Glenn came on radio this morning and delivered a powerful monologue about the ongoing riots in Baltimore, Maryland. Where is the leadership? Where is the Martin Luther King Jr.'s of the world who inspired change without violence?
Glenn has long spoke of these coming tides, and these exact players. But, this is only the beginning. As Glenn said this morning, "Here are the riots, and they will only grow across the land. Police officers will be killed, God forbid. And so will protesters. And the hatred and the anger will only escalate. God forbid we repeat the assassinations of the 1960s, because we won't weather that storm like we did in the 1960s, I fear."
Listen to more of Glenn's powerful monologue below. The monologue begins around 1:20:49.
A portion of the transcript has been provided below.
Rough Transcript Below:
GLENN: What's happening in Baltimore is shameful. And Martin Luther King is truly dead. So soon will our country be, I fear.
Where is the leadership? The president at best is publicly silent. What he's doing privately, I don't know.
Can you imagine what the -- what the media would be saying about George W. Bush? Well, we don't have to imagine. Remember George W. Bush was on the phone with the mayor of New Orleans days before, the night before, begging him. Begging him. But the mayor of New Orleans decided not to do anything about it.
And yet it was George W. Bush's fault. Was the president on the phone with the mayor of Baltimore last night? If so, was he fine with the curfew starting tonight as opposed to last night? And if he wasn't on the phone, why wasn't he?
Hillary Clinton last night was tweeting about her new bumper sticker. But she was on the campaign trail telling those -- all that would listen, that we need to change our deep-seated religious beliefs. That's a quote.
Elected leaders haven't led in quite some time. But there is good news. I'll tell you where the leadership is. Because the leadership does exist.
The leadership is there. In the Crips, the Bloods, the Nation of Islam, and SCIU. Let me start with the last one. Union members, how do you feel about your union busing protesters in and funding and printing the posters for this riot? Is that what you labor for is that what your hard-earned money goes toward? To burn a city down? How do you feel about your union standing next to the Crips and the Bloods? How do you feel about your union standing and partnering with the nation of Islam? Food service workers of SCIU and anybody else in the labor brotherhood, it's time you stand up and stop this madness. Wake up, union members.
SCIU is playing an organizing role in these -- in these riots. This is how the 1960s would have ended if Martin Luther King hadn't been who he was, a God-fearing, intelligent, peaceful, rational, God-fearing man. Remember it was Malcolm X that wanted to push for guns and riots. It was Martin Luther King that stopped him. Malcolm X was the one that wanted what's happening in Baltimore today to happen on the streets all across America. It was Malcolm X who at the time was one of the leaders of the Nation of Islam. Some things never change. But when Malcolm X saw the error of his ways, the Nation of Islam had him killed.
I warned about these times. Anarchists. Socialists. Progressives. And Islamists. Would ban together. And set the streets of the world on fire.
I warned of these exact players while I was at Fox. If you're a long-time listener. I feel this is the beginning of the coming insurrection and the fulfillment of Frances Fox Piven's hope when she was asked three years ago, when she asked three years ago, where are the riots? They're here now, Frances. Job well done. And it will get worse. Our police force morale has been weakened. Our Secret Service is out of town, drunk with hookers.
Here are the riots, and they will only grow across the land. Police officers will be killed, God forbid. And so will protesters. And the hatred and the anger will only escalate. God forbid we repeat the assassinations of the 1960s, because we won't weather that storm like we did in the 1960s, I fear.
What's happening on the streets of Baltimore is as sick as when mothers who send their sons out to be martyrs in the Middle East. The radical left has become an American death penalty cult. Abortions. End of life. And now the riots. In the end, many will die. And they will forever stain our nation with disgrace.
Most of the protesters aren't looking for justice as much as they're looking for free booze, free CVS stuff, toilet paper, shoes, anything else they can take. Booker T. Washington would disown this race if he saw what was happening.
I believe Frederick Douglass would as well. What percentage of rioters can even tell me who those two great men were at any level of competence? Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King would denounce those who claim to be the men of the cloth. Who are sitting in their pulpits today silent.
Our founders in Lincoln would reject what is left of the lot who call themselves American. We will all be slaves soon because we are demonstrating to the entire world that we cannot govern ourselves anymore.
Lincoln said we'd never be destroyed from without. We would only be destroyed from within.
He said, our destruction in the end would be a choice to commit national suicide. Well, last night, I saw us fashion the noose and put a gun in our mouth! We've swallowed sleeping pills long before Baltimore. Do we ever get up?
