Sorry for the delay-- here are the 2016 GOP nominee poll results for April. Think of the number after the candidate name as a score you would receive on a test back in high school. 90-100 is an A, 80-89 is a B, and so on down to 50-60 being an F. (Notice there are 2 F's in Jeffy.)
Apr Rnk Name Apr Avg
30 Lindsey Graham 56.62
29 Jeb Bush 58.14
28 Chris Christie 59.00
27 Peter King 59.34
26 Jon Huntsman, Jr. 63.25
25 George Pataki 65.04
24 Newt Gingrich 65.44
23 Mike Huckabee 66.13
22 Donald Trump 67.63
21 Rob Portman 68.17
20 Kelly Ayotte 69.00
19 John Thune 69.17
18 Susana Martinez 71.54
17 John Kasich 71.64
16 Mike Pence 73.05
15 Paul Ryan 74.95
14 Nikki Haley 76.12
13 John Bolton 77.49
12 Carly Fiorina 79.81
11 Sarah Palin 79.87
10 Rick Santorum 80.08
9 Marco Rubio 80.99
8 Rick Perry 81.73
7 Dr. Ben Carson 82.00
6 Bobby Jindal 83.96
5 Allen West 86.78
4 Trey Gowdy 87.62
3 Scott Walker 88.34
2 Rand Paul 89.13
1 Ted Cruz 95.47