals”
10. “Anti-Gay”
"Round us all up," Pat joked as Glenn went through the list.
"This is what Hitler did. You just put everybody into a category. Everybody is in a category. Then you just pick the levers, because you are run by sociologists. This is Dugan. How do I get people to comply. Well, if I pull the trigger on this one, this one and this one, that whole section there will comply. That's what it is. We have talked about this from the beginning. This is what Fascistic regimes do. They make everybody a criminal. You are a criminal," Glenn said.
"I was watching an old mission impossible the other day. It was from the old Cold War, the old TV show. From the old Cold War, and the guy was standing there. He bribed somebody. Said I almost forgot, in this country, there's one thing that always makes people look the other way. And I never understood that. Why --so many people take bribes because you take bribes because everybody is guilty of something. You don't actually believe in anything. You don't believe that person really did anything wrong. You don't really care. When we used to have laws that you would really care about because they were reasonable, you did care, you would call the police but now, when everybody is wrong and you don't really care, because nobody stand for anything anyway, if I could get rich off of you and let you go, why not? That's what happens. And that's where we are headed."
"Everybody is going to be doing something wrong. You have done something wrong. That's why we say you cannot collect information on us, you cannot, as the United States government collect the information on our phone calls and everything else, because I can guarantee you; if I have access to everything in your life, I can guarantee you, I can make you into somebody horrible."
"Look at what they have done to you. You like people, you love people, you are charitable. You want to help. You are not against the president because he's black. You are just as against the Republicans, maybe more so than the Democrats. But look what they did. They cherry picked, they took just the information they wanted that made you look a certain way."
"Why do you think they could do that on a group, but they wouldn't do that on an individual?"
"I was watching 'Selma', and LBJ okayed the blackmail with the FBI. The FBI said you know, we can take care of him, meaning we can kill him, you know. Make him go away. And LBJ said no, no. Well, there are other pressures we can use to make him go away. We can break his family up, we can do a lot of things. And they sent an audio tape of all these people saying horrible things then an audio tape of him apparently having an affair. And in it, he said that's not me. His wife looks at him and says I know. I know what you sound like. I know that's not you."
"I looked at my wife and I said afterwards, we were leaving, I said with the technology they have now and the ability to have the audio of everything, you could do this to people. You could smear them. You won't believe your eyes. You will say that's not me in that picture. That's not me in that audiotape. Yes, it is. Okay, Mr. Conspiracy theorist, everybody is against you. They can make you look like anything, should they choose to. Thank God, so far, nobody's choosing to do that, but we live in a different world."
"We live in a different world. That's why it is imperative that you have small government because you don't want a religious extremist. You don't want an atheist extremist, a Muslim extreme I was a left extremist, right extremist. You want the Constitution to remain supreme, because that is the closest thing we have to guaranteeing that all men are created equal and have an equal shot at everything, because nobody's ever going to be able to distribute it fairly, ever. Give me an equal shot. That's what Martin Luther King wanted."