Glenn took to radio Thursday to express how far the House of Representatives has gone to the point they no longer represent anybody.
When all the people you don't like support someone, you have to pause for a second before supporting him yourself.
So what about Paul Ryan?
For starters, take a look at who apparently loves him: John Boehner, Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi.
Harry Reid came out with a full-on endorsement of Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House.
Glenn presented a sampling of policies Ryan has aligned himself with.
"He voted for Medicare Part D - socialist. No Child Left Behind - led to Common Core," Glenn said. He hasn't met a bailout he didn't like. He voted for TARP."
Then quoting Ryan, "This bill offends my principles, but I'm going to vote for this bill in order to preserve my principles."
Glenn continued.
"He was the architect of and voted for a budget that blew through spending caps. He's consistent voting to raise the debt ceiling, multiple votes. He is consistent with multiple votes on farm bills. The bloated highway bill, multiple votes. He voted against the Amash Amendment to end the NSA domestic surveillance. The fiscal cliff deal, which allowed all the tax hikes, he was for it. Remember those? He was for it. Now, are those your principles?" Glenn said.
Listen to the full segment or read the transcript below.
Below is a rush transcript of this segment, it might contain errors.
GLENN: If there was criminal activity, they need to go to jail. No matter who they are. Republican, Democrat. I don't care if it was Ronald Reagan. You lie, you cheat, you steal, you go to jail. Period.
This is nothing, but -- all the world is but a stage, and we are merely its players. The House of Representatives no longer represents anybody. They represent the party.
Last night, they paved the way for Paul Ryan to become the Speaker of the House. The Freedom Caucus paved the way for Paul Ryan to become the Speaker of the House. Now, let me share a real good testimony here for Paul Ryan because he's -- he's -- he's almost universally loved
PAT: Yeah, everybody else is saying, "This is a great choice. Paul Ryan is a great choice."
GLENN: Yeah, he's a great choice. In fact, let me just play one of the big endorsements here from Harry Reid.
HARRY: I'm a Paul Ryan fan. I don't agree with him on much of what he does. I think what he's done with Medicare and Medicaid, what he's wanted to do, I disagree with. But generally speaking, I think that he's been -- we've been able to work with him as so.
GLENN: Oh, I'm sure you could.
HARRY: -- Senator Murray just a few minutes ago.
PAT: Yeah, they could work with him. Why? Because he caves in. He caves. The Republicans never press the advantage that they have. And they have a advantage right now.
GLENN: No. They never play offense. It's always defense. Always. Always. Always.
PAT: And they don't even do that well.
GLENN: And Paul Ryan is the Mitt Romney pick. The G.O.P. is being run right now by Mitt Romney.
Here's the thing, you took John Boehner out. Now we're in the middle of the fight. And the guys that we have fighting with our names on the back, they're weasels. They're chickens. They don't have enough -- they don't have any spine in them. I don't know if it's their lack of faith in God, their lack of faith in Divine Providence, their lack of faith in the Constitution, their lack of faith in the American people, I don't know what it is. Maybe it's just that they are already intoxicated with power. It doesn't take long to become intoxicated with power. There were five people. Five people that promised that -- they promised their constituents, you elect me, and I will vote against John Boehner. You elect me, and I will vote -- my first freshman vote, I will vote against John Boehner. They were elected. Out of those five, one had a spine. One.
Gary Palmer from Alabama. One.
There was six of them. Not five. The five of them turned their backs. Who are they? Alex Mooney from West Virginia, lied. Mark Walker, lied. Jody Hice, lied. Barry Loudermilk, lied. John Ratcliffe, lied.
Those guys came to you and said, "This is not the senators. This is the House of Representatives. This is the people's House. This is the one that is supposed to be just like you. The one where you're supposed to be able to have your voice heard." Do you feel your voice is being heard by the people who have lied to you?
You want to know why -- why Donald Trump is winning and why people in the freaking Tea Party are backing him? Do you know why that's happening? Because they are righteously tired of it. They have righteous indignation. They have lost their principles on the Constitution because they want somebody to do something. That's what's happening.
Now, what happens if Donald Trump doesn't win? What happens when the G.O.P. refuses to listen and represent the people? You will get someone far worse than Donald Trump. Because I got news for you, anybody who is supporting Donald Trump, Donald Trump is a big businessman. He plays the game. He bribes his own -- I'm sorry. He makes contributions to anybody on any side because he'll get the job done. The job he wants to get done.
