Just before starting his Friday morning radio show, Glenn's phone rang. It was Chuck Norris. The last time Chuck Norris called, Glenn had to go to the doctor (well, that might have been for another reason). This time, Chuck Norris called to say he'd had enough and wanted to do something about it.
Here's how it all went down, in Glenn's words.
"Got a call from Chuck Norris earlier today. He said, 'I and my wife have had enough and we're standing up. We're standing for life. We will join you. We're marching with you,'" Glenn said.
Then came the question of where in the march Mr. Norris should be positioned.
"Where do I put him?" Glenn said. "Next to Billy Graham's daughter? Next to Alveda King? Next to me? Next to Jon Voight? Where do you put Chuck Norris? Or do you have him just in the front, just walking out like, 'you got a problem?'"
Stu had the perfect answer.
"I don't think you put Chuck Norris somewhere. I think he puts you somewhere," Stu said. Then he added, "Instead of bringing him to Birmingham, just bring him to Syria and let him solve the problem."
Only a week away from Restoring Unity and Never Again Is Now in Birmingham, Alabama - the roster keeps getting more impressive by the minute. Will you be there? Join us.
Featured Image: US Actor Chuck Norris and his wife, Gena O'Kelley, speak during a "Huck and Chuck" rally for Republican Presidential hopeful and former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee at the Val Air Ballroom in Des Moines, Iowa, 01 January 2008. AFP PHOTO/SAUL LOEB (Photo credit: SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images)