We vote for corruption. We laugh at crime. We watch snuff films. The light snuff films from Hollywood for entertainment. We justify that and the games our kids are playing, saying that our kids know the difference between reality and virtual reality.
We teach our children to do as we say, not as we do while handing them an attorney's phone number. You know, should they ever be offended or not given a first place trophy.
Our marriage rate has plummeted, while divorce rates have skyrocketed. And those divorce rates are being beaten out by the out-of-wedlock bastard children rate, which at the same time is being challenged by the number of children we actually kill through abortions. Have another handful of sleeping pills, America.
While we're on killing, for 15 years, we've destroyed a generation of Americans by sending them off to war, ill-equipped. Armed with foolish PC rules of engagement that get them killed. We arm the enemy. We release the killers of Gitmo back on to the battlefield. We bring the Muslim Brotherhood, not only into the Oval Office, but into the DHS buildings that you and I couldn't get into. Then we make treaties with psychopathic killers in Iran, while they're chanting death to America. And then we ignore the daily beheadings and crucifixions of children by ISIS. Want another glass of warm milk to take your sleeping pills with? We abandon not only the Christians crying out for help, but also the troops when they cry out for help in Benghazi. And then the woman who didn't answer the phone call runs for president, and we all yawn.
Yesterday, I read that we're asking the Marines now to lower their standards because recruiting is down.
So we'll get the dregs of society, not train them. Not prepare them for what they're about to head into. And then ask them to kill in a war that most Americans can't explain or justify anymore. I mean, while at home we not only deny God, but we openly mock him. Our pulpits are silent. Because we don't -- as a pastor, we can't upset our tax exempt status. If I say something that might offend somebody, I could lose some tithing revenue. And if I didn't serve these people in this nice new church that the bank owns, who will serve them? You know, in today's world it's just best want to say the hard things. And so Christians, Jews, agnostics, atheists, turn a blind eye to the lies and the double dealings in our everyday life, in the life all around us, and in both parties in Washington.
We allow those in Washington to actually claim and enforce violations of class two lookalike firearms. That's a finger gun, if you don't know. The class two firearms in school. They're lookalike firearms. That sends our children to jail. While forcing Common Core nonsense math and testing on the remaining students so all the friends of Jeb Bush and Bill Gates can enrich themselves with the $30 per pupil testing. After we're done with that, they graduate, without the ability to reason, read, or think. And then we strap them with an out-of-control college loan that they have absolutely no chance of ever paying off.
And that's the only loan that can't be forgiven. But that loan is in exchange for a meaningless diploma for a job that doesn't or soon won't exist. Slaves, America. Welcome to slavery. Ignorant, growing hateful. Tragic and unnecessary.
Because we all pretend we're ignorant and say, what the hell is going on? What happened?
I could tell you, but the national attention span now is at about four and a half seconds. Not kidding. The attention span of a goldfish. A goldfish is longer than the attention span of most American's attention span. So I'll cut to the chase and tell you what's going on. Where there is a lack of vision, the people shall perish. The press reported the president huddled in private tonight to discuss Baltimore. What is there to discuss, Mr. President? You say you admire Dr. Martin Luther King, well, maybe you should damn well start acting like Dr. Martin Luther King, Mr. Obama. Yes, Mister. Not president. Because you're not acting like the president.
Maybe you should teach and take his oath of nonviolence. Or do you not agree with that vote of -- that oath of nonviolence? Oh, well. This time it's different. The police acted stupidly. This is sick!
It is sad. And it is a waste of life.
We as Americans should be running in to help those in Nepal. That's what we should be focusing on. We should be running in to help those Christians who are losing their children every day in the Middle East. Instead, let me be real honest. We're seeing a publicity stunt.
It wasn't started as a publicity stunt. But it will end up a publicity stunt. Probably to assist maybe Mr. O'Malley to win over the American first lady. The American royalty, Hillary Clinton.
In fear that we need somebody else besides her highness to beat the other royal that us subjects can look forward to and watch them as they enrich themselves as the Bushes, Clintons, and Obamas have. All the world is, but a stage. And we are watching theater of the highest caliber play out thanks to the labor unions.
To quote Poe, the play, the tragedy called man. And its hero. The conqueror worm.
The actor should know how it ends. The actor should also never forget that it is -- it's a union house. So don't touch anything without the members of the local stagehand guild. Just do as you're told and everything will be fine.
When I was growing up, I voted for my first president. I remember that president at one point said, it's morning in America.
It's sundown in America. Are we brave enough? Are we smart enough? Are we humble enough? Are we committed enough to make it through the long darkness? To renew our promise to each other and our country. So the next generation can greet the morning sun when it is morning in America again.