This is what it’s like when Glenn REALLY needs to vent about Baltimore

Let’s be honest - no one is perfect. As much as Glenn wants to be the one emulating Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. when the news gets dark, sometimes you really, really need to let off some steam. On Tuesday’s TV show, Glenn couldn’t hold back his frustration on what was happening in Baltimore. Here’s what he had to say to say about the protests and where the country is headed unless people wake up.

Shame on all of us today. Shame on Baltimore. Shame on America.

Today, they have heaped tragedy upon tragedy, and the facts are still not clear on why a 25-year-old man died while in police custody. Despite not knowing what happened, the city of Baltimore is crippled with riots. At least 144 cars have been burned. Stores have been looted, 15 buildings set on fire, hundreds of arrests. Once again, American streets resemble a battlefield. Cops in riot gear square off against the angry mob.

Unfortunately, I have warned about this for quite some time, and I was mocked. So were you if you told your friends. I hate to say this, but last night as I was writing before I went to bed, I wrote in my journal Martin Luther King is truly dead. If nothing changes, our country will suffer the same fate.

Amidst the bullets, the rocks, the shattered glass, the fire, remains a glaring vacuum of leadership. As Baltimore burns, where are the voices crying out for peace, for common sense? As angry protests ferment chaos, powerful voices remain painfully silent. Hillary Clinton’s chance to seize the moment was met with a clueless Tweet offering a chance to win a free Hillary bumper sticker. Nature abhors a vacuum, so who’s filling that leadership void?

Well, let me show you exactly who’s filling that leadership void. We have the Crips, the Bloods. I’m sorry, I’m not in the Crips. Is Crips with a “Y” or is Crips with an “I”? An “I,” okay. Then you have the Nation of Islam, and then you have SEIU. You’ve got to have a good labor union in there, don’t you? Gotta have a labor union. This is who’s leading.

The Crips and the Bloods, two of the most violent gangs in American history are standing side-by-side with the members of the Baltimore City Council, the ACLU, the Baltimore Block, SEIU, the Mayor Stephanie Rawlings. Who else? Oh, the Nation of Islam, the other really, really violent set of people. The mayor said she wanted to walk a fine line and, I’m quoting, give those who wish to destroy the city plenty of room to operate. Watch.


Mayor Rawlings: It’s a very delicate balancing act because while we try to make sure that they were protected from the cars and the other things that were going on, we also gave those who wished to destroy space to do that as well, and we worked very hard to keep that balance.

Can I ask you what space besides a jail cell is required to give to people that wish to destroy? Now, she was confronted by the press about this statement, and she denied it.


Mayor Rawlings: I never said, nor would I ever say, that we are giving people space to destroy our city.

Pretty incredible. The mayor is apparently okay with the city being destroyed here and okay was standing alongside with groups like the Nation of Islam. Because she likes to say she didn’t say things, I’d like to show her singling them out among the faith communities that are helping.


Mayor Rawlings: Many members of the faith community were out there trying to calm the crowds and discourage violence. I want to also thank the Nation of Islam, who have been very presence in our efforts to keep calm and peace.

Yeah, they’ve been very present. So, how does it feel, Baltimore? How does it feel to have these guys be your leadership? How does it feel, labor unions, to have these guys, stand with them? If you are a member of SEIU, how’s it feel to know that your hard-earned money has gone to them, and they are helping plan in Baltimore and they’re arm in arm with violent murderous gains?

They’re giving you a bad name. They’re giving Baltimore a bad name, and I think the majority of people in Baltimore are good. In fact, let me show you. Here’s a mom going after her son. She saw him on television throwing rocks at police. I love this. We can’t play much of it on the air because most of it is foul language, but she took him down. Amen.

Now, let me show you another guy. This is another man calling out a masked man who cut the fire department’s hose as they tried to put out the fire to the local CVS. Wake up, America. Why is that guy by himself? Wake up, labor unions of America. SEIU is playing an organizing role in these riots. The mayor herself is closely aligned with SEIU. Radical leftists who believe in bottom-up, top-down are now running the show.

