Dana Loesch Shoots Straight on Carson, Cruz & Trump

Dana Loesch, host of Dana on TheBlazeTV has had enough. Glenn welcomed Dana to The Glenn Beck Program on Thursday --- and she came out with both barrels blazing. The controversy about the Cruz campaign urging Ben Carson supporters to jump ship had Dana gunning for Trump as well as Carson.

“I'm at my limit with Trump,” Loesch said. “Because I just don't think calling someone a bimbo or suggesting that they're a bimbo or suggesting that they're sold out or suggesting that they've committed fraud is substitute for intelligent dissent. And I've kind of had that problem with his campaign now for some time. I've been incredibly cool about it, but now it's --- I mean, we're at the point where it's at level ridiculous. It's out of hand.”

Dana agreed that pointing the finger at Cruz is pointing in the wrong direction. The Carson campaign's laxed communication and CNN's fast-paced tweeting should be blamed for the confusion about the status of Carson's presidential campaign, not Cruz.

The Kardashian Candidate

While never a Trump supporter, she has interviewed him on her show and introduced him at CPAC. Her recent endorsement for Ted Cruz, however, has brought out the Trump trolls to come out in full force.

"Apparently, I'm a RINO whore "cuckservative," whatever that means," Dana said on The Glenn Beck Program. "I had to Google it really, and that was really disturbing.  I'm all of those things because I came out for Cruz."

Dana went on to lambast Trump's flip-flop on his Iowa results --- first humble and gracious then full-on attack when he smelled blood in the water.

“He's the equivalent of Kim Kardashian in American politics,” Loesch said. “We're looking at the Kardashian candidate. That's who this is. He's a chaos candidate who has been all over the board on every single issue. And anyone who tells themselves otherwise, they are lying to themselves.”

Bearing False Witness

Most troubling to Dana, though, was Carson’s religious tone on pointing the finger at Cruz --- and she did not mince words.

“Yeah, I was really angry about that. Because I think if you're going to go out there and cite Christ and be the Jesus candidate and be a representative of the faith and be a Christian, then why on earth are you bearing false witness against somebody for what your campaign did?” Dana lashed out. “That's not very Christ-like, and it's a horrible example." 

Also perplexing was how inconsequential the reports on Carson appeared to be when they first surfaced prior to last Monday’s caucuses.

“When I first saw it, that statement came right after Huckabee dropped out," Dana remembered. "And I thought, who goes back to Florida for fresh clothes? He's totally dropping out of the race. I thought that. But I didn't care because he's not a contender. He's a foil, and I didn't have my eyes on him, except to look at whose numbers he was picking off of. He was pulling from Trump and Rubio. He was not even an issue for Cruz.”

What made things even more frustrating was how obvious the timeline appeared to be and how much of a non-story the email the Cruz campaign sent out seemed at the time.

“I mean, you can see the timeline. People act like you can't see the timeline on Twitter. You can see when the first talking heads --- Chris Moody, Jake Tapper who said, 'We're hearing this from the Carson campaign.' And it sounded like, especially again after Huckabee dropped out, it sounded like he was leaving the campaign. That's on him and his campaign,” Dana said.

The Donald Effect

The one thing that was abundantly clear to Glenn was how, orchestrated or not, Trump seized the opportunity to turn the candidates against each other, causing damage to the party in general.

“Donald Trump is destroying the G.O.P. Destroying it,” Glenn said. “We are, all of us, at each other's throats. Carson --- because of Trump --- Carson is at Cruz's throat.  Rubio is at Cruz's throat. Everybody is at each other's throats, when we have much more in common. And somehow or another, the guy in the middle, Donald Trump, the ringleader, is not getting the shots. He's the least like us, and he's setting all of us against each other. If this guy isn't an operative of the Democratic National Committee, they should send him a giant check just for fun because, thanks. You've done a great job. You've destroyed the conservative movement.”

Glenn did have high praise for Dana, though.

“It's a coin toss between you and Megyn Kelly," Glenn said. "You two are the smartest women on television. And both of you will leave you in shreds before you even feel the knife go into you.”

Listen to the full segment below:

Below is a rush transcript of this segment, it might contain errors:

GLENN:  Dana is smoking in two ways, in her usual way of being smoking, Dana Loesch --

DANA:  Literally burning things.

GLENN:  Yeah, you are on fire.  Last night on your TV show, you were -- I was told none of that was part of the script.

DANA:  No, it wasn't.

GLENN:  It wasn't.  The prompter person was like, where is she?  She's nowhere.

DANA:  They just stopped psychology after a while, and they just let it go.

GLENN:  You're really hacked off at two people.

DANA:  Oh, yeah.

GLENN:  Okay.  Where do you want to start?

DANA:  I don't know.  Where should we begin?  I've been really cool, I think this entire primary I've been incredibly fair.  I've had Donald Trump on my radio program.  I've had him on the television program of the network that he says he hates here because he hates you.

GLENN:  No, no, he just says we're a loser not worth his time.  But he's on yours.

DANA:  But then his people would approach me and email me, which is crazy I save all those emails.  And they wanted to come on the program.  So I was incredibly fair.  And it shocked people when I came out for Cruz, which I've always liked Cruz.  I've never liked Donald Trump.  Personally, he seemed like a nice guy.  Never liked him as a political candidate.  For a couple of years, he wanted me to introduce him at CPAC.  He reached out, asked for me to do it.  I did so last year, just to see what would happen and just so I could say that now because I knew where this was headed.  And so I've always been incredibly fair.  And the stuff that I've seen just in the last few weeks, I'm kind of at my limit.  And I was really --

GLENN:  In what way?  In what way?  First of all, have you gotten backlash for coming out and saying you're for Cruz?

