Miss Puerto Rico was suspended from the Miss America organization after tweeting anti-Islamic statements in response to Michael Moore's "We Are All Muslim" campaign.
Among her numerous strongly-worded tweets, Destiny Vélez wrote, "There’s NO comparison between Jews, Christians and Muslims."
Buck Sexton shared the controversial story during Glenn's radio program Tuesday, asking listeners to consider what might have happened if she had attacked Christians rather than Muslims.
What would happen if she had said instead that Christians use our Constitution to terrorize the USA and attack Planned Parenthood centers? That Christians have terrorizing agendas in their books and look at what's said in Leviticus and look at what's in --- what would have happened if she had said that? Do you think she would have been suspended?
No. She wouldn't have been suspended. She would have been invited on the late night shows as a revered guest. She would be sitting there with Stephen Colbert, who apparently can't make a joke unless he's pretending to be a conservative, based on the ratings.
Listen to the segment or read the transcript below.
Below is a rush transcript of this segment, it might contain errors.
BUCK: Some groups that are in a demographic minority, they need special protections, including for the First Amendment. From the First Amendment, really.
And we see time and again, some people get caught up in the machinery, some are punished, and some are not. And it's just based on the whim of the mob. These days, it's often the whim of the digital mob, meaning those on social media who scream the loudest for yet another head to roll, those on social media who demand someone be fired, that a career be ended.
There are others, of course, who will be forced to make the pole -- the groveling, knee bending, oh, I'm so sorry to share a thought that offended some delicate sensibilities, or even at the more extreme end, I'm sorry I said something that was rude, unfounded, and nasty. Please, please, forgive me. But what's interesting, when you go to that end of things, forgiveness tends not to be given, right? There's a spectrum here. There's only so much you can get away with.
So who gets a pass? Who does not? Miss Puerto Rico does not get a pass. Miss Puerto Rico 2015 has been suspended indefinitely for posting a series of, yes, anti-Muslim messages on Twitter. This coming via CNN. Her name is Destiny Velez. And she tweeted at filmmaker Michael Moore last week who, of course, when you want to talk about in-depth intellectual discourse, the true things in life. The truth about US foreign policy and American exceptionalism, who else comes to mind, but the vile propagandist Michael Moore, right? The communist who lives in mansions. It's wonderful stuff, isn't it? He would be right at home in the Politburo telling people waiting in line for bread that they've got it good because the smart people are in charge.
Of course, Michael wouldn't just be eating bread in the Politburo. He can have whatever he wanted. That's the way the true statists like it. So Michael started this little campaign on Twitter. And he's doing this, of course -- and part of me feels bad for even raising his name on this broadcast right now because that's what he wants. But it is part of the overall narrative that we're discussing. So I guess I just have to suck it up and accept it.
We'll talk about this very irritating man for a moment. He started this We Are All Muslim campaign. Holds up a sign. Stood in front of Trump Tower, of course, trying to ride on the Trump media coattails as much as he can. We Are All Muslim. And he wanted people to post photographs of themselves holding signs online. Now, first let me just say, this notion that we're all Muslim is bizarre, is nonsense. In the truest sense of that word, right? It doesn't make any sense. What does that mean, We're All Muslim? We're clearly not.
And this is part of our degradation of our basic ability to make differentiations in a society. See, in a mature, liberal society -- and I mean a true liberal society, not liberal in the sense of the word that has been hijacked by the left now. I mean a society based in liberty, we understand each other's differences. And as long as those differences stay within the confines of the Constitution and our laws, we respect and allow for them.
We don't pretend that they don't exist though. Because isn't it funny, on the one hand, the left will say, we are all this and we are all that. And then on the other, they will make sure you're part of a dominant patriarchy. You're at the top of the hierarchy. You have to make amendments, not for what you've done, but for who you are because of past injustices.
So sometimes we're all the same when it benefits their narrative. But most of the time, oh, no, it is our differences that are, in fact, essential. It is the Balkanization. The tribalization of the American people. Breaking us up into different groups by race, ethnicity, religion, sex -- anything. Whatever they can do to separate us is one of their best means of achieving power.