We are seeing how the 1960s would have played out if Martin Luther King wasn’t there. If Martin Luther King wasn’t a God-fearing, intelligence, peaceful, and rational man, this is what the whole country would have looked like. Malcolm X is the one that wanted violent reactions. He was the guy who said grab your guns. That was his first reaction, and it was MLK that stopped him. When Malcolm X. saw the error of his ways and changed, the group that he was a leader in, the Nation of Islam, murdered him. And now we have the mayor of Baltimore thanking the Nation of Islam?

This is exactly what I warned about when we talked at FOX. I sat on the edge of my desk at FOX, and I told you the coming insurrection. This is it. When I told you about Frances Fox Piven, her wildest dream, an oppressed people rising up and forcing the top to come crashing down, the Watts riots were a defining moment for her. She sees riots as a good thing. She’s getting what she’s hoping for, and they will continue to grow. I will tell you this, I talked to my daughter on the way in. We were driving in today, my oldest daughter, Mary, and she told said to me, “Dad, explain how you see these riots spreading.”

Because there’s going to be a problem, one place after another, and officers will continue to kill, and they will continue to be killed. And there will be people who always want to break in. Do you realize that—what was the name of that movie, The Purge? Do you realize they are now mirroring the movie The Purge? They’re calling, in Baltimore, they’re calling tomorrow, I think it is, purge day, where they can go in and purge and not be held accountable for their actions.

If you saw that movie, you know exactly what that movie was. What happened in that movie? You could kill and not be held responsible. There was no accountability for one day. That’s what people actually think is happening because nobody is holding anybody accountable. The escalation will continue, and this is a sick as the Middle Eastern mothers who send their sons out to be martyrs. It is that sick.

The American left has become a death cult. That’s pretty profound to say that. I mean, that takes some balls to say that. You’re damn right. The abortion industry and forcing people to pay for abortions and to accept that it’s okay and the DNC not even willing to say you can’t kill a baby, what is that if that’s not a death cult? The end of life care where we are cheering for people who are taking their own life, the complete lives system where grandma, you got yours, time now to maybe think about checking out, and now the riots, it’s a death cult. They don’t care.

The protesters don’t even know what the hell they’re even protesting about. What are they doing? Really, honestly, what are they doing? They’re capitalizing on a tragedy so they can get free stuff. It makes absolutely no sense. Why would you trash your own city? Why would you do that? Because you don’t care. It’s fun. You can get free stuff.

How does giving this sort of depravity room to operate, in the mayor’s words, help anything? How is it she didn’t have the curfew last night? How does burning and trashing a CVS help? Do you realize your mom or your grandparents or your neighbor’s grandparents might have lifesaving medicine at that CVS that you can no longer get? How does burning a car get justice for Freddie Gray?

What would Frederick Douglass say if he were around to see this? Or Booker T. Washington? I’m telling you, he would disown his own race. It’s despicable. What would Martin Luther King say? I don’t know. I believe he would probably quote from the Bible, but that’s this close to being something that’s unacceptable to say. I believe he would denounce the men who claim to be of the cloth and stand arm in arm with criminals and the Nation of Islam.

We are demonstrating to the world, not just us, we’re demonstrating to the whole world America cannot govern itself anymore. Man’s experiment on being free does not work, and the top must come crashing down because we are no longer a moral enough people, people that are in self-control enough to be able to restrain themselves. Wouldn’t it be fun to go out on a purge night and just take stuff out of the store? Yeah, maybe. Do you do it? No. Why? Because you’re not an animal.

You know, the beginning of this country, and things were different, I know that, we didn’t even have a police force. It was citizens, citizens. Do you know that it was Jimmy Carter that was the one who told us that we should wait for the first responders? He talked a lot about first responders. To hell with Jimmy Carter. We are the first responders. We are the ones.

It used to be the neighbor lady that used to police our children. I used to get in trouble by Mrs. Olson, and Mrs. Olson would actually come out and take me by the ear and take me home to my mother or my father. You know what one of the most powerful deterrents was back when I was growing up? Shame, but there is no shame anymore. Shame is dead. It doesn’t matter. Shame? Why? It made me famous.

You know, the phrase that Lincoln said has been really coming to mind in the last couple of days. “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” How true that is, America. We’re destroying ourselves. I saw us fashion a noose and put a gun in our mouth last night in the streets in Baltimore. We will be destroyed from without? No, from within.