DANA:  Oh, yeah.  Because the response is whore.  That's what --

GLENN:  Are you a fake conservative now?  Are you a sellout?  Are you an establishment goon?

DANA:  Apparently, I'm a RINO whore cuckservative, whatever that means.  I had to Google it really, and that was really disturbing.  I'm all of those things because I came out for Cruz, which okay.  I've been insulted by better.  A bunch of anonymous accounts aren't going to do anything.  I used to have SCIU HEP that came to my house.  A bunch of keyboard warriors, eating Hot Pockets in their mom's basement, that's not going to do nothing. (laughter)

PAT:  Well, but if you're for Ted Cruz, you actually sell your body for money.  Because we're all for Cruz, and I don't think anybody is buying.

GLENN:  If I sold my body for money, just for science --

DANA:  I was told that I had to come here to get my check, so that's why I'm here.

GLENN:  I sold my body for science.  Sell my body, sure.  They're like --

PAT:  No.

GLENN:  First time I've had sex in a while.  They're like, no, no, we want it for science.  The body that no one wants to get near.

So, anyway, you are in trouble with everybody.  And they were surprised that you were for Cruz.  You don't care about that.  Now you say you're at your limit with the --

DANA:  With Trump.  And Ben Carson.

GLENN:  Okay.  Let's start with Trump.

DANA:  I'm at my limit with Trump because I just don't think calling someone a bimbo or suggesting that they're a bimbo or suggesting that they're sold out or suggesting that they've committed fraud is substitute for intelligent dissent.  And I've kind of had that problem with his campaign now for some time.  I've been incredibly cool about it, but now it's -- I mean, we're at the point where it's at level ridiculous.  It's out of hand.

GLENN:  You know, my wife said to me last night, she said, she is done with him.  I mean, she's been done with him for a long time.  But she's really done with him.  And he is officially a total joke now that he's calling for a recount.  

DANA:  He's the equivalent of Kim Kardashian in American politics.  We're looking at the Kardashian candidate.  That's who this is.  He's a chaos candidate who has been all over the board on every single issue.  And anyone who tells themselves otherwise, they are lying to themselves.

GLENN:  Did you see -- I did a show a couple of days ago.  And I'm trying to remember the guest.  He's a military strategist.  And he talked about, it's like the ODSS or something.

DANA:  Yeah.  The loop.

GLENN:  Yeah, the loop.

DANA:  Where it's all about observation and then reaction.  Yes.  Yes.

GLENN:  Yes.  Okay.  So it's this military strategy on how to beat your opponents.  And he said, it is exactly the strategy that Donald Trump is using, but will lose because of it.

DANA:  Right.

GLENN:  Because he is a chaos candidate.

DANA:  Exactly.

GLENN:  So what's happening is he's using this military strategy of going in and just causing chaos, and no one can keep up with the chaos.  So he punches through.  But the problem is, at some point, there will be -- right now, it's working because he's against, you know, five, six, seven, eight other candidates.  Once it gets down to one or two, it falls apart because by that time, the opponents know, it's chaos.  Don't react to it.  Just keep going.  Sound like Ted Cruz?  Once you don't react to him, you just punch right through because you stay on message.

DANA:  Well, that's it entirely.  I forget what the acronym is.  But he's disrupted the loop, and that's why he's being successful right now.  So the only way to get back at him is to disrupt his loop.  That's why you have to go -- and go about that.

GLENN:  So how do you think people are -- I don't know.  I feel like we live in this bubble where none of this makes sense to any of us.  None of this makes sense.  But apparently it makes sense to people, how Donald Trump, the guy who never wins, who is just going to speak straight, is now calling for a recount or a redo.  That just --

DANA:  Everybody come back.  Stop.  Sorry.

GLENN:  It's second grade.  It's second grade.

STU:  And he's complaining that the state of Iowa should come down and overturn that election.  Well, it wasn't an election; it was a caucus.  And the state of Iowa doesn't run it.  That's an interesting -- the guy doesn't even understand the procedures of what he's involved in.  And he's acting as if he's the savior for Ben Carson after he spent a month calling him a pedophile and saying he's psychotic.

DANA:  Exactly.

GLENN:  Let's go over what happened.  First of all, as I said yesterday, if I were Ted Cruz -- and I don't think this is dirty tactics.  And I read -- did you find out for me if Rubio was doing this too, Jeffy?  

JEFFY:  We have not confirmed that 100 percent.

GLENN:  So let's not get into it.

It's exactly what I would do.  If someone said on CNN, your competitor is going to not go to New Hampshire.  He's going to spend the week at clothes because he has to get fresh clothes, I would say, "There's something wrong here."  And I would tell my lead caucus people, "Get the Carson people because he's dropping out."  There's nothing wrong with that.  That's absolutely fair game.  Because it didn't make sense.  So you assume that's what's going on.  It's not like you're making this up.  It didn't make sense.  So that's what he did.

Now, like Donald Trump is above any kind of dirty tricks --

DANA:  He has Roger HEP Stones, aka the dirty trickster working with him.  I don't believe that.

GLENN:  Right.  And now, after calling Carson a pedophile, to get in, he sweet-talks.  This is what he does.  He sweet-talks people.  And I'm going to protect you.  I'm going to be there with you.  When all he's doing is bleeding you dry.  Carson has not endorsed Trump, but one of his main campaign guys went to work for Trump.

DANA:  Yeah, went to go work for his campaign.  I'm not surprised.  I think Trump ate up Huckabee's campaign.  And I think he's doing the same for Carson.  He's wanting to get Carson's votes.

