Hillary Clinton: I Don't Understand What 'Establishment' Means
Hillary Clinton is dubbed the "sharpest woman in the room" until feigning ignorance proves more politically expedient. During an interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer, the Democrat frontrunner was asked if she is "part of the [Democrat/D.C.] establishment." MORE
Google Doodle Honors the Guy Who Invented How We Measure the Hotness of Chili Peppers
The Trinidad moruga scorpion is recognized as the hottest chili pepper on the planet — but it’s unlikely we could all agree on the hotness of any pepper without Wilbur Scoville. Scoville, who was born 151 years ago on Jan. 22, developed a way of measuring the heat you feel when eating various peppers. MORE
Planned Parenthood Sold Hearts and Brains of 18-Week-Old Babies Minutes After Aborting Them
A shocking new report reveals the Planned Parenthood in Wisconsin lied about and attempted to cover up its sales of body parts of aborted babies. The new report reveals Planned Parenthood sold the hearts and brains of 18-week-old aborted babies to the University of Wisconsin and harvested the body parts just minutes after aborting the babies. MORE
Facebook Is Bringing 3D Touch to Your Timeline
Facebook is bringing 3D Touch to its Timeline, the company says – meaning that users of Apple’s latest devices, the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus will soon be able to press on links, profiles and more, in order to preview content without having to navigate away from their current spot. This previewing feature is dubbed “peek and pop.” MORE
American College Student Detained in North Korea
Officials in North Korea have arrested an American college student after they say he "was caught committing a hostile act against the state.” Otto Frederick Warmbier—a 21-year-old-student at the University of Virginia—was detained in the airport as he was preparing to leave the country following a 5-day trip organized through a Chinese tourism group. He’s been held since Jan. 2, though the country has just publicized his arrest. MORE
NASA Shares View of Massive Winter Storm From Space
The massive winter storm set to hit the East Coast this weekend appears to be a behemoth in satellite imagery shared by NASA. More than 75 million people are in the storm's forecasted path, which could affect states from Arkansas to Massachusetts beginning today and lasting through the weekend. Snowfall could reach two feet in some locations, including Baltimore and Washington, D.C., according to the forecasters. MORE
Homepage Image: Saguache Crescent owner and editor Dean Coombs carries freshly printed copies of the Saguache Crescent newspaper on January 19, 2016 in Saguache, Colorado. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)