We have to choose to commit national suicide, and that’s exactly what we did last night—boom. Don’t get me wrong, we’ve swallowed a handful of sleeping pills long before Baltimore. We voted for corruption. We laughed at crime. We watch light snuff films from Hollywood for entertainment. We justify it and watch it with our kids because we say our kids know the difference between reality and make-believe. No, they don’t.

We don’t teach our kids anything other than do as I say, not as I do, and then when we say that to them, we hand them a phone number to an attorney should they ever be offended, God forbid, or not given a first-place trophy. Our marriage rates have plummeted, divorce rates skyrocket, children out of wedlock even higher, only to be outdone of the number of lives snuffed out by brutal abortion.

Baltimore is on fire, but the country is upside down. We arm the radical terrorists in the Middle East so they can fight their own wars and influence American interests. When it doesn’t work, we send our young men to fight, except not really fight. They have to be handcuffed by ridiculous rules of engagement that make them sitting ducks, and even when they do do the job and capture the enemy, politicians put them back on the battlefield.

The Muslim Brotherhood has access to the Oval Office. Do you? The Muslim Brotherhood has access to the State Department. Do you? Do you have access? Have you been into the antiterrorist command centers for the DHS? Because I haven’t been. I’d be stopped at the door. The Muslim Brotherhood is there.

We negotiate with countries while they are currently chanting “death to America,” and we treat them as a respected partner. The blood of innocent Christians cry out from the desert sands and falls on deaf ears of Americans. We ignore their call. We don’t just deny, we now openly mock God. In our arrogance, we just assume ultimate knowledge and wisdom belongs to us. Our pulpits stand by afraid to offend or heaven forbid lose the tax-exempt status, so they just keep it quiet.

You know what, in America, it’s just so much easier not to say the hard things. Isn’t it? It’s just so much easier. Why say them? Don’t. God forbid you say it from a pulpit. No, that’s not what you’re there for. You’re not there to actually set the world on fire from the pulpit, no. Have another hand of sleeping pills, everybody in the congregation. Don’t worry about that. That’s politics. This is religion.

Why say anything in Congress? You can be a billionaire if you just shut your mouth and play along. On TV, no, it’s too important to be famous. Everybody wants to be famous. You know, I’m on TV. Hello, Mr. DeMille. On social media, anything goes—well, almost anything. If you say what you believe is the truth, then the local news will come down and hunt you down, and you might lose your job. We’ve averted our eyes, and in doing so, we have become totally blind.

Oh, we’ll never lose freedom. That’s just fearmongering. That’s ridiculous. Yet, we say nothing when our kindergarten kids are charged with a class II look-alike firearm. What’s a class II look-alike firearm? This. Scary, isn’t it? They go to jail for this. We say nothing on this. We say nothing as our kids toil night after night fighting ridiculous Common Core math problems that don’t make any sense.

We say nothing to the dynasties who promote such nonsense just to merely enrich themselves and get thrust into the national spotlight by the entrenched political parties. We say nothing as our kids graduate from this corrupt system without the ability to think or reason for themselves, and at the end, the result, a hapless soul gets pushed into a harsh world completely unprepared. They can’t find a job. They can’t fend for themselves. They don’t how to think.

They’re strapped with outrageously bloated college loans, and then along comes the savior, a government promised to paying off all those loans—just serve me—promising a good paying job that will never materialize, promising free health care, free internet, free phones, free everything, and the cycle of slavery continues. And we’ve done it to ourselves.

I could go on and on and on diagnosing what the hell is going on, but unfortunately, most Americans have the attention span, and I’m not kidding, shorter than a goldfish. I believe 4-½ seconds is the new number of our attention span, 4-½, so why bother? This is a 20-minute monologue. How many people are watching? Four by the time I’m done.

Here it is in black and whites. It’s really easy. There’s no leadership, and when there is no leadership, there’s no vision. And when there is no vision, the people perish. The president finally worked in some time today after huddling in private to discuss what to say, and then he came out with all the enthusiasm and the passion of Ben Stein in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. Class? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

If you see people trashing a city, what possible private brainstorming do you have to do? You get up off your presidential ass, and you say knock it off. That’s what you do. This isn’t helping anyone. This is a disgrace to Martin Luther King’s legacy. Here, Mr. President, why don’t you try this? Why don’t you challenge them to take an oath of nonviolence? Is that so hard? Only if you’re actually against an oath of nonviolence you would have a hard time with that.