GLENN:  How can people who voted for Carson possibly go to Trump?

DANA:  That's a great question.  That's a great question.  And they have no proof.  They cannot point to anybody who left the caucus -- who stopped caucusing with Carson and went with Trump.

And can I say too, how stupid is someone -- like, if you have an operative from another campaign that gets up on stage and is like, hey, I heard your guy is dropping out.  You guys should come caucus with us.  If they believe that, they deserve to lose because that's stupid.  That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

STU:  Well, and first of all, Ben Carson actually over performed many of his polls.  So it's not like this hurt him and he went -- he actually did a little bit better.

GLENN:  It's not like he was going to beat Marco Rubio.

DANA:  They all did well.  Rubio over performed too.  So did Rubio cheat?

GLENN:  So did Cruz.  

DANA:  All of them would have had to cheat.  

GLENN:  Except for Trump.  Except for Trump.

STU:  Does anybody realistically think that 14 points would have been made up because of this one report of this one person at a caucus saying this?  It's absurd.  

DANA:  His people thought he was going to win Iowa, Stu.

JEFFY:  Yeah.

STU:  Oh, that's true.  I guess if they thought that.

GLENN:  They were delusional.

DANA:  I mean, he's a nice guy.  Don't get me wrong.  And I love the way he talks.  I want him to read me a bedtime story, not be my commander-in-chief.

GLENN:  I feel like, if he read me a bedtime story, he would fall asleep faster than I would.


I mean, honestly, that man is almost asleep all the time.

DANA:  Actually, I'm going to redefine it.  I don't know if I think if he's a super nice guy anymore.

STU:  Yeah.  Me too.

GLENN:  No, I will tell you this, what you said on the show yesterday, sticks with me.  Talk about bearing false witness.

DANA:  Yeah, I was really angry about that.  Because I think if you're going to go out there and cite Christ and be the Jesus candidate and be a representative of the faith and be a Christian, then why on earth are you bearing false witness against somebody for what your campaign did.  That's not very Christ-like, and it's a horrible example.  We have people who are running away from the faith because of hypocrisy like this, and we don't need to add another example to the catalog.  Even the devil can quote Scripture, as Carson has proved.

GLENN:  Whoa.  Wow.

STU:  Think about this.  This goes back to something you've talked about a million times, Glenn, is even when good people get into this game, they turn into bad people.

DANA:  They all do.

STU:  They do bad things.  They fall down on their face over and over again.  And it's so rare.  It's one of the reasons why we like Cruz so much.  It's so rare to find a person who can make it through that jungle --

GLENN:  I'm sorry.  I know people -- I'm reading all kinds of horrible things about Ted Cruz, but I mean this sincerely, I have not seen Ted Cruz behave any way other than honorable the whole time.  He has been attacked by every single -- you should -- you didn't go to Iowa, did you?

DANA:  No.

GLENN:  When we went to Iowa, we turned on the television and the radio.  It was nonstop ads.  You got that.  But they were you all attacking Ted Cruz.  All of them.  So every candidate was attacking Ted Cruz.  And yet he never responded in kind.  He wasn't on the campaign trail saying bad things about people.  He was saying what the records were.  But he wasn't saying bad things.  And he was taking the full frontal assault from Donald Trump the whole time.  And he won.  I tell you, if he stays the course, I think you're just -- I think you're going to see -- at some point, America is like the underdog.  At some point, they'll realize, the guy who just won in Iowa is still the underdog.

DANA:  Yeah.

GLENN:  He's still the guy that everybody is against.

DANA:  And he apologized to be classy.  And because he said, "Well, this information that came out from CNN -- because people in CNN were tweeting it before it ever hit television.  When I first saw it, that statement came right after Huckabee dropped out.  And I thought, who goes back to Florida for fresh clothes?  He's totally dropping out of the race.  I thought that.  But I didn't care because he's not a contender.  He's a foil, and I didn't have my eyes on him, except to look at whose numbers he was picking off of.  He was pulling from Trump and Rubio.  He was not even an issue for Cruz.  And so I thought that.

This -- I mean, you can see the time line.  People act like you can't see the time line on Twitter.  You can see when the first talking heads -- Chris Moody.  Jake Tapper who said, we're hearing this from the Carson campaign.  And it sounded like, especially again after Huckabee dropped out, it sounded like he was leaving the campaign.  That's on him and his campaign

GLENN:  Why wouldn't you say that?  As someone who is running a campaign, you would be negligent if you didn't say to your people, "You know what, he's dropping out.  Get his people.  If he's dropping out, get his people."  Negligent.

DANA:  Right.

STU:  The absurd thing was they said, oh, well, he has to get a set of fresh clothes, and he's going to drop out.  

Yesterday, he was still in his press conference talking about his clothing, which was bizarre.  But the accusation is essentially, he'll leave the campaign trail with eight days left before an important state.  Nobody would do that go who is sensible.  What has he done?  He's actually denying he's leaving the campaign.  But he did leave the campaign trail for two days.  His campaign won't put a schedule of public events.  What is he doing?  If you've donated money to this guy, you have to be --

GLENN:  This is the most bizarre election I've ever seen in my life.

STU:  True.

GLENN:  I mean, honestly.  Honestly.  Porky Pig could crawl and claw his way out of Ben Carson's nose, and I would be less surprised.  I would be like, "Oh.  Another thing going on.  Who would have seen that?  I didn't know Porky Pig was real, and I certainly had no idea he was living in Ben Carson's nose."

