Ian Reisner, a wealthy gay businessman and hotel owner decided to host a dinner for Ted Cruz over the weekend to learn more about the presidential candidate and his views. According to the Huffington Post, after the dinner, members of the gay community responded with "backlash" and even boycotted Reisner's business, resulting in Reisner issuing an apology.
Glenn responded to the story on radio this morning with utter outrage. Glenn even used a personal story of his dealing with Diane Sawyer to prove that it has also happened to him during his career. Glenn's advice to anyone wanting to interview or have a "fireside chat" with a controversial figure it to "have balls. You have to have a set. You have to be willing to be a pariah...You have to stand."
See more of Glenn's discussion below:
Rough Transcript Below:
STU: Ian Reisner, he is a wealthy gay businessman. He's actually just a wealthy businessman who happens to be gay. And decided to host an event at his Manhattan condo with Ted Cruz who came to talk to about 12 people. Ted Cruz talking to a group of people that wouldn't necessarily support a Republican or a conservative. And that's something that you would think that the gay community would be happy about. Here's this guy that we vilified as horrible and hates gays, who actually is coming out here and doing outreach. And his position -- you know, he talked about his position on gay marriage. It should be left to the states. Went through that. But talked about other issues. The outrage from the gay community because this businessman dared to host Ted Cruz in his home was so overwhelming. He actually has come out and apologized for doing it. He said, quote, I am shaken to my bones by the emails, texts, posting, and phone calls the past few days. I made a terrible mistake. He went on to say, I was ignorant, naive, and much too quick in accepting a request to co-host a dinner with Cruz at my home without taking the time to completely understand all his positions on gay rights.
GLENN: Now, by the way, so, you know, his biggest donor to his Senate campaign was Peter Thiel. Peter Thiel is an entrepreneur and dreamer of tomorrow who is Libertarian and also happens to be gay. When the New York Times tried to do this to Peter Thiel and smeared Peter Thiel, Peter Thiel was like, screw you. Double the support for Ted Cruz.
STU: Which is awesome.
GLENN: Yeah. Now, the question is: You have to have balls. You have to have a set. You have to be willing to be a pariah.
PAT: I'm sure this guy had no idea. He's never gotten that kind of feedback before.
GLENN: Nobody does.
PAT: And he collapsed under the weight of it. Which is sad.
GLENN: What's truly amazing is, I don't think the average American has any idea. They don't have any idea. If we hadn't have gone through what we have gone through the last five years, would you have any clue?
PAT: No way.
GLENN: You would have no clue. Correct me if I'm wrong, this happens all the time. Happened with Diane Sawyer as the example that I happen to be harping on today. People say, oh, no, I know you're controversial. No, no, but you're a good guy. I know you. Blah, blah. And I say, you don't have any idea of the firestorm coming your way. Not a problem. Not a problem. We've dealt with this before. Not a problem. Not a problem. Diane Sawyer, day one, folds like a cheap suit. Folds. Day one she can't handle it. And that happens all the time. And then there are other people who are just like, yeah, I didn't see this coming. This is much worse than I thought. But get 'em! And they stand. You have to stand.