On Thursday, Glenn announced his latest project during The Glenn Beck Program. Building off the #NeverAgainIsNow campaign launched in Birmingham, Alabama, a new web-based initiative has been launched to help people unify, get involved and take action.
"It is time we stand together. It is time we unite," said Glenn. "We are going to be shepherded into a ditch, and like lambs to a slaughter, we will all follow unless we start to now consciously choose and say, 'I am not going down that path. I'm going another way,'" Glenn said.
The new site includes three main areas of empowerment:
• Specific prayers for tragedies, our military and law enforcement, our nation, and Christians in the Middle East.
• Coming soon --- Prayer 101 training from Thelma, leader of our prayer warriors.
• Steps to actively engage your pastors.
• Downloadable content to share with your pastors.
• Action steps featuring David Barton, founder of WallBuilders.
Unity Groups
• A virtual map showing Unity Groups forming throughout the U.S.
• A starter kit to begin your own Unity Group.
Also available is information about The Nazarene Fund and the ongoing mission to save Christians in the Middle East.
As the emotional video above implores, let's stop allowing politicians to tear us apart. Let's throw out political correctness that destroys the truth.
We are not the people the president, politicians and the media paint us to be. We cannot be put into simple, politically correct boxes. We are good, decent and honorable people. We are Americans. And, united, we can change the world.