DANA:  I think Trump is planning a third party run.  If he can't the Iowa G.O.P.  Which they need to respond on this.  RNC is going to have to respond on it.

GLENN:  I will tell you, will you stay for a few minutes?  Because I want to talk a little about Christians and your understanding of what's going on there.  And also, Donald Trump is destroying the G.O.P.  Destroying it.  We are, all of us, at each other's throats.  Carson -- because of Trump, Carson is at Cruz's throat.  Rubio is at Cruz's throat.  Everybody is at each other's throats, when we have much more in common.  And somehow or another, the guy in the middle, Donald Trump, the ringleader, is not getting the shots.  He's the least like us.  And he's setting all of us against each other.  If this guy isn't an operative of the Democratic National Committee, they should send him a giant check just for fun because, thanks.  You've done a great job.  You've destroyed the conservative movement.

STU:  He's trying.

GLENN:  They might do that.  Well, they will -- if Clinton gets in, believe me he won't get a check, but I can guarantee you he'll get some property that he wanted.  He'll get some -- the government will move something out of his way.

DANA:  Oh, yeah.

GLENN:  Sponsor this half-hour is Casper.  After spending a few days in Iowa, you can realize why bears go into caves and hibernate because it is freaking cold.  And there are times that you just want to be in bed and pull up the covers.  For me, that's almost all winter.  No matter where you live, it feels good to crawl into a comfortable bed and just hibernate.  And it's a comfortable bed that you need.  Get a Casper Mattress.  You get the mattress, the sheets, and the pillows.  Did you get the sheets and pillows, Pat, these came out after we ordered the mattress.

PAT:  I got the mattress.

GLENN:  Did you get the pillows and sheets?

PAT:  Yeah.

GLENN:  Anyway, the Casper Mattress, it's really, really great.  You'll have a really comfortable sleep.  Pat can't walk when he doesn't sleep on it because his back is bad.  I can sleep like that and sleep all the way through.  (?) if you don't love the mattress, the sheets, the pillows, they'll pick them up and refund absolutely every dime.  Casper.com.  Use the promo code Beck $50 towards the purchase of your mattress.  Casper.com.  Promo code Beck.  Get $50 off the purchase of your mattress.  Terms and conditions do apply.

(OUT AT 8:24AM)

GLENN:  I'm so excited for tonight's broadcast at 5 o'clock on TheBlaze.  Tonight's broadcast.  Mercury One's first evacuation of the Christians.  You'll go behind the scenes and see the evacuation of these Christians.  149 people.  Thirty-two families.  It airs tonight at 5:00 p.m. if you can't watch it tonight, the entire episode will be available on Friday for download on iTunes and Amazon and Google Play.  So make sure you watch it tonight at 5 o'clock, only on TheBlaze TV.

While we're here talking about Christians, what is happening to people like Jerry Falwell and now Ben Carson?  What is happening to people?

DANA:  Well, I've --


I've never been -- let me put this in a different way.  I've -- I've never been like a big Falwell person.

GLENN:  Oh, I like Jerry Falwell.

DANA:  See, look.  He doesn't pay me to agree with him.  That just goes to show you right there.  I've never been a big Falwell person.

GLENN:  Is it because you're a whore?

DANA:  It's probably because I am.  And a HEP cukservative.  Let's not forget that.  

No, people are mad, and I think even a lot of Christians are allowing anger to get the better of them.  Fear is the lack of faith, and a lot of people are really afraid right now.  And they're running to the wrong things, instead of running to their faith.  They're running to just the wrong things to make themselves feel better about going into this.  And people really don't have patience.  This is not something that you correct in terms of the direction of our country in just like one or two election cycles.  This is a generational thing.  We are done if we think that we're going to go up against the progressive left, who have been putting these pieces together for generations, longer than, you know, your grandparents, great-grandparents.  We're not going to change that in a couple.  And people -- it's too hard for them to go out and change hearts and minds.  You aren't going to do that on Facebook or Twitter.

GLENN:  You remember when I was talking, Stu -- this was years ago.  When I was talking about writing a book called the 100-year Plan.  Do you remember that?

STU:  Uh-huh.

GLENN:  I wanted to come up with a 100-year plan.  Do exactly what the progressives did.  I couldn't get Simon or Schuster or anyone to print the book because they said, "Nobody is interested in the 100-year plan."  And I said, "That's why we'll lose."  Unless we think like the progressives and understand that one election won't do it, we'll never win.  Because they are patient.  They're like the Chinese.  They will just wait.  Look at what's happening.  This is possibly -- this or 2024 will be the last generation that even understands the America we're saying we want to restore.  They won't -- by 2024, they won't understand this concept of America, unless we have not a progressive-lite like George W. Bush or Marco Rubio, but an actual conservative constitutionalist.  Deemphasize the conservative and emphasize the constitutionalist.  If we don't repair the Constitution, you lose religion.  You lose -- you lose it all.  You lose it all.  You lose freedom of speech.

DANA:  I completely agree.  You lose it all.  And I know immigration is the big issue.  But people are so -- they're so focused on that.  They think they have to sacrifice everything else.  I've seen other pundits say, "Oh well, you know, let's just throw abortion out the window."  Why are we having to sacrifice on anything?  Again, it comes to down to fear.  I don't want to compromise.  We've comprised so much.

GLENN:  Draw a line in the sand and just like Davy HEP Crockett.  I'm on this side of the line.  You want to join me on this side of the line, great.  If not, move on.

DANA:  Yeah.  You all can go to hell, I'm going to Texas.

(OUT AT 8:31AM)

GLENN:  We're spending some time with Dana Loesch, who is always a pleasure to have on.

