Despite what you've heard about Texas being a stalwart conservative state, cities like Dallas and Fort Worth are hashing out the transgendered bathroom issue in schools.
The Fort Worth Independent School District (FWISD) was simply going to push through transgender bathrooms in schools, but conservatives in Texas went crazy after Superintendent Kent Scribner signed guidelines with new protections for transgender students.
"[Conservatives] were going to go to a school board meeting," Glenn said on radio Monday. "Everybody showed up. They took it off of the roster and said, 'No, we're not going to talk about this. We're going to rethink that.' That was the big thing that they were going to rethink --- that we're not doing it."
However, according to the Dallas Voice, the premier media source for LGBT issues in Texas, the Texas-based activist group Fairness Fort Worth is asking people to turn out tonight at a school board meeting to discuss the issue.
"Fairness Fort Worth president David MacHenderson who praised the guidelines as an excellent template for other schools seeking a reasonable solution to the issue, warned that . . . the new guidelines are under attack by the most virulent of conservatives," Pat read from the Dallas Voice.
The publication also reported another interesting tidbit.
"It is rumored that right-wing commentator and radio host -- and I might add hatemonger -- Glenn Beck will be attending the meeting, bringing with him a host of Tea Party activists to speak against the guidelines," Pat said.
Well, that's news to Glenn.
"So the rumor really comes from them," Glenn said. "I'm not going to be at this meeting. I might be now. Now I might be. I hear it's exciting when he shows up," Glenn joked.
Fort Worth Independent School District Superintendent Kent Scribner announced April 26 that he had signed a set of detailed guidelines designed to protect transgender students by clarifying the district’s existing anti-bullying and anti-discrimination policies.
Listen to this segment beginning around mark 1:00 from The Glenn Beck Program:
Below is a rush transcript of this segment, it might contain errors:
GLENN: Dallas/Fort Worth is going through the transgendered bathrooms in schools. They were just going to put it through. The conservatives here in Texas went crazy. They were going to go to a school board meeting. Everybody showed up. They took it off of the roster and said, "No, we're not going to talk about this. We're going to rethink that." That was the big thing that they were going to rethink, that we're not doing it.
Now they're having a big meeting. Is it tonight? In Fort Worth?
PAT: Yes.
GLENN: School board -- the Fort Worth independent school board is having a meeting tonight. And the only reason --
PAT: No, it's Tuesday night.
GLENN: Tuesday night.
PAT: Tomorrow night.
GLENN: The only reason why I found out about this is because Pat brings this in today. And read it.
PAT: Fairness Fort Worth is asking as many people as possible to turn out for the Tuesday night May 10th meeting for the Forth Worth Independent School District board meeting to show support for the new guidelines on transgender issues, recently signed by superintendent Kent HEP Scrivener. Those attending in support of the guidelines are asked to wear red shirts.
JEFFY: Oh, good.
PAT: What should we wear if we don't support?
GLENN: No shirts.
PAT: FFW -- that's Fairness Fort Worth -- president David MacHenderson HEP who praised the guidelines as an excellent template for other schools seeking a reasonable solution to the issue, warned that Scrivener HEP and the new guidelines are under attack by the most virulent of conservatives.
GLENN: Oh, boy.
PAT: He said, it is rumored that right-wing commentator and radio host -- and I might add hatemonger -- Glenn Beck will be attending the meeting, bringing with him a host of Tea Party activists to speak against the guidelines.
GLENN: Now, where is this being posted?
PAT: This is in the, which is the premier HEP media source for LGBT Texas. Okay?
GLENN: Okay. So the rumor really comes from them.
PAT: It comes directly from them because nobody has ever said you were going to be at this meeting.
GLENN: I'm not going to be at this meeting. I might be now. Now I might be. I hear it's exciting when he shows up.
PAT: I know. I know. Now you should be.
And then you flip the page, and it's got a nice picture of you, with the caption, "Right-wing jerk Glenn Beck."
GLENN: I like that.
JEFFY: Man, this paper must be famous for telling the truth.
GLENN: I like that. Right-wing jerk, Glenn Beck. That is nice.
PAT: That's nice. Some trustees and citizens said, they'd like to hear an open discussion. We've planned responses.
JEFFY: Uh-huh.
PAT: We've planned a response that does just that, by educating this is not a protest, but a thank you that we're eager to deliver.
GLENN: Right. Right-wing jerk.
PAT: Right.
JEFFY: An honest conversation.
GLENN: We just want this to be an equal and honest conversation. Right-wing jerk will be there.
PAT: Plus, so dishonest to say that you're rumored to be there, when it is they who are starting the rumor because there was never even -- there was never a suggestion you were going to be there.
GLENN: I didn't even know --
STU: Have you even heard of this before?
PAT: We didn't even know about it.
GLENN: I hadn't heard of it. Didn't know about it.
PAT: We didn't even know about this going on in Fort Worth.
GLENN: No this is something Pat has been watching for in his district. And we've been talking about it in our district.
PAT: Yes.
JEFFY: But this is Fort Worth, man. Coming home to roost.
GLENN: Oh, no. Fort Worth -- Dallas is very liberal. Fort Worth is still a little bit conservative.
JEFFY: Yeah.
PAT: Well, Dallas proper is liberal, just like all big cities are.
GLENN: Yeah, big cities.
JEFFY: Right.
PAT: But when you get out into the suburbs, it's really conservative.
GLENN: They'll have that changed in no time.
PAT: They will. They will. They're working on it. Yeah.
GLENN: They'll have that changed in no time.
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