Below is a transcript of this segment:
There’s a fascinating phenomenon that happens every time an election approaches. Real issues get pushed aside, and fake issues suddenly appear out of nowhere and hog all the airtime. There’s something of a scientific name for this. It’s a special phenomenon. I think we’ll call it “don’t look too closely at our craptastic policies effect,” or something like that. It’s classic misdirection.
We saw this in 2012. Actual wars were raging around the globe, but the war on women appeared out of thin air and took precedence. Benghazi schmenghazi, there’s binders full of women to save. The left loves to talk about fake issues rather than real ones. I can’t blame them. I mean, imagine what it’s like being a liberal and trying to defend your policies.
Your message to the public basically boils down to hey, you’re incompetent. You can’t build a business without government. You can’t earn a pay raise without government. You need government to set your thermostat, to choose your car, to pay for your health insurance. You can’t be trusted with firearms, no. You don’t know what the right foods are to eat—kale, or actually not kale anymore apparently. You’re a petulant little child, more or less, incapable of sound decision-making. That’s what the left, that’s what the liberals offer you, so they want to decide for you. That’s inspiring stuff.
And then the irony, literally the only time the left veers from control is when it comes to killing babies. They’re totally cool on just leaving that one up to whomever. Hey, you’re too dumb to get off minimum wage, but we’ll leave the whole baby living or dying thing up to you, up to individual discretion. So yeah, I’m so glad I’m not a liberal. It would get really tiring defending all of this stuff. That’s why they deflect.
Take abortion and the conversation about it that we’re having right now. There’s no defense to cutting up an unborn baby on a pie plate while discussing how much money you can charge for each body part like Planned Parenthood does. By the way, there’s another horrific video out today. It shows them literally cutting up a baby into pieces and casually chatting about how much money they’ll get out of it. So, abortion is itself indefensible; however, they repeat over and over again the mantra, a woman has a right to her own body, over and over. It takes the focus off the actual policy, and it shifts it to a fake one.