DANA:  Thanks.

GLENN:  She follows my show at 5 o'clock Central, 6 o'clock Eastern on TheBlaze.  She is -- she is -- you're Megyn Kelly.  You're the only one who is even close to Megyn Kelly.  I mean, I don't want to pit you and Megyn Kelly against each other because I love you both.

DANA:  Who do you like more, Glenn?  Come on.

GLENN:  It's a coin toss between you and Megyn Kelly.  You two are the smartest --

DANA:  It's a high compliment.  Thank you.

GLENN:  The smartest women on television.  And both of you will leave you in shreds before you even feel the knife go into you.  You're like, I think I've just been sliced up into little pieces.

DANA:  Thank you.  I appreciate that.

STU:  Wow.

DANA:  That's the stuff I like to hear.

STU:  Wow.  Adorable, yet incredibly violent compliment.

GLENN:  So can we talk about a couple of things?

DANA:  Sure.

GLENN:  Let's talk about how -- for instance, did you see the Tea Party Patriots endorse Cruz?

DANA:  Yes, I was glad that they did.

GLENN:  But, you know, what was really funny, they were on the bandwagon for Trump hard.

DANA:  Yes, yes.

GLENN:  Why do you say that?

DANA:  No reason.  No, they are.

GLENN:  Then their people -- they did a vote, and their people went -- what was it, Pat?  80 percent?

PAT:  I don't remember the percentage.  It was huge though.

GLENN:  It was huge.  Between 60 or 80 percent of the Tea Party Patriots of the vote between the people.  They said, what are you doing?  It's Cruz.  So they had to endorse.  But the leadership was all for Trump.  Same thing it looks like -- I've talked to a few writers at Breitbart.  You call them Trumpbart.  But I've talked to a few writers.  I haven't, but my people have talked to a few writers because they have called us and said, you wouldn't believe -- I mean, we're getting stories.  Spite.  And we have to write certain stories.

DANA:  Oh, yeah, I can imagine.  I mean, Trumpbart.  That's sort of how the way it is.

GLENN:  You worked there.

DANA:  Uh-huh.  I've always been amazed at people's whose business models depended on getting a Drudge link.  And to have someone -- I mean, I don't care.  You know, it is what it is.  But I -- there's a -- there's a bias.  I don't even go to that site and look at it.  I mean, I've looked at it one time and it was all Trump, Trump, Trump.  That's all it is anymore.  That's not even a question.

GLENN:  Can I ask you -- because you used to work there.  You hated me for a while, didn't you?

DANA:  I never hated you.

GLENN:  You just didn't like me?

DANA:  No.  I never did not like you, uh-uh.

GLENN:  You just didn't listen to anybody.

DANA:  No, HEP I except now.  Because you pay and I'm a conservative whore.

STU:  Woo.

GLENN:  Could we define -- (?) is it okay to define --

DANA:  No, don't Google it.

GLENN:  Somebody called me that as well.

DANA:  I felt really Puritan.  Apparently it is now.  (?)

STU:  Street word.

GLENN:  Okay.  Street word.

PAT:  It's like a compound word.  It's really technical.

STU:  We could probably focus on another thing.

JEFFY:  I looked it up.

GLENN:  Here's another thing, how does the G.O.P. and the conservative media survive?  Because here's what's happening, G.O.P. is eating itself right now.  I mean, we've never had an easier candidate to beat than Hillary Clinton.  Never.  Jimmy Carter was harder than Hillary Clinton.  We've never had one that was more out of touch.  (?) everybody -- even her own supporters know that she's a liar.  Okay.  So we've never had someone easier to beat, but because of Donald Trump, we are feasting on each other.  And I feel drawing divisions that are so deep, we may never heal from those.  On top of it, you have the media and organizations selling their soul for positions and power and possibly money.  I don't know.  And you have -- you have it not only in places like Breitbart, but you also have it in Fox News.  Who I don't know if you noticed this, they were all for Trump, until it was clear -- for a while it was neck-and-neck.  Razor-thin margin.  When it was four points difference between Trump and Cruz.  It was one point between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, and they weren't calling it razor-thin.  Four points, they were calling it razor-thin, until they got the story of Marco Rubio.  Then they immediately started talking about what a great thing it would be to have a Hispanic to win in Marco Rubio.

DANA:  Because Ted Cruz is not a Hispanic?

GLENN:  I don't know.  How does the conservative movement survive or doesn't, as we know it now?  How does it survive with this going on?

DANA:  Oh, it's going to be hard.  Because right now, the -- I just see if certain people succeed, the conservative movement, at least the perception (?) it's become unfashionable even within the right and the Republican Party to be a conservative before.  There are people afraid to speak out because they're afraid that it's going to hurt their popularity, it's going to hurt their ad sale.  They're not going to get sponsorships.  (?) you see it happen with a number of different pundits.  You see it happen with a number of different websites.  Because everybody wants to be in the G.O.P. smart set.  (?) everybody started making it about Rubio.  Oh, my gosh, but it's razor-thin there with Cruz and Trump.  By razor-thin, you mean thousands of votes.  That's a pretty huge gap there.

GLENN:  It wasn't razor-thin between Rubio and Cruz.  I never heard one comment, Mann have man, this is getting close.  (?) maybe there's a possibility that Rubio passes Trump.  But it was razor-thin up until the very end.

DANA:  It's so frustrating.  We're up against the guy from Up and the shady chick (?) he just needs the tennis ball on him.

GLENN:  Oh, that's funny.

