Glenn invited his respected friend, Father Jonathan Morris, a Catholic priest from the Bronx, to join him on radio Tuesday to share the nightmarish experience he had last Sunday involving two blood-thirsty pit bulls. Listen here, beginning at the 22 minute mark.
After telling Glenn what he did to both save a man's life and provide spiritual comfort in that harrowing moment, Father Morris said his motivation to act in that moment came from something he'd heard from Pope Francis, which he said doesn't only apply to pastors and priests.
"You're supposed to smell like the sheep. Like your sheep! You're supposed to get your hands dirty," Morris said.
Glenn added, "The opportunity to serve is overwhelming."
After saying goodbye to Father Morris, Glenn continued to talk about a feeling he was having in that moment, which he described as "life changing."
Below is a rush transcript of this segment, it might contain errors.
GLENN: I don't know if anybody else felt what I'm feeling right now. But I'm feeling a -- a -- you decide what you're feeling. If you're feeling something right now, make the change. Right now. Whatever it is that you're feeling that you've just heard, make the change. He did. I did. Others have. Others will. Others have led. We're just following.
But make the change in your own life. I -- I promise you that good things will come of it. I promise you that just as he did, you might end up -- and this is a bad thing for me, you might end up on TV without your shirt on, but for a good reason. You may find yourself in situations to where you're truly and remarkably afraid, but you will have a great sense of peace that you understand how it all ends. It's time for us to stop doing these little things. To stop worrying about what -- I'm speaking to me, not you. Boy, I do most of the show to me, not you. I'm sorry.
To not worry about what people are saying about you. Not worrying about -- you worry about what you've said about others. And, again, I'm talking to me. You correct the problems in your own life. You take out the beam in your own eye. Worry about the speck in others' eyes later. But take that beam out, and you will start to see things clearly. And it's really hard to stay with one foot in one world and one foot in another. It's time we just get all in. It's time we get all in.
I just -- I have been praying for -- we all have. We have been praying for a decade for a spiritual awakening to happen. We've been praying for -- some people have been praying for 50 years that the third great awakening would happen and it would save our country. I promise you that it's happening right now. Did you hear what he said?
Courage is contagious. It's happening right now. Be a part of that. Change the world.