There are people losing their heads to swords of madmen. There’s a third world nation right now suffering from the punishing effects of a natural disaster. We as Americans should be pooling our vast resources trying to help the world. Instead, we’re tending to self-inflicted wounds. The sun set on America last night in a blaze of chaos. Now, the question is you were born at this time for a reason. Are you brave enough, are you smart enough, are you humble enough, are you committed enough to renew the American promise so not us, but the next generation, will be able to say it’s morning in America once again?

How RFK's example can help our nation in the wake of Trump's attack

Rowland Scherman / Contributor | Getty Images

How did you feel last Saturday when you heard the news that a former president of the United States narrowly avoided an assassin's bullet by a mere few inches? Were you angry at the media for their constant demonization of Trump and his conservative contingency? Did you blame the left for curating a political climate that fostered an assassination attempt?

In his immediate reaction to the news, Glenn pointed us back to a similar moment in American history: April 4th, 1968—the day Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated.

"The best speech I've ever heard given was by RFK Sr. on the day Martin Luther King was killed" - Glenn

Robert F. Kennedy, the father of current independent presidential candidate RFK Jr., was en route to Indianapolis when he heard the terrible news. His security team, expecting violent outrage across the country, asked RFK Sr. to turn around and head back to safety. But as Glenn said, RFK Sr. believed in the good in people and demanded to give his speech. He arrived in Indianapolis Park late in the day, and he addressed the crowd of predominantly black campaign supporters.

There were no riots in Indianapolis that night.

The message RFK Sr. gave that night wasn't one of vengeance, hatred, or hopelessness, but of calm and goodness. He appealed to the best in people. He called for people to set aside their differences, anger, fear, and confusion and instead express love and compassion towards one another. RFK Sr. asked for wisdom and the pursuit of justice so that we might be resolute in our unity as the country faces another difficult chapter.

What we need in this country is love and wisdom and compassion toward one another.

Glenn has made a similar plea to our nation—a plea for unity and not to lash out in fear and anger. Don't use this time to blame your friends and family who disagree with you politically for what happened or to tell them "I told you so!" Instead, reach out with compassion and grace. This is a turning point in American history. Let's turn it upward, away from hatred and violence and towards unison and compassion.

Fortunately, President Trump walked away from his attempted assassination with very minor injuries. The bullet that wounded Trump's ear could have just as easily ended his life, and his survival is nothing short of a miracle.

Sadly, that miracle didn't extend to everyone attending Trump's ill-fated Pennsylvania rally. Three other people were shot. David Dutch and James Copenhaver, both Pennslyavia residents, are thankfully in stable condition. Corey Comperatore, however, tragically died after being shot while protecting his wife and daughter from the hail of gunfire.

“Corey died a hero."

Camperatore, a 50-year-old loving father and husband from Buffalo Township, Pennsylvania leaves behind his daughter Allyson, his wife Helen, sister Dawn, and many other friends and family. Camperatore was a man of service, having spent 43 years as part of the Buffalo Township Volunteer Fire Company and had worked his way to becoming the fire chief when he stepped down to spend more time with his daughter.

Corey Comperatore's firefighting gear outside the Buffalo Township Volunteer Fire Company. The Washington Post / Contributor | Getty Images

Corey's friends and family have nothing but good things to say about him, and judging by their testimonies, Corey's final heroic act was consistent with how the volunteer firefighter lived his life.

According to many people who knew Compertore, he was a true patriot who loved his country. He was a fan of President Trump. Compertore was very excited to attend Saturday's rally, which he expressed in his last social media post.


During his speech addressing the shooting, President Biden expressed his condolences to the Comperatore family, stating that "He was a father. He was protecting his family from the bullets that were being fired.”

Democrat Mutiny? These prominent Progressives and Democratic leaders DEMAND that Biden withdraw

NurPhoto / Contributor, Justin Sullivan / Staff, Cindy Ord / Staff | Getty Images

Biden is still taking hard blows from both sides of the aisle after his abysmal performance in last month's presidential debate. As Glenn pointed out in his post-debate coverage, Biden came across as so incompetent that it has made many Americans scared that, should the country face a major threat, Biden would be unable to respond to it. This includes many Democrats, who are finally admitting that Biden isn't as fit as they have been claiming for the last four years.