DANA:  We're up against those people.  It's the easiest thing in the world.  They have (?) cocktail shrimp.  They're the face of the Democrat Party.  We have young people.  We have a diverse lineup.  And everybody is trying to be kingmaker.  You have media entities trying to be kingmaker.  They don't know the difference between being an activist and a kingmaker.

GLENN:  Wait.  (?) explain to us.

DANA:  You're being hops about it.  You're not being a kingmaker.  You're saying, this is my preference.  You're giving your opinion.  But when you run a media outlet and trying to be a kingmaker without disclosing, look, I want this guy in my office because I want to be able to have this influence.

GLENN:  There's a difference between.  (?)

DANA:  Sometimes I'm not even sure you're down the hall.  No, you've never done that.

GLENN:  Right.

STU:  That's one of the most surprising things about the Trump phenomenon.  There's two kind of ways they argue for Trump.  One is we're sick of losing.  We need a winner.  It's such a weird way to (?) against the Democrats.  Usually he's the only one in the field who loses to Hillary Clinton.

DANA:  Wait for all this winning.

STU:  When does it happen?

GLENN:  Does anybody think it's a real possibility -- a real possibility, that he -- and I'm not saying that it was set up in advance, that Donald Trump has done this to destroy the conservative movement?

DANA:  I wouldn't.  I'm not surprised by anything.  There are no coincidences in politics.  There are none.  He's been wanting to run for the White House for 2000.  (?) there's a great book called the deals and the down falls that Wayne.  (?) his White House aspirations.  People should read that book, if you can get it.  The word on the street is that Trump tried to squash it.  You can get it on Amazon for a lot of money.  It's literally like $100 for this book, which was written forever ago.  But he's had White House aspirations for some time.  And he's been friendly with Harry Reid.  He's donated money to Harry Reid.  He's donated more money (?) although I'm suddenly glad he's interested.  I want to make the point too, with all the concern for Ben Carson, some of the most zealous (?) are white nationalizes.  And I'm glad some of the (?) I'm glad to see that happening.  But he's had these -- he's had this goal to run for office for quite some time.  And it's smart.  I mean, I have to give him credit for doing a reality TV show and keeping himself out there in pop culture.  That's great.  But now, what are you bringing to the table besides platitude?  We're going to win so bad.  Okay.  We're still waiting for that part.  Where is the winning?  I see the whining.  I don't see the winning.

GLENN:  Tell me what you think is going to happen.

DANA:  I think there are two outcomes.  You can see Ted Cruz -- for me, it's either going to be Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio that ends up winning, and that's if Trump has decided he has enough ego battering.  (?) because New Hampshire is full of establishments and moderates.  This is the state that the Republican Party never carries in a general, yet they've gone for John McCain and Mitt Romney during the primary time.  I don't see him performing well in South Carolina.  That's something that's going to go either towards Cruz or rube.  The fact that he's not targeting Rubio tells me everything.  (?) he's working to take out Cruz for Rubio just because -- if the guy that's right behind you and that is the biggest threat -- the biggest threat to him isn't Cruz, it's Rubio.

GLENN:  Did you ever consider Rubio as a real candidate for you, personally?

DANA:  I'm concerned about the Gang of Eight stuff.  I want to completely suspend.  And I don't believe in amnesty.  (?)

STU:  He's in another world than the Bushes.

DANA:  He's so not like Jeb Bush.  If Rubio is the guy, I could totally vote for him.  I've come out for Cruz.  But if the nominee ends up being Rubio, that's a heck of a lot better than Donald Trump.  At least you know where Rubio stands about stuff.  Where you have Bernie Sanders who is honest about being a socialist.  (?) Donald Trump is like, well, we'll deport them all.  And we'll use all our resources and all our money to do that.  And then we'll use our money to let them back in.

JEFFY:  We'll use the door.

STU:  The big beautiful door.

DANA:  Right.  That's right.

GLENN:  Here's the problem that I have.  He is honest.  He has been honest.  He's not honest as Pat continually -- because Pat is done with Marco Rubio.

STU:  He's definitely souring on him.

STU:  They have a fight about taking the garbage out.  And they're still battling it out.  (?)

GLENN:  The thing I can't get past more than the Gang of Eight, he is strong on the NSA.  He's not budging on that.  But I admire him for saying that.  But it scares me that we'll have another one who will just make any -- you know, he'll just say, "Hey, for security --

DANA:  But what kind of deals would Trump make?

GLENN:  Oh, my gosh.

PAT:  Oh, please.

DANA:  A little establishment in him, I don't know.

GLENN:  We might all be having this conversation in a different place --

DANA:  I'm going to go into the caves of the on his arc.

STU:  I've always wanted to visit Guantanamo Bay.

GLENN:  We'll all be wearing orange.

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(OUT AT 8:50AM)

PAT:  He was pretending like second was good for him.  Now it's just --

GLENN:  We're back.  And Donald Trump is -- last night on Greta, Donald Trump was talking about this fraud that Ted Cruz -- the guy has turned into Al Gore in the 2000 election.  He wants a recount.  He says this is a fraud.  Here's the most powerful, toughest guy on earth, suddenly a victim of Ted Cruz.  A victim.

PAT:  Uh-huh.  Well, he has to be, right?  Because he's a winner who always wins.  I'm the winner that only wins.  Then he doesn't win.

GLENN:  It has to be something else.

PAT:  So in Iowa, he has to say, (?) I didn't think I would be in the top 400 people.  Then to come in second is amazing.  And now -- and now he's had a few days to sink in --

JEFFY:  Now we found out why I'm second.  Cruz fraud.

