Following the Iowa Caucus, Matt Walsh, contributing editor at TheBlaze, wrote a spectacular piece titled, "Ted Cruz Has No Style And No Personality. That’s Why It’s A Good Sign He’s Winning."
Walsh made the case that voters responded to Cruz's constitutional principles and small government ideas rather than an over-the-top personality (which, according to Walsh, Cruz has in short supply).
"As for his personality, I admit it leaves plenty to be desired. It’s even kind of off-putting at times. He has no style," Walsh wrote. "He’s not much of a charmer. He tells bad jokes. He has a weird face. He’s not entertaining at all. He’s not the type of dude you’d necessarily want to get a beer with. I bet he’d order a Stella Artois and spend the whole time giving his list of the most outrageous 20th century Supreme Court decisions, which I actually think would be pretty interesting, but I’m guessing a lot of people would find it lame and head over to the other end of the bar where Chris Christie is shotgunning Miller Lite."
The article also outlined Walsh's view on Trump, the campaign's the larger-than-life personality and Cruz's main competition: "He is not a conservative, he has no principles, he has no integrity, he has no moral courage, and he lacks the judgment and wisdom to govern this country at such a volatile time, or at any time. But, up until now, he was a winner. He wins. He makes deals. He wins. He always wins. He never loses. He should win because he wins, we were told."
Glenn commented on Walsh's article this week on The Glenn Beck Program.
"He's really a great writer," Glenn said. "If you don't know Matt Walsh, he writes for TheBlaze. And he's just one of the best editorialists of the conservative movement, I think."
Walsh applauded Iowa caucus goers for voting on substance over style, calling it a healthy indicator.
"It would be a sign of national health if a wonkish nerd with no swag won the presidency."
Read Matt Walsh's full article at TheBlaze.
Below is a rush transcript of this segment, it might contain errors:
GLENN: All right. Hello, America. Coming up, we'll tell you a little about an article that Matt Walsh that I think is fantastic. It says basically that Ted Cruz has no personality. And that's a good thing. And it explains why he's winning and why he should win.
GLENN: So Matt Walsh wrote something, and he said, there's a few things that I just couldn't be happier about. He said, be nice to get a reprieve from a politician pretending to care about the state of Iowa. They can now move on to pretending they care about New Hampshire, then South Carolina, then Nevada for a few minutes.
As a Maryland resident, considering our primary isn't until late April, when the nomination is already decided, politicians never pretend to care about me. And I couldn't be happier about it.
Anyway, a few thoughts on the race. One, Ted Cruz won in an impressive fashion. Not only did he beat Donald Trump by four points, he outperformed the polls by five points and won more votes in an Iowa caucus than any G.O.P. candidate ever.
Everyone thought Trump was energized, but it turns out the folks in Iowa were much more excited about Ted Cruz. This is particularly impressive when you consider the fact that Cruz is running as a small government, issue-oriented conservative. For God's sake, he vigorously opposed ethanol subsidies in Iowa and still won. Not only that, he won Iowa's heaviest corn-producing counties. In an election cycle dominated by pandering, big government circus clowns, Cruz staying boring, stayed on message and managed the most massive Republican win in the history of the state.
What does that tell you?
Well, as pessimistic as I tend to be, it tells us there may be a reason for optimism. Whether you support Cruz or not, you should be encouraged that someone like Cruz can win so handily, even when the media does everything in its power to hand the election to the guy from The Apprentice.
Whatever else you might say about him, Cruz is radically conservative. He is, quote, so extreme. He's extreme, as Viagra pitchman Bob Dole puts it. And he runs on his own ideas and principles, not personality.
As for his personality, I admit, it leaves plenty to be desired. It's even kind of offputting at times. The man has no style. He's not much of a charmer. He tells bad jokes. He has a weird face. He's not entertaining at all. He's not the type of dude you want to go have a beer with. I'd bet he'd order a Stella Artois. I don't know. What is that? Is that a beer?
