Glenn invited Johnnie Moore, author of Defying ISIS, onto his radio show Friday to discuss the dire situation for Christians in the Middle East. Calling Moore "the closest thing we have to a Bonhoeffer today," Glenn asked him to describe what's really going on in the Middle East that the media and our government won't talk about.
"In Syria, there used to be 2 million Christians. Now, only 400,000 are left," Moore said. "It's a shame the United States won't take them."
Glenn took it one step further.
"This is not a shame. This is judgment that will come across all of our lives," Glenn said.
Glenn went on to say if Johnnie Moore can get a group of Christians from the Middle East to Mexico, Glenn would personally walk them across the border.
"We will raise a million dollars to help you," Glenn added. "Just go to"
Watch the exchange or read the full transcript below.
Below is a rush transcript of this segment, it might contain errors.
JOHNNIE: No. They won't do it. The United States of America will not let these Christians that are facing eradication in this country. The Christian population. We talk a lot about Iraq. But you know just four years ago in Syria, there were 2 million Christians. There are only 400,000 left. And a city like Aleppo has the largest Christian population left in the Middle East. It's surrounded by terrorists. It's surrounded by them. It's only a matter of time. We've been begging. We've been pleading. So, frankly, we just don't have enough time. So now we're going to European countries. We're going to Latin-American countries. And we're going to sustain those that want to stay in the region. But we will get them out. And it's a shame the United States won't take them.
GLENN: This is not a shame. This is judgment that will come across all of our lives. Judgment. We will pay for this. This is what that means on the Statue of Liberty. It doesn't mean somebody that wants to come in because they want to make more money in the United States. It means, go, bring us the people who are being tortured, who are being killed, who are being ridiculed, who are being run out of every country. Those are the ones that are supposed to be embraced by the Statue of Liberty. And we're not doing it.
JOHNNIE: No. And we're totally blind.
And, by the way, all these Christians in the Middle East, they were the economic backbone of the Middle East. You know, these are the highly educated people. They were the accountants. They were the lawyers. Every one of these Arab Christians I've met, they had two-story houses and kids in colleges and cars. I mean, this will help our country, bringing these people in. But we won't take them.
PAT: And, Johnnie, have they said why? What's the reason? Why are they rejecting them? On what grounds?
JOHNNIE: No, they haven't. We have no idea.
PAT: They just refuse?
JOHNNIE: Frankly, it's just flat discrimination. They don't want to be perceived as helping one group over another.
PAT: What? They don't want to be perceived. We allow anybody from any country to come in here.
GLENN: No, no, no, no. What's the country that is taking 200 Christians and they're being pounded because they're only taking Christians?
JOHNNIE: Yeah, Slovakia. You know, Slovakia says, we're a Christian country. We don't even have any mosques for Muslims to worship in. So we'll take 200 Christians. And yesterday and all through the week following, again and again, we'll hear -- we have heard about how they're discriminating against Muslims because they'll only take Christians, when there is no threat for the eradication of Islam in the Middle East.
PAT: And we take all kinds of Muslims here. We take all kinds of Cubans here. Anybody who claims asylum is granted it.
STU: Not to mention, people who just walk across the border.
JEFFY: Right.
GLENN: I know. I know. So I'm telling you, Johnnie. I'm telling you right now, you get them to Mexico, and I'll walk them across this damn border. I mean that. I mean that. I'll raise a million dollars. I give you my word. We will raise a million dollars to help you. And I don't care where they go. But it is an abomination. And if you get them to Mexico, I personally will walk them across this freaking border. Enough is enough.
JOHNNIE: Enough is enough. You know, I'm 32 years old. I wasn't alive when the Holocaust was happening. I couldn't do anything about that. But when my little kids come back from school, ten or 12 years from now, I have a 2-year-old and a 1-year-old, and they ask me where I was when this was happening, I'm going to have a good answer to the question. And I think you guys will have good answers to the question. Lots of people who will listen will have good answers to the question. But not enough people. This is the crisis of our time. And we will respond or we will look back in history and be -- we will weep because of our silence. Wilburforce was right. He said, you can say -- you can look at your kids. You can look at yourself and you can say that you turned the other way. But you can't say you didn't know. And everyone knows what ISIS does to Christians.
GLENN: You have countries that are taking these -- I just want to tell you right now. Just go to Go to