GLENN:  How are we going to save our country when we're at each other's throats like this.  Everybody is at -- I mean, I've never seen.  At the height of Fox going after van Jones, my Facebook was never this nasty.  The conservatives are tearing each other apart.  Just, if you disagree, you are the worst person in the world.  You are -- you are -- as Dana was saying, she's now being called a whore because she's not for Donald Trump.  She's for Ted Cruz.  I mean, what has happened to us.  What has happened to us?

PAT:  Well, I will tell you, and you know this.  That's the Trump way.  That's the Trump -- and it has been forever.  Forever.

GLENN:  What's really scary is -- this is exactly.  And I'm sorry.  But this is exactly what Adolf Hitler did with the Brownshirts.  You train your audience, you train your followers to be thugs and to scare people.  And then before you know it, they're beating people in the streets.  When this guy has said three times to his people in large crowds, "Hey, if somebody does something, beat the snot out of them.  Beat them down and I'll spend your expenses for attorney bills."  Why is the press not saying this kind of language leads to violence?  Where are they?

STU:  I don't know.  And it's funny to see Mr. Tough guy who wants you to beat up everybody who disagrees is at the same time is the ultimate victim.  All the people were fooling the voters.

Featured Image: Screenshot from The Glenn Beck Program

President Joe Biden gave his son, Hunter, a sweeping presidential pardon that erased the past ten years of his criminal record.

Despite President Biden's repeated promise that he would not pardon his son, Glenn saw right through the charade. Glenn predicted Biden had always intended to pardon Hunter, waiting until after the election to avoid damaging Harris's presidential campaign despite White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and the entire corporate media establishment reiterating Biden's insistence that he would not pardon his son.

Here are three glaring examples of Biden and the media lying about the president's intentions to pardon Hunter:

President Biden claims he "ruled out" the possibility of pardoning Hunter. 

@independent Joe Biden has issued a pardon for his son Hunter following his conviction on federal gun charges, despite previously claiming he would not do so. The president officially announced the decision on Sunday (1 December) saying that his son had been “selectively, and unfairly, prosecuted” by the Justice Department. In a statement, he said he hoped the American people would understand his decision as a father. The sudden announcement was a full reversal of the stance he took six months ago when he announced publicly he would not pardon Hunter, should he be convicted. #hunter #biden ♬ original sound - Independent

This video shows several times in which Biden publically insisted that he would not pardon Hunter. This elite hypocrisy has become indicative of the Biden administration and the fuel behind Trump's overwhelming victory in November.

Biden owes KJP an apology.

Nobody has more egg on their face after this debacle than White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. As this video demonstrates, KJP repeated Biden's promise not to pardon his son. When Biden went back on his word, she had to scramble to provide some semblance of a defense for his decision.

The corporate media coverup.

The mainstream media belittled anyone who suggested that Biden would pardon Hunter. Now, these clips are a perfect example of the mainstream media's complicity of promoting whatever contradictory narrative emerges from the White House.

Who is Pam Bondi, Trump's new AG pick?

Chip Somodevilla / Staff | Getty Images

With Matt Gaetz out of the picture, President Trump has already named former Florida AG Pam Bondi as his latest pick as his US Attorney General.

As US Attorney General, Bondi will be placed at the head of the Department of Justice, the most crucial role in Trump's plans to root out the deep state. As Glenn discussed on his radio show, the Biden White House has weaponized the Department of Justice, against President Trump in an attempt to thwart his 2024 re-election. The Department of Justice is crooked to the core, and it will take a herculean effort to bring enduring reform to this pivotal government agency.

Does Pam Bondi have what it takes to lead the Department of Justice? What does her resume look like? Does she have any skeletons in the closet that the Democrats could use against her? Here's everything you need to know about Pam Bondi below:

Bondi's Resume

Pool / Pool | Getty Images

Bondi started her career as a prosecutor working for the Hillsborough County Attorney's Office where she handled countless cases that ranged from domestic violence to murder. In 2010 Bondi made history by becoming Florida's first female attorney general. She spent her time in office fighting back against Florida's opioid crisis and openly challenged Obamacare.

Bondi worked with the first Trump administration, using her experience fighting the opioid crisis in Trump's Opioid and Drug Abuse Commission. After Trump was impeached for the first time, Bondi joined the team of defense lawyers fighting back against the prosecution's allegations.

Bondi has spent the last four years working for a Florida-based lobbying firm, but she still showed support for President Trump by making appearances alongside him during the New York City hush money trial.

Bondi's Dedication to fix the DoJ

Pool / Pool | Getty Images

Judging by her track record and the testimony of her colleagues, Bondi is more than capable of tackling the Department of Justice. Bondi has a record of following and enforcing the rule of law and has spent much of her career making communities safer. Bondi has firsthand experience with political elitists and corruption, having worked at nearly every level of the government from the bottom to the top.

Bondi stood by Trump as he faced impeachment and stayed by his side as he faced waves of lawfare after 2020. It's clear that Bondi has great respect for President Trump and is deeply familiar with the weaponization of the Department of Justice. It seems like she has what it takes to fix the system.

Bondi's Potential Controversies

Tom Williams / Contributor | Getty Images

The Mainstream Media wasted no time digging up dirt on Bondi, looking for anything that might stand between her and a Senate confirmation.

The biggest story circulating the media involves a 2013 case about "Trump University," a now-defunct company that offered courses in real estate, entrepreneurship, and other similar courses. In 2013, the New York Attorney General's office went after Trump University due to reports that the program was a "scam." Bondi began a similar investigation, which allegedly came to a halt after she received a $25,000 check from the Trump Foundation for her re-election campaign. Bondi has never been formally accused of illegal activity, but now that she is under the national spotlight, she could face serious scrutiny.