STU: Yeah, it's a beer.
GLENN: And spend the whole time giving his list of the most outrageous 20th-century Supreme Court decisions, which actually I think would be kind of interesting. But I'm guessing a lot of people would find it lame and head over to the other end of the bar, where Chris Christie is shotgunning Miller Lite.
The point is, people who support Ted Cruz support him because they like his ideas. They think he's competent. They trust him to stick to his principles once he's in office. You might think there's someone else in the race who better fits this bill: Rand Paul at least equals Cruz in this regard, but unfortunately he's not going to win. But you should still be happy that so many G.O.P. voters are voting based on the right things for the right reasons. It would be a sign of national health, if a wonkish nerd with no swag won the presidency.
It really would.
PAT: He's dead-on as always.
GLENN: He's really a great writer.
PAT: He really is. He is.
GLENN: If you don't know Matt Walsh, he writes for TheBlaze. And he's just one of the best editorialists of the conservative movement, I think.
Cruz is a long way from winning. But last night was a good start for anyone who values substance over style.
Second thing he's happy about: This should be the end of Trump's campaign. It won't be, sadly. But it should be because Trump's one single, solitary selling point was just destroyed. As we've covered ad nauseam, Trump is not a conservative. He has no principles. He has no integrity. He has no moral courage. He lacks the judgment and wisdom to govern this country at such a volatile time or any time. But up until now, hey, at least he was a winner. He wins. He makes deals. He wins. He always wins. He never loses. He should win because he wins, we were told.
JEFFY: Right.
GLENN: That's always bunk, considering the great winner bankrupted four businesses --
PAT: Right!
GLENN: -- destroyed two marriages, and failed spectacularly in many other ventures, sometimes so badly that he's being investigated for fraud. But that was all in the past. And now after a lifetime of failures, he's been reborn as a perpetual winner. And winners win, until they don't. Like this week.
JEFFY: That's right.
PAT: That's so good. That's so good.
JEFFY: And then he leads you to believe that he was planning on losing so it was still a win.
PAT: The Trump University lawsuit brought by the New York Attorney General is for $40 million for fraud.
GLENN: Trump lost to Cruz and almost lost to Rubio, despite being a billionaire celebrity who had gotten more media coverage than every other candidate in the history of the party combined and despite ringing endorsements from supposed conservative stars like Sarah Palin and despite desperate shilling done on his behalf by the likes of conservative media powerhouses like Laura Ingraham, Ann Coulter,, and a variety of ridiculous personalities on Fox News.
PAT: Wow.
GLENN: The media has spent this whole race talking about Trump's shocking political success. But, first of all, he hasn't had any actual success. Second, it's not shocking. He has all the attention, all the money, all the name recognition, and the enthusiastic or tactic endorsements of a bevy of conservative influencers.
Give an illiterate ex-con meth addict a few billion dollars and 8,000 hours of nonstop media coverage, and I bet he even leads the polls for a while. That's not winning. That's accepting a gift you've been handed. When it came time to actually win, he lost. Maybe he'll win in New Hampshire, next, but we've now all seen that the king bleeds. And that's a problem for a guy whose entire platform is, he never bleeds.
Fascinating. There's more to this article that you should read. It's up on From Matt Walsh.
You deserve the truth, and it is just that simple. But some companies mislead you with come-ons, free stuff, and contracts. And lock you into a bad deal. Do you want to do business with a bad company that is not transparent? Or one that is fair, transparent, or honest?
STU: Bad company, I think.
GLENN: No, we're not voting for president.
STU: Okay. We'll do the good company then.
Featured Image: Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz (R-TX) speaks at the Emmanuel Baptist Church on February 4, 2016 in Hooksett, New Hampshire. Democratic and Republican Presidential candidates are stumping for votes throughout New Hampshire leading up to the Presidential Primary on February 9th. (Photo by Matthew Cavanaugh/Getty Images)