When that man gets in, you will be betrayed again because he's a businessman. And the one who wins is Donald Trump.
You think that man has principles? What are the principles, besides Donald Trump? Certainly not the Constitution because he'll take your land, he will take your house, to be able to build a limousine parking lot on it. Those are not the principles of the Tea Party. So why is the Tea Party standing -- 20 percent of the Tea Party standing for him?
Because they're angry. Because they can't trust anyone. And so they go to a demagogue.
This is how Hitler gets elected. Everybody is so tired of it, they will just listen to the strong man who will just get it done.
And if you think that that can't happen in America, if you're toying with Donald Trump, look at -- look at what you already have in office. A guy who doesn't care. Now the Republicans are upping the ante. Now they've got Donald Trump.
What's after Donald Trump? Good news, we've got Kanye West in 2020. You're completely unhinged from any principles. And it's happening because the G.O.P. is betraying the people.
So why not Paul Ryan? Well, he voted for Medicare Part D, socialist. No Child Left Behind. Led to Common Core. He hasn't -- he hasn't met a bailout he didn't like. He voted for TARP. "This bill offends my principles, but I'm going to vote for this bill." Quote, "This bill offends my principles, but I'm going to vote for this bill in order to preserve my principles." Wait. Excuse me, what?
PAT: That's the George Bush one -- I'm -- principles to save them.
GLENN: Can I tell you something? Honey, having sex with that prostitute violated all of my principles, but I did it to save our marriage.
PAT: Same thing.
GLENN: Oh, okay. I get it. Sure. He was the architect of and voted for a budget that blew through spending caps. He's consistent voting to raise the debt ceiling, multiple votes. He is consistent with multiple votes on farm bills. The bloated highway bill, multiple votes. He voted against the Amash Amendment to end the NSA domestic surveillance. The fiscal cliff deal, which allowed all the tax hikes, he was for it. Remember those? He was for it. Now, are those your principles?
PAT: Check into immigration. So many people that love Trump love his immigration -- look at Paul Ryan's stance on immigration and amnesty.
GLENN: John Boehner, Mitt Romney, all of it -- Jeb Bush, all the people that you say you don't want love Paul Ryan. Love Paul Ryan.
PAT: Barack Obama loves Paul Ryan.
GLENN: Harry Reid. Nancy Pelosi love Paul Ryan.
Now, listen, I am really upset today. And here's why: I'm upset -- and excuse my language -- at the bastards that came to me and said to me, "Glenn, I want you to know -- and God is my witness -- or in this case, it's Pat.
PAT: Yeah. I was a little uncomfortable with you putting me as God.
GLENN: We were told -- we were told -- if -- if the wrong person goes into the Speaker of the House, the party is over. The G.O.P. is over. Because what they will do is more of the same stuff. They will disenfranchise the voter more and more. They will jam all of this progressive stuff down the throats of the voter. They will disenfranchise the base.
PAT: Going to lose the presidency.
GLENN: We will then lose the presidency because the voters will say, "What the hell do they even stand for?"
If we don't lose the presidency, you will strengthen people like Donald Trump and anybody who is really angry. Anybody who says, "I'll get it done," and is disconnected from the Constitution because there are no principles anymore.
Now, that is what I was told by several people, one of which is definitely not a guy that you sit around and say, "That guy is a crazy lunatic."
They're serious. Now, am I surprised by the John Boehners of the world? No, of course not. Of course not. The Freedom Caucus, yeah, I am. Yeah, I'm a little -- how dare you.
PAT: Especially when they were so adamant about Daniel Webster. Because of the process. Got to have him. The process restored. Blah. Blah.
GLENN: Got to have him. Got to have him. Have to have him. Here's what I want you to do, and I'm not -- I don't know if this makes any difference at all. They have a vote on October 29th next week. And it will be televised. You'll know exactly who voted what.
Featured Image: Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (R) (D-NV) answers questions after a weekly policy meeting at the U.S. Capitol October 20, 2015 in Washington, DC. Reid indicated he would be in favor of Rep. Paul Ryan (D-WI) becoming the next Speaker of the House during his remarks. (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)