Have you heard about the "Texas mama bear", the woman who forcefully held the driver in a high-speed chase after he slammed into her car?
Seconds after being hit, Jessica Liesmann and a passenger ran over to the other car, slammed the door on the driver, threw him on the ground, and forcefully held him until he was arrested. Liesmann has been praised for her bravery, and a local car dealership even gave her a new car.
Glenn, however, thinks people need to take another look at the video and ask if she's really a hero.
"This is a story that I haven't had all that much interest in. So there was a high-speed chase and something happened, let's move on with our lives. Until the new story today. Now in Texas people are starting to call this woman 'mama bear'," Glenn said.
Glenn believes this woman wasn't a riled up mother protecting her young child as many have claimed. Instead, Glenn believes she committed assault.
Watch the events of the chase and aftermath unfold below:
"She committed assault. She didn't know there was a high-speed chase," Glenn said.
"If you are driving and you're in a car accident, do you have a right to go and pull somebody out of their car and beat them? The answer is, not in a civilized society," he continued. "That guy could have had a heart attack. She had no idea what caused that car accident. She didn't know he was being pursued. He could have had a heart attack. Anything could have happened. If I'm in a car accident, I don't expect someone to do anything, but get out and say, are you okay? Are you okay?"
"They gave her a new car. She's not a hero. She lost her temper, she lost her cool. She's blind-sided in her car, and she immediately goes out and grabs the other driver. She doesn't know what's going on. That's not a hero, America. That's not a hero," Glenn said.
"Just as a rule of thumb for civilization, somebody hits you, let's not pull them out of the car and throw them to the ground."
Watch more of Glenn's analysis below: