Amazing. I have quoted this stat for over a year while talking about the Christian refugees --- who are the closest comparison to the Jewish Germans on the St. Louis in 1938.
The press didn't care.
But, now that America sees what is happening in France and Germany and we are cautious of bringing Muslims in from a part of the world that accepts sharia law in the near 70% range you call us names. The same part of the world where a stadium full of Muslims just boo'd a moment of silence for France and then began to chant "Allah Akbar."
And we are called "heartless."
Let me ask the press and the left a few questions:
1. Who among you have personally raised $12 million to rescue those Syrians and Iraqis in harm's way?
2. Who among you have set up your own system to vet, transport, feed, house and teach a new language thousands of refugees?
3. Who among you have committed to support those families in transition for the first year?
4. Who among you have set up an international team from scratch and have met with presidents and prime ministers around the world trying to encourage them to soften their hearts?
5. Who can claim they have 120,000 people participating in their mission and 12,000 that have volunteered to take families in to their own homes?
I can.
And I would like to introduce you to my audience. They are the most compassionate, caring and giving audience in America.
While those of you on the left whined about those with no heart when it came to the border over a year ago, we were busy raising money and delivering food, staples and diapers to the border.
$3 million dollars worth.
We did it for three solid months. LONG after the cameras (none of yours by the way) were gone.
So please don't lecture us about compassion.
We are Americans. We know our role. We are the most compassionate and giving people in the history of the world. Americans always have been and that is a verifiable fact.
Some of us actually believe real compassion doesn't come from the government but from our own personal action.
So, you keep protesting about your rights and we'll keep our head down and fulfill our responsibilities.
You keep mocking our God. We will continue to serve Him by loving and serving our fellow man. Even those who mock and despise us.
BTW: We will rescue our first group of Christian refugees before Christmas.
How about you?
Amazing. I have quoted this stat for over a year while talking about the Christian refugees ---who are the closest...Posted by Glenn Beck on Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Featured Image: Refugees and migrants cross by boat the Aegean sea from Turkey, to reach the Greek island of Lesbos, on October 31, 2015. (Photo by ARIS MESSINIS/AFP/Getty Images)