This morning on radio, Mike Broomhead started off the program discussing Memorial Day and our veterans. There is currently new legislation being passed that will allow ex-convicts the ability to go to college and further their education. It would essentially allow people the opportunity to turn their life around and gain a free education. But at what cost? Well, apparently it's at the cost of some of our veterans.
But what about our veterans who have fought so hard for our freedom? Well, 40 veterans will no longer get the opportunity to attend Yavipai College's aviation program since the Veterans Affairs Regional Office has pulled the plug on the program for veterans.
The Daily Courior published a story discussing this situation and the 40 veterans who are now in a state ready to attend classes they cannot take.
Listen to Mike Broomhead discuss some of this below:
Rough Transcript Below:
Mike Broomhead: I have a stack in front of me of papers of stories I've been looking at all week long. There are six members of the House of Representatives that are trying to start something called the REAL Act. It's about -- it's restoring education and learning. And in this act, the six members -- and I'll read their names to you. Remember these names.
Diane (sic) Edwards from Maryland. Danny Davis from Illinois. Barbara Lee of California. Bobby Scott of Virginia. Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut. And Cedric Richmond of Louisiana. They've introduced legislation in this that would reinstate Pell grants, free college for inmates.
So we have members of the United States Congress fighting to get inmates free college. These are people that have committed crimes. These are felons. These aren't people in jail for misdemeanors. These are convicted felons. And they want to give them free college as a way of stopping the recidivism and stopping people from committing crimes again. They believe it will benefit our society.
So we'll do it. I want you to hear what they're pushing for. The people that you and I elect to the United States Congress, especially the House of Representatives. You know, Congress broke into two parts. The House of Representatives is called the people's house. These are the people that we send to Washington, DC, to represent our wishes in the United States government.
How many of you believe this represents your wishes? They are taking away education benefits from veterans. There is an aviation technology program at Yavapai College in Northern Arizona in which 40 veterans, some of them coming as far away as Nebraska, and I'll give you some detail in a moment.
A veteran from Nebraska separates from active duty in the United States Air Force is then working as a contractor making $75,000 a year, as a contractor, for the United States Air Force. Has an opportunity to go to college. Sells his home below market value. Moves from -- to Arizona so that he could attend college with VA benefits. And a month before classes start is sent a letter saying, sorry, the program doesn't exist anymore. When he contacts the VA, his words, he was spoken down to. Treated rudely.
So I want to know if these people represent you. I'm thinking -- I realize this is an emotional time for me. I realize that the backstory for me is tied up in emotion. I've spent the last week corresponding with old friends and with my family and with the men that my brother served with on the night he was killed. Them wishing my family well, praying for us. And I've spent all this time wondering what those men are doing.
Yesterday, what did the members of Eagle Troop, second squadron, third ACR, do yesterday? Those men that were there in Fallujah, Iraq, the night my brother and another guy from Tampa named Mike Quinn were killed, and nine other soldiers were wound in that platoon. How did they spend yesterday, the anniversary of that occurrence? How has their life changed in the last 12 years? Have we as a country been doing for them what's necessary for them to move on with their lives? Have we kept our promises to them and the men and women like them, or are we sending people to Washington, DC, that believe the wishes of the American people is to reinstall free college -- reinstate free college and Pell grants to convicted felons?