Former Planned Parenthood director Abby Johnson joined Glenn on his TV show Thursday to share her experience working for an organization now notorious for being accused of selling baby parts harvested from abortions.
Johnson worked at Planned Parenthood for eight years, receiving employee of the year award in 2008. In April of 2009, she sat at the head table of Planned Parenthood's annual gala, with the winner of Planned Parenthood's most prestigious Margaret Sanger Circle Award - Hillary Clinton.
Describing the experience as being on "cloud nine," Johnson told Glenn at the time, she believed what they were doing at Planned Parenthood was to help promote "reproductive rights."
Her perspective started to change in August of that year, when she looked at a budget showing the quota for abortions was doubled from 2009 to 2010.
"I thought there was a mistake," Johnson said. "Here at Planned Parenthood we say that we want to reduce the number of abortions, so why would they double our quota?"
When Johnson approached her supervisor with the question, she said her supervisor started laughing, saying, "That's how we're making our money." She went on.
"We see that clearly just from the testimony that Cecile Richards gave two days ago, where she said 86% of their non-federal revenue is abortion revenue," Johnson said.
Watch the dialogue below.
Below is a rush transcript of this segment, it might contain errors.
ABBY: I saw that they had doubled our quota for abortions. We had a quota that we had to meet every month. I saw that they had doubled it from 2009-2010.
I thought well, that must be a mistake because here at Planned Parenthood we say that we want to reduce the number of abortions, so why would they double our quota? That doesn’t make sense. I said that out loud to my supervisor, and she just started laughing. She said why would we want to reduce the number of abortions? That’s how we’re making our money. We see that clearly just from the testimony that Cecile Richards gave two days ago, where she said 86% of their non-federal revenue is abortion revenue.
GLENN: And the rest of their revenue really is kind of, I mean, because don’t you count a lot of things that are associated with the abortions also, separate from the abortion? Aren’t some of the procedures that you do, there’s the abortion you make all that money, but then there’s all the other things that are surrounding that abortion that also make you money, right?
ABBY: Right. So, like the follow-up appointment, that’s going to make us money. If they come in before for pregnancy verification, that’s going to cost, that’s going to make money for us.
GLENN: Most of it is tied in. If 86% is going right to the abortion, maybe another 5% to 10% is the surrounding services?
ABBY: Well, Planned Parenthood is basically willing to be a loss leader in family planning, in their family planning services. They’re willing to lose money there because they make up for it in the cost of the abortions that they provide.
GLENN: How were they suggesting that you double the amount of abortions?
ABBY: Well, like I said, turning every client visit into a revenue generating visit, not letting a pregnant woman walk out the door without selling her on an abortion. And then we started offering free pregnancy tests. We thought if we offer them free pregnancy tests, we’ll see more pregnant women coming in. Planned Parenthood is marketing to these abortion vulnerable women, and they’re doing a very good job at it.
GLENN: Did you know about the selling of the body parts?
ABBY: Yeah, we did that at our clinic.
GLENN: How did you feel about that?
ABBY: At the time, I felt like well, if there’s money to be made, then we should make it. We made $200 per baby that we sent to the lab.
GLENN: Did the moms know you were making money on their babies?
ABBY: No. They did sign a consent, but they didn’t know that we were being compensated $200.