TheBlaze posted a video last night of an open carry activist getting into a tense confrontation with police. A Michigan man decided to go for a walk with his rifle, and when he approached a school people understandably go upset. School officials called the police, and soon the man was recording his confrontation with police to make a point about 'open carry'. It might be legal in Michigan, but is it really necessary to antagonize police just to make a point?
The police-involved confrontation quickly grew tense as the activist, identified as Shawn Nixon of the Hell’s Saints open carry group, refused to answer any questions and lectured officers.
At one point, Nixon started yelling as a nearby officer rested his hand near his gun.
“Time out! I’m talking now! That shiny little badge on his chest doesn’t give him any more rights than I have! Actually, you all work for me and the taxpayers right? So, you come over here with your hand on your gun, that’s reason for me to think that you feel ill-will towards me.”
Watch video of the confrontation below:
"Can we stop doing open carry parades just to antagonize the police.?" Glenn asked on radio. "This is ridiculous. The cops are leaving you alone. Common sense says somebody will have a problem with a guy with a rifle across the street from the school. Can you carry it there? Yes. But if the cop says, 'hey, what are you doing?' 'I'm just exercising my constitutional right.'"
"The idea of carrying a weapon and an open carrying weapon is not that we all go blind to weapons. We have to still look for things that don't fit. It's called profiling. And I'm sorry. It works. We look for things that don't fit. A guy carrying a rifle across the street from a school doesn't fit," he continued.