Many names have already been suggested as potential replacements for the Democratic nominee, but many people, including some Democrats, don't believe Biden should even stay in office for the election. Here are some prominent progressives and Democratic lawmakers who have called for President Biden's resignation:

Rep. Lloyd Doggett (Texas)

Tom Williams / Contributor | Getty Images

Rep. Raúl Grijalva (Arizona)

NurPhoto / Contributor | Getty Images

Rep. Seth Moulton (Massachusetts)

Justin Sullivan / Staff | Getty Images

Rep. Mike Quigley (Illinois)

Pool / Pool | Getty Images

Rep. Angie Craig (Minnesota)

Anna Moneymaker / Staff | Getty Images

Rep. Adam Smith (Washington)

Scott J. Ferrell / Contributor | Getty Images

Rep. Mikie Sherrill (New Jersey)

Chip Somodevilla / Staff | Getty Images

Rep. Pat Ryan (New York)

Tom Williams / Contributor | Getty Images

Rep. Hillary Scholten (Michigan)

Bill Clark / Contributor | Getty Images

Senator Peter Welch (Vermont)

Bonnie Cash / Stringer | Getty Images

Rep. Earl Blumenauer (Oregon)

Chip Somodevilla / Staff | Getty Images

BONUS: Actor George Clooney

Cindy Ord / Staff | Getty Images

These TOP 5 new technologies left Glenn SHOCKED

Peter Macdiarmid / Staff | Getty Images

Glenn has been covering some of the most groundbreaking, exciting, and often terrifying technological advances. Some new tech has the potential to make a positive impact. Some tech is just SUPER cool, like a flame-throwing robot dog. However, there is also a dark side to technology. Glenn exposes how some new technological developments, particularly in the realm of AI, pose serious ethical questions.

Here are the top five new technologies that Glenn covered that will make your jaw drop:

Anti-gravity device

This new technology developed by Dr. Charles Buhler and his team may change everything we know about transportation and travel. Described as "propellant-less propulsion" by Dr. Buhler, this technology appears to defy gravity and is potentially a way for people to travel into and through space without the need for rockets. It doesn't stop there either, this tech could be used to forever change the way we travel here on Earth.

Human embryo-powered supercomputer

To have massively powerful AI, something, which many people seem to have an invested interest in, you need a lot of electricity to power the computers that host the artificial intelligences. Naturally, this energy consumption upsets the environmentalists so in response a terrifying solution was developed. Bio Processors are essentially computer chips powered by human cells, specifically stem cells, which are predominantly harvested from embryos. These Bio Processors have a limited shelf life, meaning they need a steady supply of stem cells to keep the computers that use them operational. What could be more terrifying than an AI that eats human cells?

Voice-stealing AI

When ChatGPT came out in late 2022 its power and versatility took the world by storm. Suddenly, students had it write entire essays in mere seconds, and it was creating songs and poems with ease. The capabilities of the ChatGPT AI were as disturbing as they were impressive, but after a recent update, it took a hard turn towards disturbing. OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, decided to give the program a voice and tried to recruit famous actress Scarlett Johansson to lend her voice to the machine. After she declined the offer, OpenAI went ahead and released the update for ChatGPT featuring a voice that sounded eerily similar to Johansson's. While OpenAI claims it's a different, similar-sounding voice actress, the idea that a computer is going around with your stolen voice is terrifying.

Flamethrower robot dog

How could you possibly ever make something cooler than a flamethrower? Simple, strap it to the back of a robotic dog of course! Originally built to help fight forest fires (ironically enough) by creating backburns, Glenn pointed out that a pack of these bad boys patrolling your property would be the ultimate home defense. Nobody would come anywhere near your house if it was guarded by a few of these firey companions.

Wormhole-generating UFO's

It's been a decade since the tragic disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. No trace of the aircraft or any of its passengers, except a few small pieces of debris, were ever found nor was an official cause of the disappearance ever given. There have been an infinite number of theories explaining what might have happened, but this one from investigative journalist Ashton Forbes might take the cake for the wildest. Forbes joined Glenn on his radio show and brought with him convincing video evidence that seemed to show the now-missing aircraft being circled by three mysterious orbs before suddenly disappearing in a flash of light. Does this video show the doomed aircraft being sucked into an artificial wormhole, or is it an amazing piece of hoaxwork?