The media took Glenn’s comments about Ted Cruz out of context, but there’s a big reason he thinks Ted and people like him need to be in the race. On radio this morning, Glenn said that he predicts that the country will face martial law under the leadership of the next president. The principles and character of the people in office are going to be critical, and Glenn explained why on Tuesday’s radio show.
"I probably said more good things about Ted Cruz than any other politician in the history of the show," Glenn said.
"Now you say Glenn Beck says [Cruz] can't govern. Hmm, so does that mean that Glenn Beck is a psycho, schizophrenic, has changed his mind, or I'm missing a piece of information? And that's what happened yesterday. They were missing a piece of information. And it's all out there."
"But people who listen to this show should know that the missing piece of information that you have over a long period of time is, the world is about to change. And so what's going to happen is, this next presidency, mark my words, this next presidency, we will see martial law."
"You have an eight-year period. In this next presidency, we will see martial law. Either regionally or across the entire country, I don't know. But you will see martial law. Because there's going to be a breakdown of the system. How are you governing in martial law? Now, there's two ways that this goes. Either the system breaks down and we go into martial law. The government closes the banks. We do what we did in the Great Depression. And there are riots on the street. And so we have to have marshal law, and it's a complete crackdown. And you never get your freedoms back."
"Or we're better people, and we do what Americans have always done, and that is, unite in times of crisis. I don't know which way it's going to go. But if we unite in times of crisis, whoever is governing, whoever is in that, will be able to govern because we will unite again and put our differences aside and we will look for a common goal. But it's important that you have a constitutionalist at that moment to govern. Because they're going to reset this system. And are they going to reset it to the Constitution, or are they going to look to a new system to reset it? So I want Ted Cruz because I believe we are going to face tough times, and we may go into marshal law. And I want somebody that will take that, and with a velvet hand, put uprisings down if we have them, and then let the hand off. And restore our freedoms again."
"If we unite, I want a guy who is resetting things towards the Constitution. Not away from the Constitution."