On [Tuesday's] TV show, I spoke about an army of compassion. To wake our churches. That, if we don't care about those in Palmyra Syria, instead we only care about the artifacts, not the 70,000 now on the run from Isis we are indeed lost as a country.
I spoke of those who say the root special on the Christian holocaust and how some started funding men who are going over and training the Christians to fight back because they are not receiving US help. We are only training Muslims who are with Isis and against Assad.
I spoke of hatred and rage and how the seeds of anger and revenge are spreading here in America to the streets of Baltimore and St Louis.
God is not dead, our churches are. Our pulpits will not stand for right over wrong. The Gospel is an Applied Science!
Wake, Serve, Stand.
Look at the responses on theblaze.com.
I need your help. Our work begins Monday. It is hard work and we will be called many names. But compassion is what we now lack as a nation.
For those who are being slaughtered, Christian, atheist, those not Muslim enough, straight and Gay.
We each have a roll to play. People feel powerless. You are not. Our pulpits are silent on far too many things.
The only way to win is to follow and live the teachings of Christ. It worked for Mandella, King and Gandhi.
It also changed the world when those 12 men who were left behind actually lived it and risked death by speaking out.
Sad comments:
TimPatriot -Jun. 2, 2015 at 8:04pm
Nazi Germany wasn’t defeated by providing comfort to its victims.
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Jinxe -Jun. 3, 2015 at 2:23am
Why should I fight for — or show compassion to — people who are being slaughtered, who would just as soon kill me if I were standing face to face with them and disagreeing with their religion?
They can fight their own fights, or lay down and die. Either way, I do not care…for there is no such thing as a moderate muslim.
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Metalstr8jckt -Jun. 3, 2015 at 12:46am
To those who believe embracing ISIS as brethren is still possible.
If God saw contrition in the heart of Islam now they would cease subjugation by the sword, fall down and renounce their Jihad.
Do you see evidence of this?
You have only two cheeks. Read my opinion on resistance to martyrdom by the sword of radical Islam.
Posted June 3, 2015 @12:32am on this thread.
A few paragraphs of sanity.
George Washington quietly sought counsel with the Lord prior to every military engagement during the American war for freedom against tyranny.
Now see Christian perspective with empathy and judicious patience which results in a just consensus of faith into action.
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Anabasis -Jun. 2, 2015 at 9:42pm
tzion declines to respond. Hear the Jewish men for yourself at the link (you can use your own ears):
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Anabasis -Jun. 2, 2015 at 9:05pm
Why did the Jewish men (the “Capos”) kill the Jewish men, women, and children (2500 at a time) while only being supervised by “1 or 2” Germans tzion?
This doesn’t make sense to me and I know you’re an expert on this particular subject. Thank you in advance for your answer.
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Jamboree -Jun. 2, 2015 at 8:39pm
Glen, you head on over there and set up shop. Invite ISIS to come in and get some compassion. Then, if you’re not beheaded, we may follow.
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Jamboree -Jun. 2, 2015 at 9:02pm
Wait, I forgot to mention the compassion we showed to end WW-2. Oh, one thing comes to mind… Two nukes dropped on japan. And before that, obliterating Berlin. Yeah, that is what I call tough love. But it brought peace. Lesson learned?
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Bitter_Klinger -Jun. 2, 2015 at 10:35pm
Dear glen. We aren’t the problem. If the crusaders of old took on your strategy, we would all be lowly subhuman moose. Slime
pagans. It’s becoming embarrassing to say we listen to your show anymore. The enemy is upon us. Time to fight.
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Thevoice -Jun. 3, 2015 at 12:59am
God’s grace and the conqueror compassion comes after and with the defeat of the evil…In this case the Sons of Satan Islam…And again had we done what needed to be done….Still needs to be done…The companions to defeated would have long happened. And those children today taken by the sons of satan would have never be looking to endure the brutality they will face. Glenn sometimes the good lord gives great power for a reason. Not using it and a people truing away from their roll of using it. Is a slap in gods face. See the day comes and this great power is taken away from us. What companion is left. Out right destroy all and any who want to die for this Satan evil of Islam and to the surrendered give the grace of a conqueror.
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ricckky -Jun. 2, 2015 at 8:33pm
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Since.I.Gave.Up.Hope.I.Feel.A.Lot.Better -Jun. 2, 2015 at 8:25pm
I have a feeling Glenn has found that there’s big money to be made in charity work.
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CatB -Jun. 2, 2015 at 8:08pm
How about we kill the terrorists and rescue the victims. Sadly we are on the wrong side …
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TimPatriot -Jun. 2, 2015 at 8:11pm
No– instead let the Caliphate gain nuclear weapons. What could possibly go wrong?
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ScottyGunn -Jun. 2, 2015 at 11:06pm
An army of compassion. Free hugs for all Muslim killers. And teddy bears and soccer balls for their kiddies.
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cblythe -Jun. 2, 2015 at 8:21pm
I wonder whatever happened to Mr. Beck’s meeting with his $$ men. Wasn’t he going to personally begin saving people like Schindler? Wasn’t he trying to like himself to Jesus, MLK and Gandhi just a short time ago?
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jeffersen -Jun. 2, 2015 at 10:23pm
@cblythe —- That must have been over a week ago. The Prophet Beck has moved on.
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ThomPark -Jun. 2, 2015 at 9:01pm
Good idea Glenn. Put our troops back in the middle of the biggest cluster-**** in contemporary history. Poor fellows need a break.
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MindTheGOP -Jun. 2, 2015 at 8:06pm
After many years of beating down the libertarian candidate (2008-2012) because he was too ‘soft’ on middle east, Beck finally admits defeat and adopts the truth that govt military force cannot change people’s hearts……Or at least Beck admits it today, might change his mind tomorrow.