Below is a transcript of this segment:
Hello, America. Welcome to The Glenn Beck Program and TheBlaze, the network you are building. I’m Brad Thor, filling in for Glenn tonight. You know, July is one of my favorite months, and we celebrated the birth of the United States. Two hundred thirty-nine years ago, Americans risked everything in defiance of tyranny. King George was defeated, and the Constitution guaranteed that this new nation would never have to suffer under tyranny ever again. Or did it?
Progressives have launched an all-out assault on this nation’s very foundation, and the scary part is that progressivism and the Constitution are like oil and water; they don’t mix. But is it even possible for progressives to win that fight? I mean, they can’t rewrite the Constitution, can they? Well, no, but there’s more than one way to skin a cat. They’ve chosen a clever path, wordplay and bullying. Here’s how it works.
Progressives lay out an unconstitutional idea. Let’s take amnesty, for example. They give it a flowery name, “Dreamers.” Now, the trap is set. Anyone who disagrees is publicly chastised, mocked, ridiculed as a paranoid racist who wants to crush the dreams of poor minority immigrants. There’s a name for this strategy. George Orwell coined it decades ago. He called it “Newspeak.” Anyone who had a thought contrary to the totalitarian state was deemed a thought criminal, and being a thought criminal was considered the worst crime you could commit.
Truly free societies value all opinions, even the most controversial, and truly free societies value truth. America was built on truth. The new progressive foundation though is built on lies. Look at the Supreme Court ruling last month. They basically said states couldn’t deny gay marriages anymore. I’ve read the Constitution and can’t find marriage anywhere, but somehow five lawyers in the highest court of the land found a way to make the Constitution say whatever they wanted it to say.
In 2012, Chief Justice Roberts literally rewrote the ObamaCare law by calling the penalty a tax. Now, some advocates for the law were against calling it a tax, but Roberts knew better, didn’t he? You see, calling it a penalty wasn’t in the Newspeak dictionary, but changing it to tax made the law constitutional. It makes you wonder if the Supreme Court will eventually change its own name to the Ministry of Truth with Justice Roberts sitting at Winston Smith’s vacated desk striking through words that no longer mean what Big Brother wishes them to mean.
Progressives are using Orwellian theory to fundamentally transform—I wonder who said that—our country, but today, rather than calling it Newspeak, we call it something else. We call it political correctness, and it will be the death of this nation. You see, political correctness is the vehicle that’s now used to chastise, label, and bludgeon the population into conformity.
Six months ago, Atlanta fire chief Kelvin Cochran was fired for publishing a book that addressed issues of sexuality. He published the book, are you ready for this, for a church. This was a 34-year veteran of the fire department, but his actions didn’t conform to Newspeak, so he was punished for his crime against the progressive state.
Religious freedom is a founding principle, but progressives don’t have this term in their list of approved words and phrases. The owners of Memories Pizza in Walkerton, Indiana found this out the hard way. They were sought out, isolated, and viciously smeared merely for answering a hypothetical question about wedding pizza. There were forced to temporarily close their doors, simply for having a different opinion. My God, a local high school coach even threatened to burn the shop to the ground.
This is now the price of nonconformity in America, and nobody knows that better than the Tea Party, who was labeled a nonconformist too. This time, public chastisement wasn’t enough, so when the government unleashed the IRS on the Tea Party, that should’ve been a wake-up call for all of us, because if the government is capable of using its institutions as weapons against certain political viewpoints, just think what they’ll do with ObamaCare. How much power, how much leverage do they have over the country now that they have access to your medical records and to mine?
Forget the power of the IRS, this has the capability to be 1000 times worse, and it makes you wonder why the Ministry of—I’m sorry, I mean the Supreme Court, was so eager to rewrite the law to make it legal. You see, morality is getting phased out in this nation. In the vacuum left behind, there’s a new ethos emerging. Don’t believe in same-sex marriage? You’re a homophobe. You don’t agree with banning the Confederate flag? You, my friend, are a racist. How about not believing in the redistribution of wealth? You obviously hate poor people. How about amnesty, do you believe in that? No? Well, you obviously hate Mexicans. How about man-made global warming? Of course not. That makes you a science denier. But you believe in God, and that makes you an extremist zealot.
I’m an author, and we all trade in words, and we know that words matter. We can’t even say radical Islam anymore. They’re erasing it from all the State Department manuals. Fort Hood, in fact, was labeled workplace violence, even though Nidal Hasan made clear he was waging jihad, shouting “Allahu Akbar” during the shooting. But calling him an Islamic terrorist wasn’t politically correct. Muslims complained. Progressives lashed out at conservatives for bigotry.
Four years later from death row, Hasan penned a letter to ISIS head Baghdadi asking to be allowed to join. His attorney even said he wasn’t at all surprised by that letter: “It’s consistent with his position all along. Religious fervor underscores much of his life—his actions, his thought process. He really didn’t get into much of that during the trial because it was prohibited.” It was prohibited? At a trial? Why? Well, the answer is that it doesn’t fit the party line. It’s a viewpoint in opposition with Big Brother and state propaganda.
This act of terrorism was changed to mean something entirely different, and changing the meaning of words has consequences. Progressives have unleashed a war on thought, and since speech governs thought, political correctness is being used to change the way we speak and even the meaning of our words. Justice Scalia was right when he incredulously said, “Words no longer have meaning if an Exchange [meaning a healthcare exchange] that is not established by a State is ‘established by the State.’”
Words do matter. They have meaning. Twisting them, changing them, and limiting them is a dangerous precedent. As George Orwell said in 1985, “if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.”