Bondi's tenure as a lobbyist has also been called into question. She was registered as a lobbyist for several foreign and corporate entities, which could be seen as a potential weakness or conflict of interestor at the very least bring her dedication to fighting corruption into question.

Glenn has repeatedly warned about the dangers artificial intelligence poses to humanity. Yet, it seems like every week, some new AI project seems to inch us closer to that worst-case scenario.

It's not all bad. Even Glenn could resist the urge to buy an AI-powered, flamethrower-wielding, robotic dog to accompany him on his ranch. The future is here, and these are threeinsane new ways the power of AI is being harnessed — for better or worse.

AI Jesus

GraphicaArtis / Contributor | Getty Images

Many have wished to have a face-to-face conversation with Jesus, but this probably isn't what anyone had in mind. A church in Lucerne, Switzerland recently teamed up with scientists and computer experts from the nearby Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts to create a digital duplicate of Christ designed to listen to confessions and give scripture-supported advice to those who ask. The computer even creates a hologram image of Jesus that talks to people in real time. The AI was trained with the New Testament and "religious information found online," and is fluent in over 100 languages.

While some are impressed with his answers to moderately complex theological questions, many are skeptical, claiming that giving a machine the face and name of God is a form of idolatry. Others worry that it will turn Jesus into a "woke warrior."

AI Coca-Cola Ad

The holiday season is upon us, and Coca-Cola has released its newest Christmas ad campaign. These latest commercials feature shiny, Coca-Cola red semi-trucks driving through an idyllic winter wonderland on a mission to deliver soda to a festively decorated town — standard holiday ad fare. But this year, Coca-Cola decided to put a "futuristic spin" on their ad campaignthe commercials are all AI-generated. It doesn't take a detective to spot the tell-tale AI hallmarks, from truck wheels that don't spin as the truck is driving to the eerie expressions of the people in the ad that twist and contort in creepy ways. The holiday magic is lost.

AI Grandma

A British telecom company, Virgin Media O2, unveiled Daisy, an AI chatbot designed to scam the scammers. Daisy is designed to sound and talk like an elderly woman and is tasked to deliberately connect with telephone scammers (who typically target older people) and waste their time with heaps of meandering chatter so that scammers have less time to target real people. Daisy has already proved capable of fooling scammers into long phone conversations, which ultimately end up fruitless. Can you think of a better use of AI?

The THREE ways RFK Jr. will Make America Healthy Again

The Washington Post / Contributor | Getty Images

One of President Trump's most popular campaign promises was to "Make America Great Again," and he has employed the help of his former opponent, RFK Jr., to make that promise come true.

In an interview with NPR, RFK Jr. revealed the three directives Trump has tasked him as the new head of the Department of Health and Human Services. These directives aim to cut out the "cancer" that Glenn exposed in his latest TV special that has spread throughout theentire federal government.

Here are the three directives Trump gave RFK Jr.:

1. Rid health agencies of corruption and conflicts.

J. David Ake / Contributor | Getty Images

It is no secret that the departments that fall under the HHS, such as the FDA, NIH, and CDC, are rife with corruption. After the COVID lockdowns raised suspicion that these federal agencies did not have the American people's best interests at heart, Americans have been increasingly distrustful of these institutions. Glenn exposed several instances of corruption across the HHS, from Dr. Fauchi's Covid powertrip to the insidious relationship between private entities like Big Food, Big Pharma, and the federal agencies that regulate them.

RFK Jr. has been one of the most vocal critics of the corruption that has turned these federal agencies against the very people they were created to protect and is the best person to reform these institutions.

2. Return agencies to the gold standard of empirically based, evidence-based science and medicine.

Caroline Brehman / Contributor | Getty Images

Under Biden, the HHS has degraded even further than it had before. Scientific methodology and empirical data are no longer the backbones of these institutions. They have been replaced with DEI and other woke agendas. The Department of Health and Human Services is the second largest federal agency, only behind the Pentagon, with a budget of 1.7 trillion dollarsand over 83 thousand employees. The opportunity for waste and negligence is monumental.

Biden appointed former California Attorney General, Xavier Becerra, to the head of HHS, along with Rachel Levine, a transgender woman, as the Assistant Secretary for Health. Before long the second-largest federal agency started looking like a university DEI office, with hundreds of DEI hires adding to government bloat. Instead of battling the diseases and sicknesses that plague our country, the HHS spent the past four years going after pro-life investigators who were exposing how Planned Parenthood sells body parts of aborted babies, opposing the merger of religious-based hospitals to protect transgender and abortion "rights," and wrestling over Obama-era contraceptive mandates with a group of Catholic nuns. This is quackery and waste on an unprecedented scale.

RFK Jr. is tasked with rooting out the corruption that sprang forth with the Biden administration's DEI agenda and put science back in our health policy.

3. End the chronic disease epidemic with measurable impacts within two years.

Bloomberg / Contributor | Getty Images

Today, despite our modern technology, Americans are sicker than ever before. 129 million Americans have at least one chronic disease, 42 percent have two or more, and 12 percent have more than five. Life expectancy is at a twenty-year low despite the fact that we are spending more than ever on health care. Even our children are sick, with a staggering 40 percent of school-aged kids having at least one chronic disease. One in nine kids has ADHD, and one in 54 has autism, both representing a steep increase over past decades.

America is sick, and Big Pharma is just rolling in the profits. This is where RFK Jr. comes in. He aims to find the cures and preventions to these diseases and make Americans healthy instead of lifelong patients.