But here we have Michael Moore saying we are all Muslim. And some people reacted to this in the way that you would expect. Some people were pointing out that it was nonsense, that it was stupid, not helpful. And also, of course, very self--- very self-serving for Michael Moore who has a movie coming out next week about which country are we going to bomb again. Because, again, this is someone who is really into serious discourse about American foreign policy and trying to raise the level of our national -- keep in mind, this was a person that was seated in a place of honor at I forget which Democratic Convention. Sort of a hollowed figure on the left. And not just on the left in a generic sense. Within the Democratic Party. There are people that still think that some of his documentaries are masterpieces, of truth telling. Not of propaganda. Not of omission of necessary facts and context so we can understand the very basics of some of the subject matter he tackles. No, he's a vile propagandist, posing as a documentarian. But, of course, as we know, in the modern sense, in recent years, in recent decades, "documentary" has just become a long form, video editorial for the left, for the most part. There are some exceptions. I know some of you would know them.
But he's tweeting out, We Are All Muslim. Ms. Velez, Miss Puerto Rico tweeted out some things that were in poor taste, tweeted out some things that she probably should have known would get her into trouble. And in one case, I'm not even particularly clear what she was trying to say.
She tweeted, according to CNN here, Muslims use our Constitution to terrorize USA and plant gas stations. There's no comparison between Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Jews nor Christians have terrorizing agendas in their sacred books. All what Muslims have done is provided oil and terrorize this country and many others.
I don't know what she meant about plant gas stations. But nonetheless, she's essentially saying that Islam is not comparable to other religions. Now, the way in which she said it is too sweeping. And some of you would agree with me, this was not the way that this sort of discussion should have been said -- some of you would disagree and say that, you know what, sometimes you just to have start the conversation and you have to start with some haymakers and that's the way it's got to be. And if people are offended, so what. That's another approach.
But she, of course, was immediately disciplined. She is indefinitely suspended. The Miss Puerto Rico organization has issued a statement over the weekend distancing itself from her comments. Well, that's -- there's no surprise there. I would just, as a thought experiment for you though, I would offer up, what would happen if she had said instead that Christians use our Constitution to terrorize the USA and attack Planned Parenthood centers? That Christians have terrorizing agendas in their books and look at what's said in Leviticus and look at what's in -- what would have happened if she had said that? Do you think she would have been suspended? No. She wouldn't have been suspended. She would have been invited on the late night shows as a revered guest. She would be sitting there with Stephen Colbert, who apparently can't make a joke unless he's pretending to be a conservative, based on the ratings.
No, no, she would have received a hero's welcome for that. Or you could put in Republicans. Republicans use our Constitution to terrorize the USA and destroy Muslim countries. Or whatever the case. They're war criminals. Just sit there and think this through yourself. Come up with -- it's like politically correct mad libs. Just come up with different ways of insulting groups that you're allowed to insult. You see, there are some groups you're allowed to insult: Christians. White Christian males, of course, being the top tier of target for whatever insult you feel like throwing out there.
In fact, if they don't accept as a matter of leftist orthodoxy. Now, if you don't accept that white Christian males have some form of guilt on their hands for any number of things around the world, imperialism, oppression, male patriarchy, colonialism, racism, slavery. I mean, you just go down the list. You'll have to constantly bow your head and beg for forgiveness. From who? Well, from the Michael Moores of the world. Because if you don't, you'll get suspended. Maybe fired. Pretty much the same thing. Depends on your job.
You'll be run out of the public square. You'll be called all kinds of names. People might threaten you, your family. Some people don't get a pass. They don't get -- they don't get the opportunity to even make amends, which in this case she did not.
But I think we are all really tired of this culture of political correctness because it's not just some -- it's not just some sideshow now. It's not just something that you occasionally run into. It is becoming a dominant force in our everyday conversations, in our politics, and in our lives. And it is time for it to stop.
Featured Image: Filmmaker Michael Moore speaks at the after party for the Centerpiece Gala Premiere of Dog Eat Dog Films' 'Where to Invade Next' during AFI FEST 2015 presented by Audi at the Egyptian Theatre on November 7, 2015 in Hollywood, California. (Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images For AFI)